Sunday, August 1, 2021

I Found My Peace

      I've been struggling with what to write this week. It has once again been a pretty miserable week, but I'm choosing not to write anything about that and sticking with some positive and fun things instead. I did forget last week to tell you that I completed the 72hr fast. I didn't make it to the 84hr mark, but I did hit 72. The extra time wasn't necessary, it was just a goal. I can tell you that this time was a little harder than the last time, what with not having fasted very much at all for the past year, but once I got to day 2 it was pretty easy. I did do two 24hr fasts this week, one at the beginning (tuesday-wednesday) and one at the end (friday-saturday). I need to implement more fasting in my routine. I nearly forgot how great it actually makes you feel. I'm shooting for a single 36-48hr fast this week. The weightless aspect is great, but these fasts aren't about that. It's all about autophagy and rebuilding at a cellular level. It's time to get back to what made me feel my best.

    Just wanted to share an update picture of the garden. As you can see it is growing well. The rose bush is just beginning to flower again, there are only small buds on it in the picture. You may also notice the berry cream in the front right. Remember how small that was. It has now blown past the caramel reaper in size and it has it's first fruit on it. I can't wait, because it is a really good pepper. Really hot, but really good. I'm still working on The Schnuggies paw print. It cast they made it from is very porous and just sucks up the epoxy. I'm ok with taking time because it will be epically strong when it is finally ready.

     A quick Covid story, or maybe two, since Florida is now the epicenter of the whole pandemic with an earth shattering 21,000+ new cases as of yesterday. While I was picking up medicine for my mom there were administering a Covid test to someone in the drive-thru. The first thing that hit me was that I hope that person gets through it. The second that my local pharmacy is doing testing. This is good since the only state testing site in the county is at the south end about 45 minutes away. I don't plan on ever needing to be tested, but if I need one, it's good to know I can just go to my pharmacy. The second story is about Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider. He recently took his family to Disneyland. He did so because they claimed that they had a bunch of Covid protocol in place, reservation only, proof of vaccination or negative covid test, masking and social distancing. He said they pretty much failed at all of it. Once people were in the park the masks came off and it was a free for all like normal, with no one social distancing at all. Well, Dee and several members of his family contracted Covid. He was fuming. The fortunate thing is that they were all vaccinated. His symptoms were very mild and only lasted a few days, but he still had to go through it all. Listen, the vaccine doesn't mean you can't catch it. I've said this all along. If you fall in the low percentage of people that aren't the 90-95% you will catch it. What the vaccine protects against is severe illness and hospitalization. It also protects against viral mutation AKA variants. So please, the only way out of this pandemic is through vaccines. If you choose not to get one, for whatever reason, at the very least do your part and wear a mask. I'm back to masking everywhere I go again, and it's not because I didn't do my part, it's because of selfish people that claim they will do all for this country except protect others that think differently than them.

     Ok, it's time for Favorite Thing of the Week, which just so happens to be Favorite Song of the Week. I've told you several times how I love the movie Mama Mia. I'm sure I've also mentioned the sequel Mama Mia, Here We Go Again. I actually like the second movie better. It's essentially the same exact story except they do it much better the second time around, and there is also the soundtrack of ABBA songs. One of the best moments of the film comes at the end when Amanda Seyfried is speaking with Cher, who plays her grandmother. They are talking about one of the other characters and Cher mentions how he has an unusual name, and Amanda says he is an unusual man, see for yourself. That's when the magic begins to happen. It springboards into ABBA's hit song "Fernando" which is done as a duet with Cher and Andy Garcia. Please enjoy this small scene from the movie and acknowledge the true greatness that is Cher and Andy Garcia.

     This scene just confirms to me that Cher and Andy Garcia would be the perfect couple, so yes I am shipping Cher & Andy. Let's not even get into how epic Cher is walking down the stairs on the downbeat. If you haven't seen either of these movies, do yourself a favor and do so. If you want to just watch Here We Go Again, you can, I think it does a pretty good job of filling in what happens in the first one, so you don't need Mama Mia in order to watch it. This is one of those movies that makes me really happy, and I truly needed that this week.

     I'm not going to explain the title, because that would entail going into what went down this week, just now that it is what it says, as cryptic as that may seem. Peace in and goodnight.

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