Sunday, August 29, 2021


     Another early post this week. I woke up super early today and got everything done that I wanted to do today before 6 AM. I did take accountability photos, which are a complete and utter train wreck, but we will get to that in a little while. I did also get a good picture of the blooming desert rose, which I would rather hit you with first, because the other photos will scald your eyes.

    Only a few of the blooms have opened, but there are so many on it right now that will be open by the end of this week. It has grown a bit, but not too much. I think it is going at a nice steady pace right now. I'll see how big it gets before deciding if I want to go for a bigger pot. I like the one it is in right now for size and convenience of placement. It is sitting on the table between the outside chairs, which is a nice spot for it. I'm excited about that as well as how the garden is going. I may have to trim back the Lantana though, because it is beginning to take over the whole area. It's pretty impressive. Here is the picture from last week as a reminder. The Lantana is the yellow flowering plant in the middle.

     You have to remember those all came in 1 gallon nursery pots, so it has grown tenfold from when I originally got it.

     Oh, I kept forgetting to post this picture. This is the new chef at the White House. When this posted on social media it was quite the buzz. People could see a whole story of intrigue and action based on Andre Rush. See if this picture doesn't create a whole scenario in your head as well.

     I mean if that doesn't say undercover secret agent to protect the President, I don't know what does. I can see it now, and Independence Day type of movie where aliens come to attack the Earth and he walks out the front door to confront them and they just turn away and run back to space where it is much much safer. 

    Ok, time to burn your eyes out. I'm not happy at all about my appearance, but I also know that it's not as bad as I'm actually seeing it. I did weigh in and I was right about my weight (166.4 lbs). I also got a body fat reading that came in at 18.5%. Here is the thing though, at my low my body fat was at 15%, and that 3.5% is a massive difference. I can sit here an point out all the flaws in me that I see, but I'll just let the photos speak for themselves. I also need to state that this is an important part of my process in keeping myself in check.

     I'm going to stop beating myself up and start getting going again. I do know that my lack of a current tan (it has faded away from the spring) does have an effect on my appearance, but I look beyond that. There I go again, starting the beating. 

     You can also see from the photos that Ri Ri does not like to leave my side. She is an absolute sweetheart, but it is remarkable how quickly she has bonded to me as it compares to her cozying up to other people. It took her about a week to stop being freaked out by my mom. She is still unsure of her, but she has stopped the barking at her and just kind of nervously walks near her to make sure she isn't up to something. If anyone else comes around, she goes crazy. She is very much protective of me, a little too much, but she will settle. It takes time for rescue dogs to find their place and role in a new family, and that is all she is doing. This is that spot where I once again implore you, that if you are thinking about a new pet, to very much consider adopting and also to consider an older pet. Oh, I did get Ri Ri's information and she is 4 years 7 months old. Oh oh, I also saw that the dog that I was originally wanting to look at has been returned to the shelter. She is a beautiful girl named Jill, and if you live near me, and you know who you are please go to the Titusville SPCA and take a look at her, and if you do choose to adopt her please let me know so I can come over and give her all the pets. If they still have the same deal going on, adults dogs are free adoptions. That is the deal I got with Ri Ri, I only had to pay for a collar for her, since I didn't have an extra one. So that takes care of that excuse, now find a reason to get rid of all those other excuses you have.

      Before I get to Favorite Song of the Week which also is my Favorite Thing of the Week, I need to mention that my week was overly stressful this past week. I didn't hit my 48hr fast goal because that stress hit right in the middle of it, and I fell into confort food mode. This also has helped with how I'm seeing my physical self either. I'm just going to ride out today with more comfort foods, and then try to reset tomorrow. I don't know what this next week will have in store for me, but that is the plan as I move forward. Oh, one thing that did help relieve a little stress (part of it is coming from the state of this state and the overwhelming number of Covid positive people there are) was when I went to the local pharmacy to pick up some medication for my mom. There were several people there getting their first shots of the vaccine, and that made me happy. I talked a little to the pharmacist about it and he said they were up to doing 40 a day. For a small pharmacy that is really good. You have to consider that these were mostly people that were holding out for one reason or the other, but getting vaccinated won out. If you remember the last time I was there, they were administering a bunch of Covid tests, so to go from a ton of tests to a ton of vaccines is a big change. This is the place where I beg you to get vaccinated if you haven't already done so, and if you have please continue to wear a mask until this is at a much lower level. 

     Ok, now it's time for FSOTWAFTOTW. I threw you with that one didn't I. If you think about it you will get it. Anyway, earlier this week the Foo Fighters had a concert (yes they require vaccinations to get in or a very recent negative test result and everyone is required to wear masks) and at this concert Dave and the Fighters of Foo had a special guest come out for the final song of the night. If you remember last summer I shared at least one of the videos if not all of a certain drum battle that took place on YouTube between a precocious little girl (with all the talent to back it up) and Mr. Grohl himself. Well they finally met in person at this show, and Nandi Bushell was the special guest for that show closing song, and what a closer it was. This is the Foo Fighters with special guest Nandi Bushell on drums with "Everlong". 

     I've come to the conclusion that we truly don't deserve Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters, but I'm enthusiastically happy that they don't see it that way. I once commented on a post from someone that asked, "if you could sit down and talk to anyone alive or dead who would it be?" I commented Dave Grohl cause he seems like a really rad dude, and this video just reenforces that answer even more. I would love to just sit down and talk music with Dave. I want to point out for you to take a look at Taylor Hawkins drum kit above Nandi during the video. It's so rad that he just took the song off and let her play, but also the kid that is up there with him leaning on his drum kit watching is his son that has been on this tour with them all summer. Just rad people.

     I can't see a better way to end this post then you just rewatching that video again. Peace in and goodnight.

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