Tuesday, September 19, 2017

There Is Beauty In This World.

     I learned another valuable lesson. When you trim a Bougainvillea, you should wear long sleeves and long pants that are rather durable. The reason, Bougainvillea has thorns, and not just an thorns, but throws that are coated in a toxin. That toxin is very similar to poison oak, and it causes rashes and allergic reactions. Here is the best part though, it is all delayed, so I didn't know there was a problem until yesterday. I noticed small welts and lumps that resembled mosquito bites, and they itched like crazy. I had to do a very hard scrub and then use some cortisone to help get over this. I'll get through this, but I'm going to have to continue treating it aggressively with hard scrubbing and cortisone. It's all over my arms and legs, and it kind of sucks.

     I'm having some kind of trouble with my wifi tonight. It could be my browser which has an update waiting for it, but the estimated time for the download keeps fluctuating between 20 minutes and 2 days. Something is going on, and I don't like it. After I write and post this, I'm going to try the download again, but I wanted to get this up before that happened, otherwise I could be without the ability to post for a day.

     While all this is going on, I'm updating the software on my phone. Ok, I just took a second to checkout this new update, and it's pretty cool.  I'll have to play with it later, but I like the look of what is going on with it. Lots of new features to learn, and things to play with.

     I mentioned that I had a Rick of Rick & Morty on the way, and he arrived today. that gives me a set of Rick & Morty now, so that they can watch the show with me. I do have a Rick Pickle on the way, but it won't be released until January. Rick Pickle happens to be my favorite version of Rick, and the episode is fabulously hilarious.
     It felt good to go back to work, but I'm ready for the weekend already. Monday was just that, Monday. Because of the power going off from Irma, it created a weird power flow with our machines, and that created all kinds of problems with the machines running unusually. We had to make constant adjustments for the first 3/4ths of the day, and then when everything seemed to balance out, we had to revert all of the adjustments that we made back to they original settings. It was intensely annoying. Today, the frustration was an employee. He is maybe one of the laziest people that I have ever met. He was supposed to be an employee for the second shift but things went awry and he never went there, and now we are stuck with him. It's my opinion that he should have been let go a long time ago. He cost the company tens of thousands of dollars when he messed up an entire shipment of parts by not checking his work. It was an unfixable mistake and cost us 30,000 parts that aren't just easy to reproduce. That is basically 10 days worth of running those parts to make that many. Beyond all of that, he does the absolute bare minimum to get by, and that bugs me to no end. Oh, there is also the fact that every time I sit down to eat my lunch, he calls me for some problem that is barely a problem, and is usually something that I've told him a dozen times, isn't a problem. One day, I may lose it.

     Let's get over all of that and leave it in the past, because it's time for Favorite Song of the Week. It seems like a very long time since I've done one of these mostly because it's been a couple of weeks, and I've been sitting on this one the entire time. This one comes from my choice to win America's Got Talent last year. If you recall, I chose the right one and she won. By the way, I'm watching AGT right now as I write this, and my pick for this year, just preformed, and I'm feeling pretty confident that I'm going to go 2 for 2. There's still few more acts to go, but so far, he is the only act that blew me away. I should name him so you can look him up. His name is Preacher Lawson, and he is a really funny comedian. Anyway, back to last years winner, and the FSOTW. The winner was non other that Grace Vanderwaal, and she deserved her win. She is a super talented little girl with an amazing knack for writing really good songs. you quite possibly have been hearing one without even knowing it. Her song is featured in the Windex commercial where janitor cleans the window at a nursery for new borns and then a new father coming up and leaning on the window in the spot that was just cleaned to stare at his new child. The song I'm sharing with you tonight is off her upcoming album, and it is just a great catchy song. It will make you want to shake your tail feathers. Here is Grace Vanderwaal with "Moonlight".

     Really listen to the lyrics in the song, and see if you can figure out what it's really about, I have my own theory and I'll share it with you, if you share yours with me. You're going to have to leave a comment to do that. I had to stop for a second and watch the video again. I just wanted to let you know that she is only 14 years old, and there is a good chance that I'm wrong about that, she could be only 13, I don't fully remember. My theory of the subject goes a little dark and that is daunting for someone so young to be able to write a song about.

     I have one more video that I really want you to sit down and take the time to watch tonight. It is from someone I featured on here before. Rosie Gabrielle, she is a free spirited woman that is documenting her travels throughout the world. On this adventure she has been traveling through Oman, and it hasn't been smooth sailing. She has had difficulties with the motorcycle she is riding, in that it is rather large for her, and she has dropped it quite a few times. Because it is so large, she has difficulty getting it back up. That brings us to this video. In the previous episode, she left off with having just dropped the bike and was in the middle of nowhere. She had to run back to the roadway and hope that a car passed by, so that she could ask for help to get it back up. Oh, I should mention that part of the reason she can't lift the bike on her own, is that she suffers from fibromyalgia. It's a disease that affects her muscular system and causes her great pain throughout her body. She has several videos on her channel documenting the times when it flares up really bad, and she has to spend the whole time in bed curled up in pain. The reason I want you to watch this video, is because of the series of events that take place when she waves down a car to get help. It is something that you truly should see. She documents the true beauty of this world in these moments, and it's something that needs to be shared and viewed by as many people as possible. I really hope you take that time to watch it, and truly enjoy it for what it is. It is a beautiful peace of work.

     I'm just going to leave you with that and of course, peace in and goodnight.

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