Sunday, October 1, 2017

I'm Really Tired.

     It has been a very long weekend. Morty has settled in, but he is now taking liberties with everything. He needs a ton of attention, and I think that is because of living in the shelter. I'm not sure how long he was in there, but I don't get a moments rest with him around. He has awoken me every morning that I've had off at 6:30, and that is after the fact that I have an alarm set for 2:30 to take him out in the middle of the night. I'm sure this is probably from being in the shelter and he feels like he might lose the attention. I wouldn't change a thing, except maybe the letting me sleep in an hour or so. It's going to take some adjusting from both of us.

     The Truff is adjusting just fine. If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen this picture. This is during their morning feeding. I keep the separated so that Morty won't eat The Truff's food, but she followed us out to the other room and watched him eat for a while. She is no longer nervous around him at all. She still keeps her distance if he initiates any contact, but she gets really close to him now. At one point I let them out tighter, and when I went to the back door to let them in, they were both standing side by side staring up at me, waiting for me to open the door.

     I didn't get around to taking Morty to the little downtown area that I wanted to go to. There weather has been hit and miss all weekend, and I needed to find some time to ride and get a video together, since I hadn't done one in a few weeks now. The picture to the right is how Morty and I spent most of our time. He would occasionally chase lizards around the yard, still never catching any. I put a little clip of it in the video that I will add on her a little later. I also have a photo of what happened when I tested Morty out with the skateboard. Morty is definitely not a skateboard dog, yet. I explain it a little in the video. Here is the full story. I got on the board and Morty began his usual pulling on the leash. With the skateboard, that is a good thing, but then he realized that there was little resistance, and he just went for it. We were going pretty fast, and then he started running back and forth across the front of the board, and since we were going so fast, his distance each time across was less and less. He was slowing down to make the turns, but the board was maintaining speed. Hooray 121c Skateboard. Good for the board, but bad for Morty. I could see the future playing out right in front of me. He began to cut across again, and the angle was going to bring him right into the front of the board. I quickly stepped my foot down, and pushed the board back to stop it. This of course sent me flying. Morty was still pulling as I was trying to bail, and I got yanked forward with him and the momentum of movement. I tucked as best I could and slid across the sidewalk. Morty stopped when he felt dead weight on the leash. I have a pretty good raspberry patch on my leg and knee, but I would rather have that, than see him hurt.

     The picture I have in the video really doesn't do it justice. I took that when it was pretty fresh, so it didn't have much time to get the blood to the surface. Now that it's scabbed over, it looks really tasty. Oh, and it hurt like hell when I tried to sleep last night. Just one more thing to keep my from precious sleep. I am so tired.

     Joke is on Morty tomorrow. I'll be back to my work schedule, so I will wake him up at 5 in the morning tomorrow. I think I'll jump on him again, like I did on Tuesday morning. Sweet revenge. When I say, jump on him, I don't really mean jump and land on him. I just mean to jump on the couch near him and cuddle him until he gets up. It's still revenge I say.

     I guess it's about time I let you see the latest video. I got in a quick one yesterday, did an edit and got it posted by 11 o'clock last night. I kept it pretty short, and most of it is a little montage of ride footage with music accompaniment. I like the way it came out, but I need to work on the edits a little more. I could have taken more time with it, but I didn't have a variety of different footage to take from, so I just slapped it together and got it up, so you could have something to watch in your spare time.

     Something I didn't mention in the video, is that I had to change the mount a bit t on my helmet again. I finally got some extension arms in for the mount, since I had one that was cracked, and it was compromising the whole mount. I don't think I would have lost the camera, but it wasn't very stable anymore. I could move it rather easily, and that was no bueno. I might need to play with the angle a little more, so that I can get it just right. I don't know about you, but when I watch motovlogs, it bugs the crap out of me, when the person has a poor angle for their footage. I think that my angle has just a little too much of Saki in the frame, so I need to tilt it up a little to get more of the forward view. I want you to believe that you are riding Saki and that is what you would see. I want a true first person point of view in it. That is the main reason that I haven't showed my face in the videos. If I did that, it no longer becomes your view, it is you looking through my view. Yes, I know that is what it actually is, but it's all about the theater of mind. Yes, I know theater of mind is more commonly a phase used with radio stories, but I think it still applies to this. Really, I haven't lost my mind, there is a true method to my madness.

     Oh, I feel like I need to explain the "close call". I like to take that particular corner pretty fast, and I never saw a car enter that turn, so the guy had been sitting there for some time, not to mention, he was sitting in a very bad spot. If you notice once he gets going, he has a lot of lane still left before he has to yield to other traffic. When I came around that corner, you can hear me accelerating. As I got near the apex of the turn, I noticed him and had to hammer on the breaks. The video doesn't show it, but the rear tire lost traction briefly. Thank you ABS, you kept the tire from completely locking up on me. Fortunately I grabbed a hand full of clutch as well, so when the tires caught traction again, they didn't have that springboard affect that would have caused me to high side. A high side is when the big starts to skid and then abruptly regains traction throwing the rider up and over the bike. High sides are some of the worst ways to crash. It is much better to low side, skidding and the bike falling over and the rider generally following behind the bike, than to high side. Lots of road rash with a low side, but far fewer broken bones. Either way, both of us, the driver and me, were wrong. No harm no foul and from now on, I will look deeper into the turn to see if there is anyone sitting there from now on.

     I'm really tired, I think I said that before, and I still have to finish washing my clothes, and watch Fear the Walking Dead, so I'm up until 10 regardless. I can see by the clock in the corner of the screen, that I have 9 minutes to deadline for a Sunday Night Post, so I'm going to wrap this up right here and now. Peace in and goodnight.

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