Monday, June 6, 2016

Hurricanes are the Reason for the Season.

     It's hurricane season in Florida, and that means, that the news outlets go crazy and overload you with information. They have constant news breaks during non news hours, and then during the news, they show weather updates for practically the whole hour. State Officials want you to make sure that your car is full of gas, your cell phone is charged, you have plenty of water and provisions, and that you trim all your trees back.

     Here is what the native Floridian does. We make sure we have booze, plenty of it, and maybe some hotdogs. We sit on then we proceed to have a Hurricane Party, and watch the storm go by. If you've lived in this state for any length of time, you have gone through a Hurricane, or at least the preparation for one that was over exaggerated by the local media. We tend to have a sense of what storm is going to do what, and have a pretty good idea of where it's going to go.

     The whole state is under a state of emergency, but in reality, the only place that really has any concern, is the northern part of the state, especially the part where the northeast side of the storm is going to hit. That is the side that does the most damage. Most of the tornadoes are found on that side of the storm. I am far below the storm, and we've really only gotten a combined half hour of rain at this point. I do have concern for my fellow Floridian up in the northern area, but I"m not worried in the least bit for myself.

     I'm sure that tomorrow, I will see several of the memes of the small outdoor plastic furniture with one of the chairs knocked over declaring that we survived Colin. If there is a lot of damage, we will do what we always do. Watch the politicians skirt the money to places that it isn't needed, while the rest of us pick up the pieces and rebuild. I've lived here my whole life, and I've seen it play out many times now.

     On to something a little more fun. That's right, it's time for the "Favorite Song of this Week". I'm putting it in quotes now, to make it seem far more important. In the middle of last week, Matt & Kim released a new video for their song, Let's Run Away. It's a fun little song and video that they did themselves with a new technique. The basically tied a go pro to a string and wooden hanger. Then they swung it around and did fun stuff. so without further adieu. Here is Matt & Kim with Let's Run Away.

     Peace in and goodnight.

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