Sunday, September 24, 2017

I'd Like To Introduce You To.

     I have someone that I would like to introduce you to, but first, we need to get the story before the story. You may remember that I mentioned early this week or maybe it was earlier last week. I'm not completely sure right now, that I was giving the humane society another week to get a hold of me about the in home visit with The Truff. That week came and went, and no word from them, so it is with a sad heart, that I have to say that I've decided to put the idea of Gypsy having a home with me away.

     I also mentioned that I was searching around for other dogs that might be a good fit, and as always The Truff was going to have the final say on anything. While I was searching around the internet yesterday for local shelters and what dogs were available, I happened to notice that the local SPCA was having an adoption event. Due to Irma, they were overflowing with pets, and they were running a special for any dog over 6 months of age. The cost for an adoption during this time? Only $5. You read that right, it is only going to cost $5 to adopt a dog over the age of 6 months.

     That is one of the locations of two of the dogs I was looking at, so I decided that yesterday was a good time to head down there and see about those dogs. I got there about an hour before the closed, and I knew that I wouldn't be adopting that day, but I get start the process. The first dog I saw was the one that I thought had the greatest potential to get along with The Truff. She was a Pitbull mix and she happened to be afraid of cats. I thought this could be ideal. The Truff isn't a cat, but since she is small, it might cause the other dog to just shy away from her. Not an ideal reaction, but one that we could all live with. Star was beautiful, but she had more issues than they mentioned on her bio on the website. She is very territorial and I got to witness that as we went back into the shelter to put her back in her room. She lunged at a doorway that another dog was in. She was also very aloof in her interaction with me. She is a sweetheart, and I hope she finds her fur-ever home soon.

      The second dog was also a pitbull mix, and she was great. The interaction was promising, so I decided that I would bring The Truff to meet her today. That meet didn't go very well at all. Charlee was similar to Gypsy in that she was a little too rambunctious for The Truff, and she even snarled at The Truff at one point. That was a no go for sure. I'm fortunate in that I happened to know one of the women that works there, and she was on top of things. She asked if I wanted to try other dogs with The Truff since I was there. I was up for it, and The Truff was hanging in there. She brought out a male dog, which I hadn't given any thought to male dogs. I don't know why, I've just always owned female dogs. They are what I know. This dog, also a pitbull mix, was adorable. He was active, but not too active. He sniffed out The Truff in her carrier, but then he could do with or without what was going on in the carrier. I took The Truff out, and even she was more relaxed in his presence. It finally came down to a moment when I was squatting down, holding The Truff, and Monsur sat right between my legs, he turned his head to look at The Truff, and then just casually turned around. It was a match.

     We began the adoption process. In a matter of an hour, I was driving home with Monsur in the car, that was when I decided we needed to do something about that name, so, I would like to officially introduce you to Morty.

     He has shown little interest in The Truff, which is what The Truff wants. He is maybe the best dog ever, I'm totally biased on this and I'm not apologizing for it. He has been following me around everywhere, and he just wants to hang out and be near people. This is the best case scenario. To make it even better, he and The Truff went outside together. He tried to sniff her out, and she didn't want anything to do with it, and he was just like, "ok, I'll give you time.", and off he went. This is perfection in a furry family. Morty is a little over 5 years old, and that is exactly what I wanted. He has gotten through those puppy years, and is just a great chill dog. When He goes outside I know when he is ready to come back in, because he goes straight to the door.

     I'm pretty sure that I don't have to tell you, that you are going to see many more pictures of him in the coming weeks, and possibly years. I'm glad I went up to that shelter, and I'm glad that I went through a tiny little search, because I found the perfect dog for this house. I'll leave you with one more adorable picture of Morty and as always, peace in and goodnight.

Oh yeah, that tail is always wagging. Isn't it the best?


  1. He's beautiful so glad you waited and found the perfect match. He will be protective and company for your mom.

  2. He's absolute perfection! Can't wait to meet him.

  3. And I love the name - well...I'm a Moriarty fan and Morty reminds me of that...:-)

    1. I like your thinking, but it is more in reference to Rick & Morty
