Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween From A Counterfeit Squirrel.

     I failed to mention  few things on Sunday night. The first is about The Patchwork Knight. I don't know if you noticed, but I made it easy for you to find. I added a 'Featured Posts" widget on the page. If you are viewing this on the website, still the best experience", you will see it over to the top right of the page. I'll add each one to that featured area. I'm hoping that I will be able to get all of them over there, but only time will tell if it will work out. I may have to limit the number over there at some point.

     I also wanted to mention Fats Domino. I really want to get into his life, so I think I will hold off on that until Sunday. There are a few things to talk about tonight, and it might take away from what I want to instill in you about Fats.

     I got the Halloween video up this morning. I found a out how to schedule the publishing on the video. I was done with the upload by 10 o'clock last night, but I didn't want to post it before today, so I let it go live at 2:30 this morning. I didn't know if they were going by Pacific time or East coast time. I know now that it goes by East coast. This is good news, I can schedule a video to come out at about the same time I post it here. I kind of dig that. Here is the video.

     The intro didn't work out exactly as I'd hoped that it would, but I liked it. I had a bunch of those little tea candles inside the helmet. I was hoping for a jack-o-lantern affect. The GoPro just wouldn't pick up that small amount of light behind that dark smoked shield. If I would have used my head, I would have changed out to the clear shield for that instead. Live and learn. Here is a little behind the scenes shot of what the whole setup looked like for that intro. That's right, I'm pulling back the curtain.

     I had a little light hanging above, with a black towel tied up behind it to make the backdrop. I pulled in tight, so that you wouldn't see anything other than the red top, and black background. In that aspect, it worked out exactly how I'd hoped, but I still wanted that light coming though the shield on the GoPro. You can see the inside lit up in that picture. Not bad for ordering those tea lights three days before filming that. I tried using an LED flashlight, but that was far too bright, and it didn't give me that flicker affect. I couldn't use a real candle, because, well obvious reasons clearly.

     I guess the two biggest questions I have are: Did you like the read on The Witches Song from Macbeth, and did you jump when Melvin popped up? That was the best scream I could find in the SFX section of Epidemic Sound. I was kind of hoping for that stock Hollywood Horror film scream, but I have no idea where to find that sound clip.

     That video was real fun to make. I got to play with some different editing tools. I still have a few more things I want to try out, but I need to find the right idea for a video for them. I'll figure it out soon enough.

     I almost forgot the other thing I wanted to talk about on Sunday. I wanted to talk a little about The Patchwork Knight itself. As you can see, I went with the first chapter as opposed to a prologue. It just felt right when I sat down to write. I can tell you, that what ended up going into the post, is very little like what I had in mind. It took off in it's own direction. It is going in a direction that I didn't quite expect. The prologue idea was the introduction of the villain. It was going to be set a few decades before the events of the first chapter, but it wan't really necessary. I still have a plan to introduce the big bad, but it's going to wait for now. I'm curious to see where it will take me next week. The only thing I have set, is the first sentence, and that could change before Thursday.

     The Favorite Song of the Week is another reason that I wanted to save Fats for Sunday. I was thinking of making one of Fats' songs the FSOTW, but then I heard a cover of this song earlier today. which brings me to Maroon 5. They did the cover of the song, but I'm going to share the original artist for this one. I wanted to talk a little about Maroon 5 for a second. They came on The Howard Stern Show today, and every time they do that, they remind me of how disappointing they are. I know, that sounds like I'm going to slam them, but I'm really not. When they come on, they tend to always do a cover song, and they destroy them. They are some of the best versions of these songs that I've heard. They have immense talent, and that brings me to the disappointing part. You hear them perform these songs, and then you listen to the songs they write for themselves, and they really aren't living up to their potential. They even said themselves today, that they just make average pop songs. Maybe I'm wrong, and they just can't write songs like the ones they are covering, but with that much talent, they have to be able to pull at least one of them out of thin air.

     Enough about that, let's get to FSOTW. They did this cover, and I'd never heard this song before, even though it was on the soundtrack of a pretty popular movie back in the 90's. I never saw the movie though, but know, maybe I will go back and give it a try. The artist is the incredible Chris Cornell. The guys in the band, said that this was all of their favorite song by him, and when you hear it, you can understand why. The also mentioned how the tuning for the guitar is very strange, which will give me something to talk to my guitar teacher about. We are doing weird tunings lately. Now, it took three guitars for them to pull this song off today in the studio with Howard, but I found a clip of Chris Cornell doing it with a single acoustic guitar. Here is Chris Cornell with "Seasons".

      Unbelievable song right? I only wish I'd heard it before today. I've missed a lot of time listening to it.

     Well that is all I have for you tonight. I'm watching game 6 of the World Series right now, but I won't be able to see the end of it, because I need to go to bed. I won't get into the problems that MLB has with their coverage of the World Series right now, but I do think that discussion is in order at some point. Oh wait, I nearly forgot, that I wanted to share with you what I got in the mail today. I'm not a jewelry person. I will wear a necklace from time to time, and I wear a watch, but a that is about it, outside of my plugs. I got an email a week ago from Motoloot, remember them? That's where I got Melvin. Anyway they made a ring that is a motorcycle tire tread, and I just couldn't pass that up. I got it today, and I love it. I also got a new keytag that I think is a pretty poignant saying. You judge for yourself. the keytag in question is the black one in the photo.

     Ok, that really is it this time. Peace in and goodnight.

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