Tuesday, October 17, 2017

What Am I Going To Do?

     I had something that I wanted to mention tonight, but I've totally forgotten it. It was something that I was going to mention on Thursday night, but that idea went out the window with the rant that I had. Oh wait, I just remembered it. I downloaded a new dating app. Have I used it yet? Nope. Why is that? Well, you have to have a Facebook account to use it, and since I got rid of Facebook, I can't use it at all. It won't let you sign up any other way. The app is called Bumble and the unique thing about Bumble is that once you match with someone, only the woman can message at first. It's all in their hands.

     I have a question for you. Would it be worth it for me to reactivate my Facebook account in order to use this app? You have to consider something along with that question. I have had little to no luck with any dating sites or apps, and Facebook was poisoning my soul. I had to get rid of it, or I was going to lose myself. I know that sounds dramatic, but it was very true at the time. It was leading me to suicidal thoughts. It came down to the point where it was either it, or me, and I chose me. I know people didn't really understand that at the time, but I couldn't take all the negative output on there. I can't tell you how much happier I have been without it. Sure I've lost out on some things, and a few friends went awol when I left, but here is the way I look at the latter. If they were meant to stay in my life, they would have found a way. I did my part by reaching out at times, but had little response from them. It is what it is.. That is everything you need to know, to answer the above question.

     I got a new Rick & Morty Funko Pop Vinyl figure this week. This one is Snowball the canine overlord. It's from an episode where Rick made a device that would allow Snowball the family dog to speak. Snowball then became smart and figured out how to make more of the device and build robot bodies for themselves and they took over the world to become canine overlords. Great and funny episode, but which episode isn't. here is Snowball.

    Pretty cure right? Oh, I also got a couple pair of Rick & Morty socks. I'll have to get a picture of those for you on Thursday. 

     It's going to be a short one tonight. I only have one more thing before I get to Favorite Song of the Week. There was Morty incident this morning. Morty went after The Truff. I had to grab him and yank him away. It wan't pretty. After I analyzed what happened, I realized that he really wasn't going after her. it was just a series of unfortunate events, and no, Limney Snicket was not involved. Here is what happened. I just fed Morty and The Truff. They both finished rather fast, and Morty was a little more high energy than normal. He always gets excited when he eats, and gets into that food frenzy. It takes some time to calm down from that, but today he was up a little higher than usual. He got excited and was wanting to play, but I had to make my lunch for work. The Truff was also acting abnormal, and wandering out to see what I was doing, and follow Morty around. I was going out after I finished making mu lunch to get Morty to say goodbye, when it all happened. He was excited when I came around the corner, and being in that playful food frenzy mode. He went for his new alligator toy. The Truff was standing right next to it, and she got caught up in the steamroller that is Morty in that frenzy. I think he got his mouth around her for a split second, but that was enough for her. She squealed and tried to run but he was still going after the gator and she was still in the way. After about 3 feet of pushing both of them, I was able to get to Morty and grab his collar and pull him back over to his bed. I yelled at him for going after her, but soon realized that it was the gator that he wanted and she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I went out to the TV room to check on her, and she was in an adrenaline panic and was running around not letting me get to close to her. I finally got a hold of her and checked her out, and other than a little Morty slobber on her, she was ok. I closed her off in that room and separated her from Morty so that she could regain her comfort level. That is when I saw the gator on the floor where I had separated them. I picked up that gator and took it over to Morty and apologized for yelling at him, but told him that he has to be aware of The Truff. They were all fine seconds after it all happened, and I felt bad for yelling at Morty.

