Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Things You Learn When You Open Your Heart.

     The Truff is no longer showing even the slightest bit of fear around Morty. In fact, I saw her chase him once. Not in any aggressive sort of way, but it was playful. She still doesn't want much to do with him, but when he sniffs at her, she only takes a step and then turns around to face him. For the most part, she has been following him around, and he is being somewhat protective of her when they are outside. That is of course unless he is playing fetch with a tennis ball. He barrels through the yard at high speed, while skillfully avoiding her if she is in his path. She just looks at him like he's crazy.

     I mentioned that Morty likes sleeping on the couch now, and that is his spot. Here is a picture of what he looks like sprawled out on the couch.
Ok, so he only lays like that when he sees me coming to pet him. That is his spot though, and he is there as I type this. I learned a few more things since Tuesday about Morty. I have had to set an alarm for 2:30 in the morning, so that I can let him out. He did have an accident one night because I didn't wake up to take him out. I don't want to do that clean up job again, so I will gladly wake up for 15 minutes or so, emphasis on the or so, to avoid that natural disaster.

     The other thing I learned was on our walk last night. There were several times that we came across other dogs. The first was two large dogs in a backyard, that just barked and barked and barked. Morty paid them no attention what so ever. He just went about his business walking and sniffing. I was so proud of him for that. The other occasion was a gentleman walking his small dog in the street. Morty and I had to walk in the street as well because there was no sidewalk on our side, and the gentleman was crossing to the other side of the street at the time. Morty did take some interest in the small dog. It wasn't anything more than a desire to go over and meet this new dog. It didn't take much to redirect him either. He was better on the leash and didn't pull as much, so when I gave him a slight tug and told him to, "come on", he did with only a little hesitation. Once again, I was a proud pitbull daddy.

     I may take him to this little downtown area tomorrow and walk along the river with him. It will give me a chance to see how he interacts with other people. I don't see him having any problems, but I'm going to keep a good grip on his leash when we go there.

     As you may have guessed by the fact that I will be taking Morty for a walk in that little downtown area, I am off tomorrow. Yep, another short week in the books, but I was kind of hoping for this one. Since my nights have been disturbed by waking up in the middle of the night to let Morty go outside, I am exhausted. I've been a walking zombie all day today, and was only picked up briefly for my guitar lesson. I learned Little Red Corvette by Prince today. I don't know that I've put as much emphasis on my Prince fandom on here as I did the 365, but if you have been following along since those days, you know very well, that I am giant fan of The Purple One. I have the Love Symbol tattooed on my left rib cage, and it was worth every bite of painThis is a poor representation of the Love Symbol Ƭ̵̬̊ but that will give you a small idea of what it looks like. I could probably dig up a picture for you. I think I will.
     There you have the real deal McGraw right there. Form my experience, it hurt like hell to get my ribs done, and I thought I would never do it again after that, but then went with the Bowie tattoo on the other side. I'm truly happy with both of them, and glad the I got them, and also glad that I don't have to do my ribs ever again. That is, unless I complete lose my mind and decide to get a body suit done. Not going to happen. 

     That's it for tonight. I plan on spending the weekend getting to know the in's and out's of Morty, so I'm not going anywhere. I did want to leave you with one last picture, just to show you that I'm not neglecting The Truff. I took this yesterday when she was out following Morty around. I tried to get them both in the picture but Morty took off to do his own thing. So, here is The Truff wishing you peace in and goodnight.


  1. Sounds like Morty is doing fantastic. Like Morty, and like Sheldon on Big Bang, I have My Spot too. :-)

  2. They both are gorgeous. So glad their getting along.
