Thursday, September 21, 2017

My Prediction Was Wrong.

     It has felt like an exceptionally long week, and yet, it is once again a short one. Something very interesting happened today though. The boss walked around asking everyone if they wanted an advance on their vacation check, since we didn't work at all last week due to Irma coming through. I'm not completely sure, but I believe that I am the only one that turned him down. Everyone took the advance as far as I know. This is just my opinion, but to me, that speaks of an essence of greed. They didn't save for that proverbial rainy day, one which actually came, and they are jumping at the opportunity to get a little change in their pockets. Here is where the greed comes in, as the boss was walking around, another employee was walking around giving everyone information to get money from the state labor board for lost employment. They are going to double dip, and then, and  this is the real kicker of all of this, they will be the first to complain that they are missing money, when their vacation time comes up, and they are short. This will eventually bite them all in the ass twice. The first time with the vacation check, and the second time when they are hit for the taxes on that money taken from the state. I know at least a few of them are going to go out and do something frivolous with the money since they know they are getting more from the state. They are so concerned about right now, that they are forgetting about the future.

     Learn from this, and plan ahead. I didn't even bat an eyelash when they asked me, I immediately said no. I already have everything covered with savings, so I don't need it, and I definitely don't want to pay any extra taxes that I don't have too. I think I will get several laughs out of all of this by the time it is over.

     Last night was the results from the finale of AGT. I did not go 2 for 2 in back to back years. My pick to win it all, didn't even make the top 5. I have no explanation for why Preacher Lawson didn't make it. The only thing I think it could have been, was that he went long on one of his bits, but that was the whole point for the set up for the eventual punch line. This is the clip of his final performance on the show, let me know what you think of the bit.

     With Preacher not making it into the top 5 I had to go with my back up favorite for the win, and I was wrong on that one. Mandy Harvey was the one who I thought could have a chance, but it would be hard to overcome Preacher's presence on stage, but she had a chance. She is a fantastic singer, and get ready for this, she is deaf. She lost her hearing 10 years ago when she was a music major in college. She thought her life was over at that point, but she picked herself up, and figured out a way to move forward, and part of that was singing, and playing music again. Her performance for the finale was flawless, so I thought her story, along with her talent could put her over the top. I was wrong. Her is her performance from Tuesday night.

     It really doesn't get much better than that right? Plus, she is a Florida girl, how could I not pull for her. In reality, there were no bad acts in the finale. Every act is deserving of getting something out of this show. The group acts, should definitely get a Vegas gig somewhere. Preacher will be a headliner in clubs and should have a special on either Netflix or HBO, or whatever network wants to put him up for one. Mandy Harvey should get some sort of a recording contract out of this. There was a dog act that could easily become part of Universals animal show. Here is why I say Universal. They own Marvel comics and all that good stuff, they even have an area at Universal Orlando dedicated to Marvel characters. Why do I mention Marvel comics in all of this. Sara the dog trainer is definitely a Marvel nerd, and I don't use nerd in a bad sense. The names of her dogs are, Hero, Loki, and Marvel. Come on, they are tailor made for Universal Studios.

     The rest of the singers could end up in a broadway show or something along those lines, and the winning act, I could easily see as part of The Muppets or maybe Sesame Street. The winner was Darci Lynne. She is this shy little girl that found her voice through puppets, and she is a really good ventriloquist. One of the best that I've seen. The only reason I didn't think she could win it all, was because I thought her acts was just a little too niche. I was clearly wrong. She is truly fantastic, and she is no going to have a show in Vegas for a year, after that, she can do anything. I could see her doing a yearly Christmas special or something. I could even still see her on The Muppets and Sesame Street, although she may be a little too big for them after all of this. This was her finale act.

     I am almost certain that she writes her own material as well, and that is key for this type of act. I've seen several ventriloquist on that show, but they had no material. It's the same thing with impersonators. It doesn't matter how good you are, if you don't have good material, and Darci Lynne did. I remember her first audition for the show, and she blew me away, and I do believe that I said at that time, that I didn't know if she could go all the way, because you would need a lot of material. Clearly she had enough, and from what I saw in the little video piece they did before her performance, she has several other puppets that she never introduced to the AGT audience.

     I really hope that I see all of these acts in the future, doing something, there were that good. AGT has done a good job with past winners. They are either touring in some capacity or they have their own shows in Vegas, that keep getting renewed. The season 2 winner is signed to a deal through the next 5 years, and he was a ventriloquist. The crazy thing, i think Darci is better than he is. I'm just still lost over how Preacher Lawson didn't win. I'm with Howie on the assessment of him. He is going to be the next big thing in comedy.

     I found out some bad news tonight. One of the motovloggers that I follow on Youtube, was in a very bad accident. One that is very similar to my friend Elie. She is a rider in Miami, and she does ride a little risky. She is normally in yoga pants and a tank top. She does wear a helmet and gloves at all times though. What I've been able to piece together, is that she was t-boned on her Ducati Monster. She broke both of her legs, and I saw an Instagram story with her saying she was going into surgery, and I think she said something about her neck. Not too sure about that one. I do know, that she now has external supports sticking out of her leg. This was what the doctors said Elie was going to have, but they ended up not doing it with her, and her legs are doing just fine. She was recording when she was hit, and she said in her latest Insta story that she has her laptop, and is going to begin editing the video of her accident. Here is a link to her Instagram. If you have the time or are so inclined, go and leave a comment on her photos or send her a message of good hope. I know she will enjoy it. She is a very bubbly and sweet person, and this isn't getting her down, but everyone needs a little help some time.

     That's it for tonight. I'm going to try and see the new Kingsman movie this weekend, so I'll have a review for you on Sunday, and I'm still slacking on the Irma video. I may just scrap the whole thing, and just do the helmet review. I going to try to get the B roll footage tomorrow for that. I just need to find the right location to mount the GoPro for a good angle. I'm planning on having that up Sunday some time. I'll see you Sunday. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. She is fabulous best I've seen.

    1. My favorite will always be Willie Tyler & Lester, but she is very very good. Definitely a star in the making.