     On to Favorite Song of the Week. This one is a throw back, and it all came about because this band or artist, depending on how you look at it, just put out a new album that I was listing to yesterday. Listening to that new album made me remember the first album that they did, and I had to listen to that as well. That brought up an old memory about this band that is a pretty fun one. The band is Marilyn Manson, and around the time that they were being signed to Nothing Records which was Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails label. It was a sub-section of Interscope Records. Anyway, around the time they were getting signed to that label, they were doing a headlining tour of Florida, where they had formed. Believe it or not, but Marilyn Manson is a Miami band. Anyways, be and a few friends were big fans, and they were coming to a small club in Melbourne. We had our tickets and were ready to go. Here is how big of fans we were. The song I'm going to play for you inspired what we had planned to do at the show. The song is "My Monkey", and that inspired us to go out and buy this little monkey that would clip on things. The original idea, was that we were going to give it to Marylin at some point during the show, but that plan changed. The show was small. There were five bands in the lineup that night, but the crowd was only about 50 people or so. Marilyn Manson had a small loyal fan base, but it hadn't grown at all yet. The nation didn't know about them yet. Finally Manson hit the stage. I was up close but there was about a five foot gap between me and anyone else. All of a sudden some guy started crowd surfing and was coming my way. He was going to take a header into the ground if I didn't do something., so I reached up with my left hand and grabbed his collar, and as he was pushed forward over me, I reached my right hand up and grabbed lower, and just threw him across the gap so that he would hit the rest of the crowd. I heard the guy screaming bloody murder as he was flying across the gap, and that is when I realized where I had grabbed with my right hand. If you guessed his crotch, you would be right. I was just trying to make sure the guy didn't go head first into the ground. He was ok, as far as I could tell.

     What did that have to do with the little monkey? Nothing really, but I just remember that as being a pretty funny part of the night. Back to the monkey though. Even though the crowd was small, they started getting rowdy. The venue didn't put a lot of forethought into selling drinks, and were selling beer in the bottle. Bad idea for a small place like that. People started rushing and climbing up on the stage, and Marilyn lost it. He yelled over the mic between songs, "The next motherfucker that comes up on this stage, is going to get his ass kicked." My friend came over to me, and said he was going to climb on stage. I looked at him as if he was insane. Didn't you just hear Marylin, dude, you can't go up on stage. "I'm going to do it.", and off he ran. He started climbing up on the stage a few feet to the right of Marilyn. Right in front of Marilyn was another guy climbing up on stage. Fortunately for my friend, Marilyn saw him, and swung the microphone around, and slammed it on the top of the other guys head. My friend slowly slunk down from the stage and ran over to me. That is when I saw the bottle flying through the air, and hit Twiggy Ramirez in the head. That ended the show, and we hadn't gotten the monkey to Marilyn. 

     They were clearing everyone out, and the band was behind a barricade on the side of the stage. I asked my friend if he had the monkey, and told him to give it to me, I had an idea. I grabbed him and we ran over to the barricade. Daisy Berkowitz was right next to the barricade, and Twiggy was standing a few feet away with a rag full of ice on his head. I tapped Daisy on the shoulder and said, "Hey Daisy, can you give this to Twiggy? We are sorry that happened, and you guys were great tonight." Daisy looked at the money, and said,"Ok". He then called over to Twiggy and tossed the monkey to him, "These guys wanted you to have this." Twiggy caught it, looked at it, smiled and laughed and then said, "Thank you". Then we went of into the night with the story of how we gave Twiggy Ramirez a little clip on monkey. Hey, it was a fun story to me, and it was a fun night despite the fact that some putz ruined the rest of the night by tossing a beer bottle on stage. Anyway, here is the song. It's maybe the weirdest song that Marilyn Manson ever did, and I don't know where it really fits in with their sound, but we loved that song, and that is what inspired us to get that little monkey. here is Marilyn Manson with "My Monkey".

     I hope you enjoyed that fun little song. There is a background story to that song that I know, but it's late, and it's probably not all that interesting to you. I happened to know a girl that grew up with Daisy Berkowitz, and she told me about the little girl that is also in the song. It was the child of a mutual friend. Told you it wasn't all that interesting. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Facebook is still full of drama and sadness. You don't need a dating app. The right woman will walk into your life. Love you 😘

    1. Yeah, I already deleted it. Not worth the hassle. Love you.

  2. I didn't realize the EXACT effect of FB on you, but I knew it was serious for you. Would love to discuss when I see you this weekend. Who can blame Morty for being protective of his gator? LOL. I have the exact same toy and I love it. Glad all turned out well. Love you brother. See you soon.

    1. There was just so much negativity on there. Looking forward to seeing you. Morty does love his gator. Love you too.
