Monday, May 16, 2016


     So, I had this grandiose idea, that I was going to talk all about the strip club culture and all the do's and don'ts.  I got to thinking, who am I, to give anyone advice on going to a strip club. I don't go all that often, and all I can really provide are my observations. So here they are.

     I've noticed a change in a few things over the years. It used to be, that men would be there, and they would stare at the strippers as if  they were gazelles on the plains of Africa. The mighty lion would hunt his prey, and then pounce in for the kill, or, they would just slowly meander to the stage and stand sheepishly to hand the ladies a tip. The fun began, when the ladies would wander through the crowd and pick out their own gazelles. Don't kid yourself guys, that is what was, and still is going on.

     Later it would turn a bit. That is when the whole "making it rain" thing came in. Guys would no longer stand and wait to tip a woman, they would just through hands full of one dollar bills at them. I always found this practice to be rather demeaning. I think those guys main got off on watching her scurry around the stage on her hands and knees picking everything up. It was more of a "Hey, look what I'm making her do" thing. Once again, the real fun would begin, when the ladies took their walk through the crowd.

     I know what you are thinking, "when is he going to get to this 'real fun' part?". Be patient, it's coming. That is the one thing that always has remained the same. Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, what goes on today. Here is the new trend. The guys simply don't go up to the stage to tip anymore. They just wait for the girls to come to them, where ever they are sitting. Ok, now the "real fun". In the old days, and the new, the ladies always find the guy that is the weakest in the herd. He's the easiest target, and usually has a fair amount of money. Also, he isn't going to be bold enough to tell them "no" right off. It's going to take him a little time to build up the courage, or he runs out of money. Which ever comes first. After those guys are taken, the quickly hit the high rollers. Those are the ones, that during the in between days, would through the hands full of cash.

     After they are all taken care of , they tend to see what they can get out of everyone that's left. Here is a little tip. If you are wearing shorts, they are never coming to you. Dude, that's just gross. I'm still a little old school. When I see a dancer I like, I head to the stage, have a seat, and wait until she makes her way over. I compliment them, give them the tip fast, and don't make them work hard for it. Usually the dancer will lean down to thank you, and that is when you tell them that you would like a dance, if they have the time. That process, has never failed me. It doesn't cost anything to be polite, and it always gets a good reaction.

     Dancers are pretty used to guys coming in, and treating them like dirt, so when someone is polite, the respond in kind. I'm not there, thinking I'm going to sleep with s stripper, or even go out with one. I am there for the experience that it is. For that small period of time that I am there, I'm going to make a very brief connection, that feels real. I know it's not, and she knows it's not. We are only having a moment where two people make believe that they are the only two people in each other's world.

     There is always that awkward moment before the song starts, and you two have to talk. This is where the whole fantasy, get's eerily real. Well, for me it does. This is where we start a conversation, and then she tells me everything about her life. I haven't mentioned this here, but people love to tell me things that I don't want,  or need to know. I don't know what it is, and many friends have witnessed it, and are shocked by the whole thing. I think it's because I'm a good listener, and I honestly care what they have to say, even though I don't want, or need to hear it. I digress though. I have found out more from a dancer in those brief minutes than most people ever do. They usually see me a bit differently at that point, and that is when that connection is made. I'm no longer just a patron, but the person in her life at that moment. Once again, I know, and she knows that it's not real, but for the length of a song, it becomes real.

     Ok, I believe I've gone on long enough. I'm pretty sure I could go on much longer but I won't. I wanted to end tonight, with a video of a song, It's my favorite song of the week, and I think I might start doing this every Monday. We'll see how it goes. If you guys like it, we will keep it up. If you don't, let me know and I'll consider setting it aside.  Anyway, I posted this on my 365 last night. It's a new single by 3OH!3. I just got turned onto them recently, and I dig their sound. I know they've been around for a while now. I'm way late to the party on this one, but here it is.

Peace in and goodnight.

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