Sunday, December 12, 2021

I Just Don't Know

     I completely forgot to mention the coffee experiment last week. On that first Monday of off eating I stopped by Dunkin Donuts to give a latte a try. I had no idea what I was ordering and opted for the fancy schmancy whipped cream topped peppermint latte. The big problem with having no idea of what I was ordering, I ordered it all wrong, which turned out to be a pleasant mistake. What I got was a plain latte with a peppermint swirl, and I have to say, that was the absolute right way to go. I really enjoyed it, and went out later in the week for another's except this time I had an idea what I was doing so I went with a caramel latte which was even better. These are only available to me when I'm in my off week, there are far too many carbs in one for my normal keto eating, so I decided to get some Dunkin Donut pods and give their straight coffee a try. It's not the same enjoyable drink as the latte, but it's tolerable and way to get in that good ECGC effect from coffee that is what I really want from it. ECGC is kind of a catalytic effect from coffee and green tea which helps in reducing inflammation and aids in weight loss. There's also a belief that it aids in knocking down some chronic diseases. I'm not too sure on that last one, but the other two are the reason I wanted to give coffee a fair shot. So far so good. I've had a cup a day this week, and things are going well.

     This week has been unusual because of the influx of nurses and social workers that have come in for the hospice care. They even mentioned that they could send someone to sit with my mom so that I could have a break, but in all honesty, I have no idea how to ask for that. I've been doing this so long with little help, that I don't know any other way of doing things right now. Getting a few hours for myself seems like a luxury that I shouldn't have. This kind of goes along with my reasons that I don't like Christmas or my birthday. I simply feel undeserving of gifts. I always have. There is always and awkward feeling the envelopes me when I open a gift from anyone. The thought that they could have given this to someone else more deserving than me, or that I really don't need anything. I know how weird that sounds, but those are my exact feelings any time I receive a gift. I simply don't deserve it. This also the reason I hated competing at martial arts tournaments. Even if I worked hard and won based on my skill and merit, I felt like it was the wrong choice. The only time I felt accomplished in winning at a tournament was the time I won a partners medal with my friend. Even then it was more out the pride a felt for her and that she was the reason we did so well. I know this is some deep psychological stuff that I haven't found a way around, but it's how I've always felt, even as a kid. When Christmas day came, I was always excited for the presents, but more for the gifts that others received, that and watching the pets play in the ravaged wrapping paper. Yeah, I'm very broken.

     I wanted to share one picture from Friday Night Vinyl because this record is super cool. It's a repressing of The White Stripes album White Blood Cells done in peppermint swirl. Interesting fact and the reason the did this particular style with this record is that they originally considered calling themselves The Peppermints due to the love of peppermint from Meg White. Ok, history lesson behind us, here is the photo of the record. Oh, this is the best side. Side B doesn't show as much red. 


     A quick recommendation for your viewing pleasure. On Disney + is a new documentary about the Beatles. It's called Get Back and it was originally filmed to be one of their famed album related movies, but was never released for many reasons. Peter Jackson directed this old footage from when the laid down tracks that were on Abbey Road and Let it Be. The most intriguing part of the whole thing is watching them go through the writing process. It was so fantastic to see that creative side of things that you never really see. You always see the end product and miss out on what truly goes on with the writing of an album. The whole documentary peaks with the very well known rooftop performance that they did above the Apple Studio which is of course the Famed Abbey Road. That final part alone makes the documentary worth watching, but don't skip out on the process that they go through. There is also some drama when George Harrison quits the band for about a week right in the middle, which delays a whole slue of things they had planned. Give it a watch you might just learn something you didn't know and possibly enjoy it.

    Ok, a little self promotion with Favorite Thing of the Week. My buddy decided several weeks ago to put out an update video for The Pepperoni Report, and after getting over myself and my lack of desire to do anything that I'm passionate about, I got off my tail and filmed my part of the video. I couldn't do what I wanted to so I just filmed it straight. There's reason I couldn't do what I had initially intended to do one of which was that I couldn't find my window mount of ray GoPro but also that lack of desire to actually be creative. This lack is one thing that is truly killing me right now. I don't understand it and I can't get around it. I've tried to sit down and write, but can't do it. I want to pick up a pencil and pad and draw, but can't manage to actually do it. It's beyond frustrating at this point and simply proves that I'm even more broken than I want to admit. Setting that aside for another time, here is the video for an update on what is going on with The Pepperoni Report.    

     By the way, if you want a good book to read or even listen to, pick up The Storyteller by Dave Grohl. It's Dave telling his story. Right now I'm on the part where he was at the Kennedy Center Honors. Just a heads up, when he discusses the death of Kurt Cobain, it's as heartbreaking as you would expect it to be. So far it's really really good, and he has some really funny stories to tell.

     That's all for this week. Peace in and goodnight.

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