Sunday, October 8, 2017

Full List of Vegas Victims And A Whole Lot Of Morty.

Hannah Ahlers

Heather Alvarado

Dorene Anderson

Carrie Barnette

Jack Beaton

Steve Berger

Candice Bowers

Denise Burditus

Sandy Casey

Andrea Castilla

Denise Cohen

Austin Davis

Thomas Day, Jr.

Christiana Duarte

Stacee Etcheber

Brian Fraser

Keri Galvan

Dana Gardner

Angela Gomez

Rocio Guillen Rocha

Charleston Hartfield

Chris Hazencomb

Jennifer Topaz Irvine

Teresa Nicol Kimura

Jessica Klymchuk

Carly Kreibaum

Rhonda LeRocque

Victor Link

Jordan McIldoon

Kelsey Meadows

Calla-Marie Medig

James "Sonny" Melton

Patricia Mestas

Austin Meyer

Adrian Murfitt

Rachael Parker

Jenny Parks

Carrie Parsons

Lisa Patterson

John Phippen

Melissa Ramirez

Jordyn Rivera

Quinton Robbins

Cameron Robinson

Tara Roe

Lisa Romero-Muniz

Chris Roybal

Brett Schwanbeck

Bailey Schweitzer

Laura Shipp

Erick Silva

Susan Smith

Brennan Stewart

Derrick “Bo” Taylor

Neysa Tonks

Michelle Vo

Kurt von Tillow

Bill Wolfe

     That is the full list of the names of the fallen in Las Vegas. I highly recommend that you look up their stories if you get a chance. They were some pretty incredible people. Please take the time to read each one of their names. I know that the tendency is to just skim through them, but their names deserve to be read and known.

     It was a Morty weekend, with a little bit of getting things done on the side. Morty is truly making it through the night now, but he still insists that I get up around 6:30 each morning. I would really like to sleep in but Morty simply won't have it. I could close the door to my bedroom, but then that could lead to an accident that I don't want to have to clean up, so, it's up at 6:30 for me.

     I've been working on Morty's training, and getting him to do things a little more orderly. Feeding is a challenge, but he knows that he has to wait until I put the bowl down. I get him to sit by his food mat, and I won't put it down until he stays relatively still. It's is more like a sit and shimmy, but it's a start. I've gotten him to get close to me with the ball when we play fetch, but he still tries to fake me out a bit. I have to get a hold of his collar and grab the ball. He doesn't let it go easily, but he will let it go. It's just a matter of time before he starts to give me the ball so that we can keep the fetch game rolling. 

     Walking is a whole other story. He is getting better, but it's a slow process with this one. I did order something today that should help with that, but I'll get to that in a little bit. When we first go out, he is so excited that he will pull on the leash until he chokes himself to a cough. I've tried some stop training with him, so that he knows I won't move until he lets slack on the leash, but he goes right back to pulling as soon as we start moving. When he finally gets tired of hanging himself, he relaxes and the walk is a pleasure. I shot a little short video of our walk today when he was behaving. He has the potential, it's just going to take some work.

     Now for what I ordered to help with the walking. I was watching a show last night on Animal Planet. I can't remember the name, but it is about overweight pets, and getting them in shape. I love the Animal Planet shows. You learn so much, in this case, it was a dog that pulled on the leash. Part of his program to lose weight was to take multiple walks a day, so pulling wasn't going to be very fun for the owners. The host put a harness on the dog that had a front loop for the leash. With the leash attached to the front of the chest, it lends to less of a feeling of a need to pull, so I found one on Amazon Smile today and ordered it. It will be here this week some time. I'll let you know how it all goes. I don't expect it to be an easy fix, but anything that helps him from hanging himself is a good thing. We will get there, it's just going to take a little time.

     In the middle of all this Morty time, I managed to get out and finally get the b-roll footage I've been hoping for. This is all for the helmet review video that I'm going to make. I got the angle I wanted and some solid footage for the video. I shot much more than I needed. I have a good 20 minutes of footage, but I think I'm only going to need about a minute of it. I made a quick little video for a sneak peak to send to Elie Wolf. I think that is all I'll need for the video. I'd share that video with you, but that would defeat the purpose of only making it for Elie, so sorry, you'll have to wait until I make and post the video. I should get the rest of the footage some time this week. I don't think it's going to be a very long video, I'm going to try to keep it around 5 to 10 minutes.

     Speaking of Elie Wolf, she sent me a little video today of her walking for the first time. She is using a walker, but that by no means makes it easier for her. Remember she pretty much completely shattered her pelvis in that accident, for her to be already walking only 2 months after the accident is rather incredible. She didn't look like she is going to have any trouble relearning to walk either. It looked like her normal stride to me. This accident may have slowed her down, but it did not stop her. She is up for this challenge and she is going to beat it.

     I almost forgot. I have one last Morty moment. The other day, I was watching a video that had a squeaky toy sound in it, and Morty was going crazy. I looked around when I was on my errands for a good squeak toy for him. I was somewhat dreading this, because if he decided to play with it at night, there was no way I was going to get any sleep at all. I found the perfect squeak toy. It is a noiseless squeak toy. It supposedly only emits a sound that dogs can hear, and it seems to be true. I did it for Morty and he got all high energy on me. I did it around The Truff and she looked up and around for where the sound was coming from, but couldn't really care less otherwise. Morty loves it. Since Morty is a Florida dog, then he needed a Florida gator toy, and that is what he got. One little squeakless gator for Morty.

     There he is on his new bed with his new gator. He is a happy pup, and I am a happy Pitbull Daddy. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Thank you for honoring with names. So sad. ButMorey was a nice end. 😘

  2. Brett Schwanbeck is the great-great-grandnephew of the U. S. Ambassador to Bolivia, Charles Adams/Karl Adam Schwanbeck!
