Sunday, August 15, 2021

Is Another Dog In My Future

      It's been an unusual week. That's not a bad thing either. I did two fasts this week, a 24 hour and a 35 hour. I'm beginning to feel a bit more normal, and i'm owing it all to my latest fasting protocol. My sleep pattern has also showed a bit of a change as a result. I'm back to not needing as much sleep and although I still haven't gone to walk the lake trail, I have been waking up early and done 1 of 2 things or both. 1 would be getting Morty in the car and taking him with me to spin pokéstops very early in the morning. This also gives me a chance to clear some gyms and get Pokémon in there to earn some coins. You have the potential for 50 coins a day, and I think I only had 1 day I didn't reach the max coins. The other thing I've been doing is listening to some audible books. That was part of my walking routine and has suffered with not walking, so I'm pretty excited about getting the books going again. 

      I'm going to try to get some accountability photos this week. I don't think anything has changed much, but I'm well overdue for taking some. I haven't weighed myself in about 2 weeks, but I'm sure I'm in the 165-170 range. 

     I can't remember if I mentioned the whole thing about Niantics response to the pokéstop issue, or if I just told you what is going on. If I've already told you this, my apologies for repeating, but Niantic did respond to the open letter to them about the distance issue. Their response is a bit lackluster, but at least it's a response. They are forming a committee for outreach within the community and are going to announce what they are going to do moving forward on September 1. I'm hoping that they reinstate the extra distance, but I'm not holding out much hope that it will happen. There is your Pokémon update.

    Now for a doggie update. As I told you last week, I was ready to begin the search for a new dog. Well, that search hit a snag around Wednesday when I saw an instagram post form the SPCA that the dog I had been looking at was snatched up and found it's furever home. I'm happy but disappointed. Anyway, I made my way to the adoption center yesterday to look at dogs that might be favorable to being in a household with another dog. I was shown 4 great dogs, one of which immediately made up it's mind that it wanted nothing to do with me, so it was down to 3 and one of them was a dog I thought I had seen before. Turns out it was a different dog with the same name, but before I get to that, I should go in order of appearance.

     The first dog I met was the beautiful brindle coat mix that looked like it has some german shepard in it. It's name was Ian, and he was as playful as playful could be. I could see him giving Morty a run for his money in the energy department. The second dog was Rita who kind of reminded me of the dog in Our Gang. She was mostly white with black spots and one very pronounced sot over her left eye. She was a timid girl but you could tell that she wanted to be friendly she was just shy. She was a let go by her family because they were moving and she just had puppies and they had to let one go, so she was the one that went. She has been through heart worm treatment and still has the little shaved spots on her back from it. She reminded me of The Schnuggie a lot in her temperament and how she acted in that first meeting. The third dog I met was the aforementioned Mellow who wanted nothing to do with me. He came out and went up to me with enough friendliness but then had a turn and began barking at me. He made up his mind right away. The final dog was Jinx and she was the one I thought I had met before, but it was a new little girl. I should mention that all of these dogs are pit mixes. She was stunning with her red coat and beautiful reddish brown eyes. She was super friendly and loved giving hugs. She had a playful lovey streak that was top notch and she quickly moved up to my number 1 spot.

     After meeting them all, I had to get home and find out when I might be able to take Morty up to meet them. Jinx of course was my top choice. There was one problem with her though and that is that she is very picky about who she likes as a dog, that meant Morty had to be on his best behavior. I made arrangements so that I could take him up today first thing when they opened. I had to get Ol' Morty ready for his meet and greet. That meant a bath and a new collar that I had gotten him. He had to look sharp. The short morning trips have paid off and Morty is much better in the car now, but instead of anxious, he gets overly excited, which tires him out, so that was a bit of a plus, Jinx doesn't like overly excited dogs.

     The time had finally come. I was lead to the back play area with Morty so that he could finally meet Jinx. It started out well. It was told to me that Jinx would let you know immediately if she didn't vibe. She came in and was a little aggressive towards Morty, but he handled it well. She spent a lot of time dominating him and he also took that for a little while. She finally pushed one too many times and Morty checked her. He didn't hurt her, but let her know that he was done. That made them being a pair a bit risky. It wasn't bad but it opened a lot of doors to what could happen in the confined space of a house. Jinx wasn't going to be the one. Rita was the next one to come out, and she reminded me even more of The Schnugg with their meet and greet. She was playful, but Morty was so tired at this point that he just was a bit indifferent to her, which was really the right response. So Little Miss Ri Ri came home.

     She is settling in just fine. She's a bit spastic right now, but that's just her finding her place here. There was one moment when I went up to give Morty a hug and she came up to get in on the action and Morty snapped at her, but it was just a snap with no real intent and I calmed them both down quickly. For right now, she is considered a Weekend Warrior, which is a thing they do now where you take the dog home for a few days to see how they fit. I thing it's a great thing, but I can see her passing the test and staying. I'm fully expecting to call them up on Wednesday to tell them that she is going to stay. I'm going to have to ask them her age, cause I forgot. I think she is 5 but don't hold me to that. Besides that spot on her eye that really stands out. She is like Morty was when I got him, with one ear that stands up and one that flops. The stand up ear has a little curl at the very top that is super cute. Her is the picture from the website that really shows it off. 

     How could I say no to that face? She's a little smaller in height to Morty and I think she weighs around 50 pounds or so. Right now she is at the foot of my chair waiting for dinner, which I will be making as soon as I'm done writing this.

      Ok, of course Ri Ri is my favorite thing of the week, but I do have another clip from Mama Mia Here We Go Again, because it was on again this week. This is the boat scene. It takes place in the movie where everything is going wrong and this is the turning point where everything comes together for a marvelous conclusion that leads up to that Cher and Andy Garcia scene that I already shared with you. Of course this is ABBA's best known song as well. Here is the scene from MMHWGA with "Dancing Queen"

      Seriously, that scene makes me smile every time I see it. I really implore you to give that movie a chance at watch it. It truly is fantastic.

     Ok, one last thing. This week the new One Chip Challenge came out for this year. They got rid of the charcoal and the Szechuan peppercorn, which I believe toned the heat down on the chip, and only put reaper, scorpion and salt. I think it is going to be hotter and a much better tasting chip this time around. I do have to say that my tolerance is way down, so this one is probably going to do me in, which is why I got 2 chips each for me and my buddy.

     Even though my tolerance for heat is down, there is no way I'm going to let that chip beat me. I'm not sure when we are going to do it, but we will make a video that I'll share here when we've completed the challenge.

     On that note is time to go make some dinner. Peace in and goodnight.

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