Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Old Friends And Eye Exams.

     I know that it is only Tuesday night, but it has been a week of Mondays at work. It's one of those, everything that can go wrong, goes wrong sort of weeks. Fortunately we have gotten through it with little turmoil. It's so ridiculous how bad it is, that we are left laughing about it. Every turn leads to another problem, and we troubleshoot and solve that one, just to have another one pop up. When I left work today, everything was under control. It took a lot of work, but we got things in line. Now, will it stay that way through the night shift? I really don't know, but I'm hoping it does. I' guess I'll find out in the morning.

     It's going to be a fun weekend for me. The new season of Stranger Things is going to be released on Friday, and I have an eye exam scheduled for Saturday afternoon. I know, does the excitement every stop? Actually, I'm looking forward to the eye exam for a couple of reasons. The first being that I am in need of new glasses. I've been living with a scratched lens on them for a good while now, and It is annoying the bejeezus out of me. It will probably take a couple of weeks before the new ones come in, but it's something to look forward to. Another reason is, that a very old friend of mine works there, and it will be very good to see her again. I grew up with her in my neighborhood. I found out from another old neighborhood kid, that she is in the middle of a divorce right now. Not saying that is a good reason to see her, just that I would love to hear what happened. I've been told that her husband was a real controlling jerk, and if that is the case, I'm shocked that she didn't get away sooner. She was always a strong women, to see her in a controlling relationship seems very foreign to me. I'll let you know all about it in the Sunday post.

     I have had a hard time trying to get decent shots of Morty. He is a high energy dog. That is natural in a terrier breed, and he doesn't like to stay still for very long. When I see the opportunity for a good shot, Morty takes notice of me trying to get my phone out to get a picture of him, and he starts to go fro my hand so that I'll leave the camera alone. It's a never-ending battle. Yesterday though, Morty was standing with his back to me, and I got two really cool shots of him. It doesn't show that baby boy face of his, but it shows that proud stance that he has. Here they are.

     Until I can figure out a way to get him to sit still for a photoshoot, this is the best I'll be able to do. My favorite of the two, is the top one. He looks so regal looking over his domain. One day, I'll get that perfect shot, but until then, these will do.

     This is going to be another short one tonight. Don't forget that The Patchwork Knight starts on Thursday. I still haven't figured out exactly how I'm going to start it, but I'll know for sure when I sit down to start typing it. 

     This brings us to Favorite Song of the Week, and we are going old school with this one. This is back in the early days of hip hop, and it takes me back to when I was in high school and me and my friends would do the douchiest thing ever. We would ride around all night in a car, trying to hit on other girls in cars at stop lights. It never worked, but we kept trying it week after week. Anyway, enough of that, this song was part of the soundtrack for those nights. It comes from a duo out of Harlem, and this was their biggest song. It was so big in fact, that it relegated them to "one hit wonder" status, despite the fact that they had a few other hits after this one. Trust me, it doesn't matter who you are, and what type of music you are in to, you have heard this song, and you've liked it. It is just way to catchy not to. It's not a cheesy catchy either, it is a real good, make you want to dance catchy, and those are the best kind of catchy tunes. Sadly, in 2014 we lost on of the duo, and that was the end of the act. Rob Base is the surviving member of Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock. They took the world by storm in 1988, and really destroyed the mold of what you were used to hearing from the hip hop world at that time. They gave it a real good Harlem flavor, that just wasn't there before. Here is Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock with "It Takes Two".

     Oh yeah, I've done a few karaoke sessions with this song, and had a great time doing it. This song always gets a crowd going. Guaranteed to get everyone on the floor. If you are every at a wedding where no one is dancing, play this song, and then follow it up with Sir Mix A Lot's Apache. Thedance floor will be full in no time.

     There you have it, a great song to get your day started. Yeah, I know that you don't get to see this until the morning after I post it. Well morning at the earliest. Peace in and goodnight.

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