Thursday, October 5, 2017

Morty Gets A New Bed.

Melissa Ramirez

Kelsey Meadows

Calia Media

Christiana Duarte

Stacee Etcheber

Tara Roe Smith

Cameron Robinson

    These are the names of the fallen I was able to find tonight. It is getting harder to find a comprehensive list of the names, and that is terrible. These names should be all over the place and easy to find. I will keep searching until I have all the names. I've seen that the number of the fallen has increased to 60 now. With those 7 names above, 36 fallen have been made available to the public.

     Morty has been sleeping through the night the last few nights. I'm not ready to turn the 2:30 alarm off yet. I wake up when it goes off, and do a little check on him to see if he is ok. If there is no movement from him, I just let him sleep. If he goes a few more nights like that, I will turn that alarm off, and get some uninterrupted sleep for a change.

     I got Morty a proper bed, and he likes it, but the couch is still his night time sleep spot. Here is a picture of Morty on the new bed when it arrived yesterday.

     At first, I didn't think the bed was going to be big enough. It came packed really tight in a small box. Once I got it out, it opened up a bit, but it still didn't look big enough. After about 15 minutes, it filled out into it's true size, and you can see that it is just the right size for Morty. I got it form for a third of the price that those beds normally go for. I looked all over for a good bed and they were crazy expensive, so I was happy to find one that is just perfect for him at a really good price.

     Morty is also getting more relaxed around the house. He no longer feels the need to be around or on top of me at every moment when I am home. He is still pretty clingy though, but he will go and lay down instead of resting his head on my leg, or trying to get in my lap. Yes, Morty thinks he is a lap dog. At least once a day, he climbs up into the recliner with me and lays across my lap, usually propping his head up right in front of the TV. His paperwork said that he was 50 lbs. but I think he weighs a bit more. I will have to find some way to weigh him, or maybe when I take him in for his wellness check, they will weigh him there. Either way, I'm curious to see just how much he weighs now. I don't over feed him and he gets plenty of exercise by either going for a walk or playing pseudo fetch in the backyard. I say pseudo because it is more like, I throw the ball, he gets it, then he runs up to me, and turns at the last minute. It is really more of, I throw and then chase him around trying to get the ball from him. If I took some treats out with me, he would drop the ball in a second for a treat, but I don't want to have to rely on treats all the time, plus he doesn't need to eat a bunch of treats. Believe me, he would eat non-stop if he could. 

     My guitar teacher was ready for me today. When I walked in he asked,"So, are we going to do some Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers today?". I of course said yes, and then threw him a curveball. He was all ready with the most well known hits, and I asked for that song that I said was the first one I'd heard from Tom Petty. Refugee it was. That song is really fun and rather easy to play. WE even got some of the cool guitar riffs in there, so I can get almost the entire song in, from rhythm to lead. Once we got that one down, He busted out a little Free Fallin. It was even easier. Only 3 chords and you have the whole song G,D,A that is all it takes. You do have to put a capo on the third fret of the guitar to get the right sound, but that is the whole song right there. It really all comes down to varying the strum patterns to make it sound a little more difficult. You can either play a strum per chord, or you can jazz it up a bit with multiple strums per chord.

     Due to all the rain this week, I have not gotten out to get that footage for the helmet review, but I'm hoping for a little clear sky time this weekend. If I don't get any, I will have to postpone the next video for a week. I do know the forecast is calling for less rain next week, so we will see. That's all I have for tonight. Look up the stories of the people above, and the ones I listed on Tuesday night. They are all interesting and deserve to be read. Peace in and goodnight.

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