Sunday, August 8, 2021

Things, Things, And More Things

      I'm writing this early today because if things go as planned (fat chance of that really happening) I'll be hanging out with a friend when I would normally post this. The hope is that we get to hang out and do some serious Pokemon GO free2play. If you don't know (can't understand why anyone wouldn't know what it going on in the PGO community) Niantic, the parent company of the game has made some changes that really have hurt and angered players. The biggest change was removing the distance that you had to be to a pokéstop in order to spin it. The put the added distance into effect during the pandemic in order for people to be socially responsible. The thing players found is, not only did it keep players safe, it allowed them to reach more pokéstops. The games main focus is to get people out to explore and hunt for Pokemon. Players were able to experience more stops because they didn't have to break laws or encroach on private property to get to previously unreachable stops. It also allowed more access to handicapable players as well. I'm not even going to get into the fact that this pandemic is not anywhere near being over considering Florida is putting up record numbers every day (yes, I live in the home of Covid now with over 100,000 new cases in the past 4 days). Anyway players went into protest mode with a whole bunch of them even just deleting the game entirely. Those that didn't do that have committed to playing the free scale of the game which means no event tickets or buying anything from the store. I'm still gaining coins by putting Pokemon in gyms and getting my hopefully 50 coins a day, but those are just going to be saved up until Niantic reinstates the distance for the stops. I'll keep you up to date, cause I know this is on the forefront of your thoughts.

     I'm just going to get to Favorite Thing of the Week right now, because I can't wait any longer. I came across this picture this week on Twitter from a person that posts stuff about 1960's California. I think they said this was Malibu, but I really honestly don't remember. That isn't the important part, the pure epicness of the picture is what is important, and as soon as you see it you will understand all.

     That Cesar Romero as the Joker with a surfboard and baggies on. Do you not see why this is my FTOTW? Just seeing that picture made me instantly happy.

     I decided to look up my Dee Gee's album just to see what it was going for. It is now going for $142. That is crazy. I don't have any intention of selling it, and I'm sure that starting price is for an unopened copy, but mine is opened and has several plays on it. I'm a little bummed about this, but it does make it so that I can play it in the car, but they did release the album on digital. It has all the same songs as the album which one side is the Dee Gee's and the other is a few new songs from the Foo Fighters. It really is a fun and great album, so if you want to give it a listen head over to your favorite music streaming service and give it a listen.

     I've been refocusing on my mental health this week and it's paying off, but I still haven't able to head out and walk. I'm still a little broken from losing the Schnuggie, so when Morty hops into my bed in the morning, I can't get out at all. This happens every morning, so either he knows I need the attention or he is missing her as well and knows that that is where she usually was in the morning. I am also starting to feel the need to have another dog around. For myself and for Morty. I think he needs a buddy to hangout with from time to time. The local SPCA just got a whole bunch of new dogs in from a transfer out of Texas. They do this form time to time. It's where they transfer dogs from their facility that haven't had much luck getting chosen, and take some hard cases from the other facility. I have been looking at a pup that has been in the system for 3 years now. She's a 5 year old mix, which is really what I like. I've grown very very fond of Pitties, and really can't see myself having any other kind of dog. I will have to find time to go down and look at all the dogs, and then find a time to take Morty down there to see which dog works out best with him. They have to both like each other, so even though I'm looking at that sweet little girl, she may not be the one that is best for Morty or vice versa. Truthfully, I don't see Morty having a problem with any dog, it's just his nature to like other dogs. Which brings me to something that happened this week.

     I don't know for sure, but there is a good chance that Morty killed one of the neighbors chickens. I really don't think he did it, but he did bring the carcass to me. Here are my reasons for thinking Morty didn't do it. I didn't hear any kind of commotion when he found it, the blood had already dried and Morty was holding it gently in his mouth when he brought it up to me. It had been beheaded and I could not find any sign of the head at all in the yard. All that being said, I didn't see Morty find it, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that it wasn't him. I felt horrible about it either way and offered to pay for a new chicken if they got another one. It was a silkie so not your run of the mill kind of chicken. The thing that is going to bum me out the most about this is that the neighbor boy might start calling Morty a bad dog for killing his chicken. If Morty did it he deserves some scolding which I did do to him, but him being called a bad dog is something that takes me back. Morty didn't used to bark at anyone, but the neighbor behind me would walk their dogs and those little dogs would bark at Morty Constantly. Morty would always rush the fence to see what was going on and they would bark. Well the neighbor would start yelling at Morty calling him a bad dog, and it infuriated me. They were the cause of him barking, it was learned behavior from their dogs. Before I finish this part I just want to say, I don't know if this will happen, but the boy is young and sometimes kids just say things, I just hope it doesn't effect Morty if he does start saying that to him. I understand what he is going through, cause he just lost his chicken, I won't be mad but I'll still be bummed. He's a good kid.

     The one thing that has really gotten under my skin is my lack of creativity. I should be drenched in it, but it has escaped me entirely. I really think I have one more story in me, and I did start it, but I hit an instant block which has let the story just disappear. I want to try and get that and the story back but I don't know how. I think one day I'm just going to sit down at this laptop and push until something comes. My goal is to have at least 10 chapters ready before I begin posting it. Right now I don't even have a full chapter. I really want to get this story out and to feel productive again. I haven't felt that in a very long time and that in itself is one of the things that is destroying my mental health. Feeling useless is overwhelming, and when you don't know what you can do to overcome that, the overwhelming becomes even more overwhelming. I'm going to try and push and see if that works. I'm hoping it doesn't have and adverse affect. I'm not sure how I'll deal with that.

     I'm just going to stop right there and call it a post. Peace in and goodnight, even though it's pretty early in the day.

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