Sunday, October 15, 2017

Back To Frivolity.

     Ok, back to the frivolity. Oh oh oh, remember when I said that it would be just perfectly awkward if I ended up at my bank tellers window when I went in to deposit my check on Friday? Guess what happened? Wait, did you guess it, I can't read your mind through the blog. Ok, yes, I ended up at her window. It wan't awkward. I guess I could have made it so, but I had no desire to do so. We talked about the fact that it was Friday, but she had to work on Saturday, so Friday wasn't that great of a thing. I mentioned that she wouldn't miss out on anything because it was supposed to rain. She said that is when everyone comes in, and made a joke about yelling at everyone to stay home. That's when one of the other tellers asked if I had any fun plans for the weekend, and I said the I was just staying home with the dog. I guess I could have said that I was going to try to work on a video for YouTube, but I don't know if that holds any value to anyone other than me, so I left it as it was. I told them both to have a nice weekend, and then wandered back out into the rain.

     Staying home with the dogs is all I pretty much did this weekend. I did get to finish that video for YouTube, and posted it this morning. I had a hell of a time editing it last night. I was having trouble with things loading in iMovie, and I had to shut it down a couple of times. It took me a little longer than usual because of this, and also, because I was doing a few new things with it. I really like the way it came out. I still have a few more tricks that I want to try and figure out, but they wouldn't have made any sense in this video. I need to just get some footage and play around a bit, with no intentions of uploading it. Practice makes perfect. Instead of making a little promo for Instagram, I used the sneak peak video I sent to Elie. I think it worked out great. It was exactly a minute long, and I even had that in the video, to show the helmet in action. I thought I would be able to get the video in at under 10 minutes, but I seem to not be able to shut up once I start talking and it ended up just over 12 minutes. 12:39 to be exact. Check it out, I even added a fun clip of Morty when I got home.

     There you have it. I have to say, the funnest part about it (man I hate using words like funnest, but most fun didn't seem appropriate) is using the music from Epidemic Sound. Just searching around and listening to all the music they have, gives me tons of ideas for videos and scenes. I've been stock piling songs for future videos, that will utilize the new cameras I'm looking at getting. That is the handheld and the drone. I especially get ideas involving drone footage, so when I finally do get one, you will see some of these ideas come to life.

     I ordered an extension pole and tripod for the GoPro today. This should help me out quite a bit with footage off the bike until I get that handheld camera. Plus, I can even set the GoPro up and do some ride bys with it. I could get some of the shots I've been dying to get of me going around corners, an see exactly how low I am getting at this point. That should be fun. Oh, I forgot to mention, that I accidentally shot the above video in a different setting. The GoPro has several film settings for the view. I had set this to Narrow for the on bike stuff of me in the helmet. I forgot to return it to Superview or Wide for the POV stuff. I don't think it affected the view as much as I thought it would, but it does leave a little of the sides out of it. The view you see is more roadside to roadside, when it would normally go about 10 to 20 feet beyond that. Let me know if you like that better than what I normally have it at. Your feedback will help me out greatly in getting the most pleasing visuals for you.

     Morty actually let me sleep in today. It wasn't without a lot of coaxing on my part, but he finally just crawled into bed with me and slept down near my feet. I was able to sleep until 8. It was fantastic. I of course was awoken several times from 4 AM on, before he finally just dozed off with me. I took him for a walk in his new no pull harness, and he still managed to pull. We have a lot of work to do.. I did take him for a ride yesterday so that I could get some Taco Bell. I know, it's not the healthiest of food, but I didn't want to cook anything, and I really wanted to try that Crispy Chicken Quesadilla. It's not bad, but it's not great either. I don't know if I would get it again. The chicken is good, but it is anything but crispy. After you get it in there with the cheese and the spicy sauce that they add to it, it sucks up so much moisture that all the crispiness is gone. It's worth a try, maybe you will get luckier with the crispiness than I did. Anyway, Morty did really well in the car, and didn't do anything odd when I rolled the window down to pay or when I got my order. He just hungout in the backseat and looked around.

     On a Morty side note. We have been working on his commands, and he has gotten really good at sit and stay. He still needs some work on staying when I walk around a corner out of sight, but he did surprisingly well up to that point. His lay down has gotten really good as well. I'm scheduling his wellness exam for this Saturday , and afterwards, we are going to take a drive to Orlando to visit Elie and Gandi. This will be Morty's first time meeting another dog other than The Truff. Well, with me anyway, and I'm not entirely sure how it will go. I know Gandi's temperament, and he should be fine, but he hasn't had another large dog in the house since Ani died, so it's hard to tell if he will have some sort of reaction. Morty on the other hand hasn't had any bad reaction when he sees large dogs in the neighborhood, but I have kept him on the other side of the street. I have no idea exactly how he will be face to face with another large dog, actually an extra large dog. Gandi is big. I confident that if anything does go awry, that I can keep Morty separated. I may have to drag him off a bit, but that's the whole reason I got the harness. Pulling him away with that won't do him any harm like it would if it was just a collar. I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

     I'm trying to decide whether I want to stay up and watch the season finale of Fear the Walking Dead. It's a two hour episode tonight, which would have it ending at 11. I'm thinking I'm just going to skip it since I record it anyway. I'll watch it tomorrow. There decision is made. Despite Morty letting me sleep in today, he didn't let me do that on Saturday, so I'm still tired.

     That's it for me. I have to dry my clothes still, and then fold them, so my night should be adventurous. Peace in and goodnight.

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