Sunday, August 22, 2021

All About The Music

      I thought I would write this out a little early today. Honestly I was thinking about doing it a few hours ago, but put it off to listen to some music. Music is life after all, which really ties into a lot that I have to talk about today. 

     First off, I will say that I do have a Favorite Song of the Week, but that will come up a little later. So, really the first thing is going to be these photos of a bench that were posted by Iman. If you don't know who Iman is, I really have to ask you what is wrong with you, but then I will say that she is a supermodel that is widowed by David Bowie. This was an art bench, or a book bench made by artist Sally Adams. I've never heard of her before, but this is one fantastic work of art.

     The bottom photo is a plaque that explains it all. I just love that the bench is an open book, which just adds an extra layer of awesome to it. I had to share this with a friend of mine that is also a very big Bowie fan and they said I should make one myself. I think it would be fun, but I don't believe I could pull of those exact shapes. I can however do my own spin on it and maybe make it more of a traditional bench. I will have to come up with a good design. I do have ideas. Although building it will be fun, I think painting it will be the most fun and more than likely the most challenging part of it. I'm going to take some time and really think things out before I even pretend to approach this though, but I think it's going to happen.

     Alright, now it's time for number 2. In the very little free time that I have, I've been hitting a record store. It's the one that i went to on Record Store Day, and they have some great old albums in great shape for really cheap prices, which is an extra bonus. My find yesterday was The Police Synchronicity. I always wanted that album when I was a kid, but what I never knew was that it is one of the most variant albums there is. I knew that the cover art on the jacket had variants. This is the one that I got.

     The variants with the cover are this paint swatches. Different copies have them in different orders. Now comes the part I didn't know. The records themselves were pressed on different colored vinyl and you really didn't know until you held it up to a light. This is the one I lucked into.

     How cool is that. That is purple vinyl right there. The photo makes it look a little more blue, but in real life that sucker is purple, and I'm so stoked about it, after all purple is my favorite color. I've already given it a spin and it's in great shape and plays like brand new. That is a $12 score right there.

     Now for not music news, here is a garden update. I got two photos one of what the garden looks like now, and the new and improved Desert Rose.

     As you can see the garden plants are filling out all the area really well. I did trim the dead blossoms from the rose bush to help promote growth, so I'm hoping that takes off soon. If you look at the top left corner right were the little fence turns out for the Tibutina, that bundle of big leaves is the Turmeric. I'm really hoping it produces a flower this year, because it's really pretty, plus there is the fact that this is the third year it has made a comeback from simply just a root in the ground. I finally put the Desert Rose into a pot. It was one that I had hanging around the house. There was another plant in it, but I got rid of that one, and the Desert Rose is liking it's new home. I wanted a picture with all the flowers bloomed, but that is as of this morning, and they haven't opened yet, so next week I'll have the really good picture.

     I guess I should update you on Little Miss Ri Ri. She is settling in nicely. There has been the ups and downs, but it's mostly ups. She has bonded very quickly with me and spends most of her time by my side. You can clearly see that she is comfortable.

     She is still a little jittery and walks around a lot, but that is lessening each day. Right now she is sleeping at the foot of my chair. Since she is still recovering from hear heart worm treatment, I have to keep play time to a minimum, which is usually instigated by her. I simply call Morty in (they like to play fight a lot) and have him sit by my side which usually does the trick to calm everyone down. She just needs a couple more weeks of clam time before she can be unleashed. Oh, and not to leave Morty out, here is a picture of my Big Baby Boy in all his glory.

      Ok, one last picture before FSOTW. Since I know you are clamoring for Pokemon GO news, here is my current buddy. 

     Just so you know, you can get bonuses when you make a Pokemon your buddy. They walk around with you and give you rewards and even help you catch other Pokemon. This is a Shiny Kangaskahn, which I named Roo. A shiny is a variation on the normal pokemon where it has a different color scheme and they are generally much more rare. The only way to get one of these here is to be lucky enough to catch it after a raid. That is when you battle a Pokemon with a bunch of different people and once you win, you get to catch it. The Kangaskahn is a regional Pokemon that is exclusive to Australia. You can catch it there in the wild, but there is a special event going on now (well a couple of days ago) where you could find this one in raid towers. I was super lucky and this was only the second raid I did for Kangaskahn when I got that. You are allowed two free raid passes a day so I've made the most of them this time by catching that one shiny Pokemon. The one I really wanted I did not catch and now it's going to be even more rare. During the event, these two (kangaskhan and Heracross) were in raids with a 1 in 75 chance of getting one. Since they have both left the raids and Heracross is now back in the wild (here in Florida but not the rest of the country) it is a  1 in 400 chance of getting one. I should explain the spawn rate, or chance here. That 1 in 400 doesn't mean that for every 400 I see I should get one. What it does mean that each one I see has a 1 in 400 chance of being a shiny. It is all very random but some people are noticing trends where Niantic may be manipulating the shiny spawn rate at certain times. I won't get into all that, I just wanted to share that little, but rather big guy right up there.

     Ok, time for FSOTW. I got one other album at that record store and it's another epic find at least from my view of things. It's from a Fats Domino album. This is the Masters volume 1 which is basically a compilation of hits. For me this is the bees knees because of one particular song, which is the one I'm going to share with you, but first I must mention one other song, because it's one that my Dad loved and would sing quite often. It is none other that Blueberry Hill, probably Fats most recognizable song. I can remember my dad singing that song from time to time and it always put a smile on my face. He would do an over exaggerated deep low tone the "I found my trill" part. It was never not funny. Anyway, that's just a memory that relates to that song and this album. I should also mention that my mom loves it. I give to you my favorite Fats Domino song "Walking to New Orleans"

     I also need to mention that this album has the song The Fat Man on it which is widely considered to be the first ever rock n roll song. Do yourself a favor and look that one up if you haven't heard it before, it's a lovely little piece of history.

     I know I promised some accountability phots this week, but I never got around to taking them, so hopefully next week. I can say that I've been keeping on task with my new fasting protocol, which this past week was 2 24 hour fasts. I'm shooting for a 48 hour this week. I think I'll go for midweek. With a longer fast, I will only do one fast that doesn't of course count my normal intermittently schedule of 18 hours or so each day. That has just been a normal day for me, and has been something I continued to do even when I went off the rails. I'm pretty sure that is the only thing that saved me from gaining 30 pounds or so. Let that be a lesson to you. You can eat anything you want (within reason) if you eat in a sensible way. That is only weight wise of course, eating a ton of garbage all the time is definitely not going to help your health even with eating sensibly, so do like me and get it together.

     That's all for this week. I hope have wonderful days going forward until the next post (really beyond that but let's take it a week at a time for now). Peace in and goodnight.

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