Monday, May 23, 2016

That's so rude!

     I was talking to a some friends of mine at that surprise party that I was at, and the conversation turned to rudeness. It all started when a flower girl (I'm really not sure what they are called, perhaps rose girl) came around and asked if I would like to buy a rose. I politely said no thank you, and she moved on to a my friend next to me. He did the same, and then he turned to me, and said, I used to be a total dick to them. I asked him why, and he didn't really have a reason.

     Soon after that exchange the other friend walked up, while I was in the middle of expressing to him that it is so easy to just be polite. There was no need to be mean to her for any reason. She started the talk about how people have become more and more rude. We all agreed that it is far more work to be rude than it is to just simply be kind. It takes no work at all, to say; "Thank you", "Have a nice day", or to just simply hold a door open for someone.

     I've noticed more an more that people tend to no say excuse me, when they are in theaters anymore. I always have, and always will, but I think, or at least I hope, that people aren't saying it, because they are trying to be polite and not speak during the movie. Then again, with cell phone use on a rise, you see more people looking at their phone during a movie. I pull my phone out before the movie starts, and put it in "do not disturb"mode. I receive everything in real time, but it doesn't notify in any way. I can look at it when the movie is over. There was a time, when if you weren't home, people couldn't contact you. I'm leaning more and more towards that philosophy in my life now. When I'm out with friends, I don't look at my phone. If I'm having dinner with someone, I don't look at my phone. If i'm out past 10 PM, and you want to get in touch with me, you are going to have to hope that I do look at my phone, because I have it set to go into "do not disturb" mode.

     I have a challenge for you this Memorial Day. Keep your phone in your pocket when you are at what ever party you go to. Whether it be family, or friends, just enjoy their presence and be engaged with them instead of your phone. Trust me, talking to people, is far more fulfilling than anything on your phone.

   Since it's Monday, it's time for the song of the week. I've been hearing this one for a couple of weeks now, and I really dig the sound, so it gets my, "favorite song for this week' label. Without further adieu, here is The Struts with Kiss This.

It kind of sounds a little like some old Elton John. There you have it, enjoy, peace in, and goodnight.


  1. So agree with the phone thing and I liked video.

  2. On Saturday, I was talking to Jack's mom, and the conversation came around to her new dog. This resulted in my realizing that I hadn't checked in with Bianca's dog-sitter, and started to send him a quick message. I was absolutely mortified when it occurred to me that I just made Jack's mother feel less important than my cell phone. I couldn't have apologized more, and I explained who I was messaging and why. Then, I rather sheepishly stashed my phone back in my handbag, and it didn't resurface until I was alone.
