Sunday, December 19, 2021

Take The Box

       I thought I'd start off with a coffee update. I'm currently having a cup while I write this. Still Dunkin but this was a different' flavor. Mind you these are the pods. This one is Caramel Me Crazy, while the other I got was French Vanilla. This one is not my favorite. It smells nice, but it tastes burnt, which is a bummer. There is very little caramel flavor in it, so I'm going to stick with the French Vanilla for now on, but I have to use up all the caramel pods first which kind of sucks. Oh well, maybe I'll develop a taste for it by the time I'm done.

     Got some pretty rad news this week, when the social worker from Hospice called me. This was a temporary SW (not sex worker but social worker, yeah I saw the mistake right after typing it) and she filled me in on a few of the things that they offer clients. One of which was a respite at their Hospice House. They are staffed 4-1 nurses to patients and each patient has their own room for up to 5 days a week. They say this is for my benefit so that I can get a break, but I see it as more as a benefit for my mom since she will be in a protective environment and get to meet and see new people. I honestly don't know what I'll do with myself with all that free time. I've planned her visit to coincide with a service appointment with my car. I was struggling with a way to figure out how to get this done and the answer was gifted to me. Maybe I'll see a movie or something. I'm hoping to maybe do a review or two with The Pepperoni Report, but who knows. By the way, if anyone wants to hang out between Jan.7th-Jan.11th, hit me up. I'll have free time, but expect to see me in a mask.

      Speaking of mask, new cases are on a rise again, especially here in Florida where our Governor has chosen the let's let everyone get it approach. I can't find a testing site anymore, but there's a monoclonal antibody site right outside my neighborhood. They are calling it the treatment approach, this is of course opposed to the preventative approach. This is my main problem with most doctors, they are reactive as opposed to proactive. I was floored when my partner in TPR told me his doctor wanted him to change his eating habits as a preventative measure to avoid problems that were very much on the horizon for me. To me, that is a great doctor. One that truly cares about their patients and not their bottomline, and that is exactly what the treatment method is with the state of Florida. They are taking care of the bottomline and not the citizens of the state. Ok, that's my political rant for the month.

     I have a bit of a quandary. As you know, I go out very early in the morning and drive around and spin Pokestops. It's the easiest way for me to get that done since it's 3-4 in the morning and there is no way my mom will be awake. Well, this Friday/Saturday was where the quandary arose. I go to the little downtown area where there are a lot of Pokestops. That way I can fill up my item bag and then go home and not really have to worry about needing balls, berries, or potions for the rest of the day. I'll explain all of those some other time, but trust me they are necessary to play the game. While I spin the stops I'm also looking for grunts to battle. In the game a grunt is a member of Team Rocket. If you ever watched the animated series you know Jessie & James along with their Pokemon Meowth. Well in Pokemon Go, Team Rocket has them, but also consists of a big boss, Giovani, three leaders, Sierra, Arlo, and Cliff, as well as the grunts or foot soldiers if you will. You can find the grunts at random Pokestops and when you fight them, you get to catch something known as a shadow Pokemon, another thing I will talk about at another time, and you get a piece of a Rocket Radar. The Rocket Radar is how you find the leaders to fight them to get better shadow Pokemon. Giovani is a whole other thing. Anyway I had stopped on the side of the road to fight a grunt I had come across, and as I was sitting there, I noticed a person walking up the road about a quarter of a mile off. They were zigzagging from  side of the road to side of the road so I figured it was the random drunk that had somehow found a nice place to pass out for a while. As they got a bit closer I noticed that it was a woman, and I began to wonder if maybe something had happened to her. There are a lot of things that can happen to a woman in an area that is known for it's night time environment. I finished up with the grunt and caught my shadow Pokemon and started the car and began driving towards her. Several thoughts crossed my mind, should I see if she needs help, should I see if she needs a ride. Instead I just drove passed her, with the thought of, what if I give her help and my face is the only one she remembers and I get the blame for what happened to her. I drove by out of my own selfishness, and I can't quite get passed that. I will say that Morty was also in the car which really wound't have been a problem because he would only want the pets. You see this is how I'm trying to defend my lack of courage in helping someone that could have been in need. Do you think I did the right thing, or did I complete fail that woman? I really want to know, just leave a comment below, the comment section is fixed now and I can comment back. I'm really torn over this whole event and even if I'm reassured that I did what was best I won't see it that way.

     Ok, on to more fun things. Ri Ri has had some issues that last few nights with not being able to sleep and pacing around the house. I think it may have something to do with the full moon, but she has never acted this way before so I can't be at all sure. I tried giving her the calming medication that the vet gave me and it kind of worked, but not as effect as in previous uses of it. Anyway, as I was making my coffee this morning this is how she was looking at me. Mind you part of her anxiety appears to be me not being near her. She has to be near or in proximity of me at all times and when I sleep I'm in a whole different room from her. 

     I'm telling you, she is the sweetest girl, you just wouldn't know if it you ever met her cause she would try to chew your face off. This is also part of the overprotective thing with me. I do think with all the nurses coming in the house the past week she is beginning to mellow on that, but not enough that I could just leave her inside when they come.

     I think there was something else I wanted to talk about but right now I can't remember what it was. I should really jot stuff like this down during the week and then read the notes when I write this. Oh well, lets just get to Favorite Song of the Week. I had several that I could choose from this week. I even shelved this one at one point for another one, but I'm going back to this one for the very reason I chose it. One it's really good, and two it highlights the talent of someone that I think you will very soon know a great deal about. This goes back to Kurstin and Grohl and their Hannukah series. This performance was from night 5 and I know you are already going, "but I know who Dave Grohl is". I know you do and I even featured this performer once before with Dave. The reason I chose this one is not Dave but his daughter Violet. She not only is an incredible singer (Dave has said that he wants to be in her band), but she is an amazing mimic. The first performance I shared was their version of X's Nausea, and she did perfect punk style vocals. I've also seen video of her doing Adele and Nirvana covers and with the Nirvana one especially she sounds exactly like Kurt Cobain. I'm telling you, she is going to be the next big thing at some point, so you may as well get to know her and her talent now. Her is Night Five featuring Violet Grohl performing Amy Winehouse's, "Take The Box".


      The shear joy and the conclusion just puts it over the top for me. Get ready, because she will get a record deal at some point, and based on Dave's book The Storyteller, he may get kicked out of the band for his daughter Harper on drums. I guess he could still be on guitar but it would be very Dave if Harper got the gig and he didn't. By the way, that is a great book and it just reaffirms my option of him as a rad dude. A friend once did a post asking if you could talk to anyone alive or dead who would it be. My reply was Dave Grohl cause he just seems rad. That was a few years ago when I commented that, and each year proves me more and more right.

     Peace in and goodnight.

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