Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I Can See, And It Looks Like Stangelove.

     I can admit my faults when the arise, and one has. I just can't keep up with all the murders of the past couple of weeks. There was Denver, Virginia, New York, and most recent Texas. Not to mention that there is a serial killer roaming around Tampa Bay. I would like to have all the names for you, but I just haven't found the time, but I will try to get them up on Sunday night.

     I found something out about the "Featured Post" widget on the right side over there. It is only a Featured Post. It will only display one post at a time, so I can't have a list of just The Patchwork Knight chapters over there. I will try to see if there is something like a playlist widget or something like that, but in the meantime, I will put the most recent to the current chapter in that space. Chapter 1 is over there right now, but on Thursday Knight, that will change to Chapter 2, and so on and so forth, until I can figure something out to get all of them in one space, so that they are easy to find.

     I guess a few updates are in order as it pertains to my personal health. I got my knew glasses and contacts yesterday, and they are working out fantastically. The glasses are Ray Ban frames, and I really like them a lot. I think they are considered Wayfarers, but they are the new thin ones. I could swear that I saw something like that on their website. I've never owned a real pair of Ray Bans, sunglasses or otherwise, so when I saw that my optometrist carried Ray Ban now, I was all over them, not to mention, they were the best looking ones, for my opinion anyway. I was so happy that I could see again without strain. My contacts were the real problem. It was getting more and more difficult to read, and my eyes would tire out earlier in the day. Wearing those new contacts today, was a far cry from what I was used to.  I knew as soon as I put them in, that they were going to be ok. My eye doctor always wants to do a follow up with me on the contacts, to see that they are sitting in my eye right and that they are comfortable. I'll probably make that follow up visit in a couple of weeks. She always likes me to wear them for about a week before I go in, and since I'm going to try to get the final bit of footage for that video I'm working on on Saturday, I won't be able to go this week.

     My back is almost back to 100%. Did I mention that I strained my back when I had to pick Saki up? I don't remember. It's been a rough few days. No bending over, and a whole lot of bending at the knee. I had to wear Icy Hot patches on my lower back for a couple of those days. Actually, today was the first day without one, and that was only because my back was feeling so much better today, that I forgot to put one on. I'd put my back at around the 85% mark right now. It's still tight, but the pain has pretty much gone away. Just in case you were wondering, no, it has not stopped me from riding. I rode yesterday to pick up my glasses, and to work today, not to mention, to shoot all that terrible footage on Saturday that I couldn't use, I even went out for a little while on Sunday too. Riding makes me feel better.

     Speaking of riding, trust me, this is a very clever segue, the show Ride with Norman Reedus had it's premiere for the new season, Sunday night, with the second episode in it's normal time slot on Monday. I love this show, and I think anyone that rides should give it a chance. If you haven't seen it, it is Norman Reedus, he plays Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead, goes around to different parts of the country and rides with some other, normally a famous persons, and checks out the culture and scenery of those areas. The premier had him in Barcelona, Spain with his costar Jefferey Dean Morgan. I can't put that one as one of my favorite episodes, and I can't really tell you why, but the second episode with Dave Chappelle, goes up there as one of my favorites. On that ride the went through the Low Country. Charlotte, South Carolina, to Savannah, Georgia. I've driven through that area several times in my life, but never stopped to check it out. I was always headed to Pennsylvania or West Virginia to visit family, and couldn't stop. I need to take some time some time, and head to the Low Country for a vacation some time. From the show, it really seemed like my kind of place. The show airs on AMC on Monday nights, give it a chance, you might learn something new.

     Oh, it's that time again. Favorite Song of the Week time. I'm making this one pretty easy this week. I got in a mood for Depeche Mode, one of my all time favorite bands, and had to stream the hits. There is always one song that stand out for me, because it is such an odd content for a pop song. It's clearly in my mind, about sadomasochism. It's just very odd subject matter for a fun loving pop song. It's that mixed  content that makes Depeche Mode so great. Depeche Mode were the first wave of the Industrial sound. The had effects that sounded like metal pipes clanging or barrels ringing. One song even had the sound of scissors snipping together. It was truly the dawn of industrial music. This happens to be the first year that they are up for nomination in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Now, I won't get into my problems with the R&R HOF, but Depeche Mode is a band that belongs in, but I doubt they will get in on their first try, even though the inspired so many of the bands that were big in Industrial music. Anyway, here is "Strange Love" by Depeche Mode.

     I love that song. A new chapter of The Patchwork Knight goes up on Thursday, and I'm hoping to have that video ready for you on Sunday. It all depends if I can get all the footage that I want by then. The forecast is calling for rain on Saturday, but I'm going to try and push through and get it regardless of the weather. We will see how it all works out. Peace in and goodnight.

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