Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I Keep Forgetting Things That I Keep Forgetting.

     I have a few things that I keep forgetting to mention, and now that remembering that I have these things, I can't remember what all of them are. I do remember one of them however, so I guess I can start with that.

     I haven't mentioned looking for anyone to date lately, and that is because I have had no desire to do so, but that doesn't mean I won't seize an opportunity when one arises. One such opportunity arose on Friday. Ok, I didn't really seize it as much as stumble to failure amongst it. I'm not sure if you remember my bank teller, and how I mentioned that she would let me know places that she would be from time to time. Rather attractive, seems interesting from the short conversations that we have had. Well, she was in the window next to the teller that I was going to be at. She was counting her drawer, so her day was done. The teller I was going to was finishing up with a costumer, and he was asking about how many branches they had. She told him and said that as long as he had an account, he could go to any one of them. He didn't have an account so he asked what he would have to do to get one. My bank teller said that he had to buy them lunch. He said that was a stiff price, and walked off chuckling. I walked up and said that that was a good idea, and they should see how many lunches they could get out of people. Here is where the stumbling begins.

     My teller asked me why I hadn't bought them lunch when I opened my account. I said, "I got my account long before you were here." not in a flippant way, but in a way that was trying to sound funny. As I look back now, that was the first trip into the stumble. It was the truth, but when you are trying to be witty, the truth doesn't necessarily work. I then quickly remounted that horse and said, "But I would gladly buy you lunch any time you want." Slick right? I'm going to go with no. As is always the case when it comes to me and women, she got real quiet and slowly walked away. The teller I was at laughed, so at least I made someone to have a laugh out of my awkwardness. Such is my life. It should be real comfortable to walk into the bank this Friday. The best would be if I ended up at her window, then it could get real awkward.

     Oh, I just remembered the other thing I've been wanting to tell you. I have yet to get my ear repierced. I just haven't found the time to do it, but it has me thinking. It seems pointless to just go in and get my ear done, so, I've been thinking about getting my nose pierced as well. Right nostril to be exact. See, I always like to change up my look from time to time, and that would be a change. That is pretty much the main reason I got rid of the beard. I had had it too long. I don't deal well being stuck looking the same way, it has never been my thing. One year in high school, I changed my hairstyle every week for the first semester. I did it through styling and cutting it. Eventually my hair was  too short to really change it up anymore, so I had to let it grow out again. Oh, those were the days. When I had hair and it was so simple to change my look. Now I actually have to put a lot of thought into it. It's not easy to change your look when you have a blank canvas that nothing will stick to.

    Anyway, that is my thought process right now, so, soon I'll be heading to that tattoo shop near my house to get holes put in my head. On another note. I am saving up for a few things that will help out with the motovlogs. I want to get a handheld camera for when I am off the bike and filming places and things, and I also want to get a drone. Unfortunately I can't get both at the same time, so I have to do them one at a time. I haven't decided which one to get first. The handheld would help out with the Adventure Time Series, in that I could use that for filming footage at the places, and it would have a good external mic, so that I could add commentary. Using my phone isn't working out as well as I would hope its would. I'm not sure if it's the case on my phone interfering, or the mic just isn't that good for the audio. On videos that I've added footage from the camera, I have to bust the audio 4 times what the starting point is, and the audio is still low. A new camera would make a big difference in that. The drone, on the other hand, would add some really cool aerial footage of places that I was going to, and would allow me to venture out into some places I probably wouldn't go to without it. I know that I want to save the ride to Blowing Rock until I have a drone, because I think the drone footage would be phenomenal. I need your help with this decision. Which would you rather see in the videos right away? And When I say "right away" I mean in a few months or so. Neither one of these is cheap. The handheld camera is the cheaper of the two, and would be available pricewise long before the drone, but that doesn't mean that I can't just keep saving past the price of the camera and get the drone first.

     I am leaning one way now, and it could surprise you which way I am leaning, but I'll save that answer until after I've heard from you. It might even surprise you which way I am leaning. Once again, I'm saving that until you get back to me, sl leave a comment about which one you would rather see footage from in my videos.

     This is that spot where I post Favorite Song of the Week, and I'm not going to let you down. Normally I would give you a few details and save the artist and song until the very last moment before the video, but I'm not going to do that today. I even think I may have posted this song before, but that was before I knew a little background about it. The artist is the one and only Miley Cyrus, and the song is "Malibu". Last week, Miley came on The Howard Stern Show, and basically played a concert for him. She did a total of 5 songs including Wildfowers in tribute to Tom Petty. It was fantastic, but we aren't here for that, we are here for Malibu. She told the background story about this song, and now when I hear it, it is a much different song to me. It is about a love lost and then refound. It just so happens to be about her fiancé Liam Hemsworth. As you may know, they broke up for a period of time. When they did, he bought a house in Malibu. That house just so happens to have been the house that Miley stayed in when she made her first solo album out of the realms of Hannah Montana. The realtor went around the house stashing all the plaques with her name on it in the garage so that he wouldn't see them, and buy the house. It worked, and he bought it, but when he moved in, all the plaques were back up. She didn't really say if those plaques helped them get back together, but when they did get back together, she moved back into that house with him. Listen to the lyrics of the song and you can hear that very story in them. It's not in all the detail of what's above, but it's there.

     She was fantastic on the show with Howard. His interviews are more of intimate conversations that you get to eaves drop on, instead of an actual interview. That leads to the person being interviewed to relax and feel more comfortable to talk about things they wouldn't normally talk about. If you haven't heard any of his interview lately, go find some and listen to them, they are fantastic, He is truly the greatest interviewer of all time. Back to Miley though. I have been a fan of her since the Party In The USA days, and I do its without shame, I won't go into my "there are no such things as guilty pleasures" speech. Take a listen to the song, give her a chance, and you will see just how talented she is, and how good yet unorthodox her voice is. Here is Miley Cyrus with "Malibu".

     Yes, I am listening to it right now as I type this final little paragraph. About tonight, I got to witness something I knew was coming, but really didn't want to see happen. That would be, how Morty reacts when The Truff has one of her seizures. This was a real bad one tonight. He screamed which is something that she has never done before. It went form a scream to a howl to a bark, before it was all over. After, she got up and did her walk around. Whenever she has a seizure she has to walk around aimlessly for a good long time. It can range from an half hour to an hour. This one is more like the hour long session. When she started her screaming, Morty came running in from the couch. He was concerned about her and wanted to help, but I had to keep him away, because I didn't want him to stress her out anymore that she already was. I'm not sure if he really would have stressed her out, but I didn't want to take the chance with a seizure that was so bad. He listened and backed off, but when she began walking around he followed her for a bit to check up on her. I didi't know how he would react and once again he reacted in the best way possible. If there was any doubt that Morty was the right dog, then that should quell any of those doubts. I didn't have any, but someone might. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie my feeling is you make the call for you just love hearing and watching. Sorry about Truff sounds like Morty is definitely part of family. So happy for you
