Thursday, October 19, 2017

What's Going To Happen On Thursday Knights?

     We have a lot to get to tonight, and not a lot of time to fit it all in, so let's dive right in. I promised you a picture of the Rick & Morty socks, so here they are.

     Pretty sweet socks right? They are in two pairs, but I could really switch it up, and wear one of each when I put them on. I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll just go with the designated pairs first, and then switch it up after. I think that would be the best approach. Rick is on tap for tomorrow, and then I'll smack the Morty's on for Saturday.

     Remember when I talked about that show that fails to utilize the Oxford comma? Me, Myself and I? This week they did a Star Wars episode, and it was once again, great. I just looked it up, and you can watch all the episodes on the CBS website. If you are so inclined to watch a really good show, then just click on this link, Me, Myself and I and you can check them out for yourself. I promise you, that they are good, and you will feel emotion. Yeah, I know, how dare I make you feel things, but sometimes we have to.

     Ever hear of a guy named Robert Plant? Wait, are you kidding me? You haven't heard of him? Ok, let me throw this name out there, Led Zeppelin? Ah, there we go, I knew you would know who it is. Robert Plant is of course the former lead singer of Led Zeppelin. Well I guess technically he is the current lead singer of Led Zeppelin, but they haven't played or toured together for years. Anyway, the point I'm getting at, is that he was on The Howard Stern Show this week, and the topic came up, of which is the best Led Zeppelin album. Everyone started throwing out album titles, and there was no definitive choice, so I had to do a little research. I am what you would call a casual Led Zeppelin fan. I've heard most of the songs, because they are all over the radio and other listening devices, so I've never had to buy an album. I decided this week, that I would listen to each album and then make my pick for best Led Zeppelin album. I made my choice, and it is. Led Zeppelin II. That's right, their second album is the best one. There are a couple of reasons. One is that the album is jam packed with hit after hit. Even if you don't like Led Zeppelin, I can almost assuredly guarantee you, that you have heard every song on that album. If you had to find out just who and what Led Zeppelin are, that would be the album that you would listen to. The first one I'm sure was groundbreaking when it came out, but they were still trying to find themselves with that one. Of course this is entirely my opinion on things, and I have no facts to back this up. Led Zeppelin III seemed to be the "we are victims of our own success" album. It is that 70's rock sound, but it seems like it is a little cliche with what was going on sonically at that time. Led Zeppelin IV gets them back to that sound that they created, it is also the album with the second most songs that you've probably heard. Now, I'm going to put Houses of the Holy, and Physical Graffiti together, and here is the reason for that. From what I was told, they created so many songs for HOTH, that they made Physical Graffiti as an outtake album. Both really good, but clearly this is when they went experimental. Trying new sounds. That being said, I will make a little separation in the two, because I put Physical Graffiti as their second best album, and not just because my favorite LZ song, "Kashmir" is on there. It is just a really great album. Here is my list of their albums in order from best to least best.

Led Zeppelin II

Physical Graffiti

Led Zeppelin IV

Houses of the Holy

Led Zeppelin 

Led Zeppelin III

     There you have it, not that you really asked for it, but if you ever wanted to know how you should listen to Led Zeppelin, there it is.

     Since I had been listening to LZ all week, I decided that we should do a little LZ song in my guitar class. I chose "The Rain Song". Not the easiest song in the world. There is a lot going on with it, and there is a unique tuning for it. All the strings expect one are tuned down a full step, but the second string is tuned up a half step. Trust me, that is a pretty strange way to tune a guitar, but it really works for this song. It gives the strings this really odd and beautiful tone to them. It had my teacher excited to go through it, and since we delved into new tunings, he waist Kashmir is up next. It has a unique tuning as well. Then he mentioned some other songs, that is really unique, so the next three weeks are covered in class.

     Ok. I'm almost near the end of what I wanted to say tonight. Just two more things. I can't believe I'm going to get it all in without forgetting anything. Second to last but not least. I got that little handle/tripod for the GoPro, and I think it is going to work out great. It's a little smaller than I had expected, but that works for convenience of storage. I took a couple of pictures of it in the tripod set up. Here is what it looks like with the GoPro in it.

    That is in it's compact and extended mode. I'm going to have some fun playing around with it like that. I got some ideas, and you will see them in the future.

     Final thing on the agenda. I have an idea, and I think I'm going to give it a try. This will change the CS Blog a little bit, because I will be doing something a bit different on Thursday nights, starting next week. What is this mad and crazy idea? I've had this idea for a story in my head for a long time now. It stems from a single idea based on the sleeve on my arm. Tattoo sleeve that is. I call it The Patchwork Knight. I've had thoughts about it, but never anything with any umph behind it. Here was my problem, I had a general idea, but nowhere to go with it. I originally thought of it as a potential children's book, but this week I came up with an opening line and a place for it to go, and I don't think it could be a children's book anymore. With all of that in mind, I'm going to take Thursday nights, and write a chapter each week for it. I will write it free flowing as it comes into my head, and we can see if I can take this anywhere. I've always wanted to write a story about Knights and battles back in the dark Medieval times. This is either going to be really fun, or a tragic disaster, either way, you will get to witness the whole thing right here every Thursday night. Actually, let's change that to Thursday Knight. See what I did there. I think I just came up with the title for tonights post. You can look forward to either a Prologue or the First Chapter next week. I haven't really decided if I want to do a prologue with some foreshadowing in it, or just start with the beginning and take it from there. you will find out next Thursday Knight though. Ha, I like that. Ok I have to go to bed, so peace in and goodKnight.

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