Tuesday, November 28, 2017

I'm Terrible At This Whole Dating Thing, But Here Is A List Of My Top 5 Songs. I Wonder If I Can Make This Title Any Longer.

     The last two days, I've ended the night with a massive headache. I don't know the reason, I just know that it sucks. Anyway, I have a few things to talk about so let's get to it.

     The first thing, is something that popped up today, and I had no idea that this would even be a topic of conversation. As I was driving home, and rounding the final two corners to my house, who did I see walking up the sidewalk? It was Door to Door Girl, I really should have a better name for her. It was the beautiful young woman that I met a couple of weeks ago outside my house. She was back in my neighborhood. I waved as I drove by, and she waved back with a smile. 

     I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, and ran my normal routine of checking the mail. As I was closing the mailbox I heard, "Hey". She made really good time. She had to walk a good 75 yards to get to that point and she looked to be walking at a casual pace when I drove by her. I did my best not to say anything stupid this time. She told me that this was her last day in the neighborhood, and tomorrow she would be going to Cincinnati. I mentioned a place she could go while she was there, which led to a conversation about past experiences at amusement parks. 

     In my typical idiot fashion I failed to ask her for her number, or even how long she was going to be there. I really suck at being a person in the dating world. I don't know how to read signs, I'm bad at judging when a woman is attracted to me, and I never know when a simple statement like "I'll see you later" is just a simple statement and not an actual term of announcing that they would like to see me again. That being said, that is how she bid her farewell, "I'll see you later." Does that mean the she truly intends to see me later, or is it just a friendly gesture to another person? I don't know, I never know, and these are questions that plague me to no end. I run possible missed opportunities through me head on and endless loop. Which of course is the reason I started writing the 365 and then this. It helps me get those things out of my head. Once I write it, I can leave it alone, for the most part.

     On to more easily explained things. I forgot to mention in the Sunday Night Post, that I did find another Pepsi Salted Caramel. All I have to do now, is get a pint of vanilla ice cream, so that I can make that ice cream float and see if my guess is correct, and it will make a pretty good float.

     The ear and nose are healing up really well. The nose feels sore still which I'm not surprised by, but the ear is a different story. It is much less sore than I thought it would be, and I noticed something else today. The hole is beginning to stretch. Granted the curved barbell is rather heavy, but it shouldn't be doing this at all. My only reason for why this is happening, is how that lobe was previously stretched up to 3/4 inch. It must have retained that elasticity and is rip roaring and ready to go. This doesn't mean that I'm going to jump right in and stretch this bad boy back up to where it was. It is a new hole after all and needs the proper time to heal, but I could still probably fit a 4 gauge plug in there right now. That is how much it has opened up. It's pretty crazy.

     I got to experience my nightmare today with the new nose piercing. A runny nose. Yep, I knew it would happened eventually. I've always had sinus trouble and of course there is my allergies that flare up ever so often, but I was hoping that it would be a few weeks. I started sneezing today, and the faucet was turned on. I have no idea how to blow my nose with a ring going though it. Turns out, it's not quite that much different. I stayed away from the ring itself and kept everything around the opening of the nostril. Worked out fine, and it wasn't a crazy runny nose day. It only happened that once time, and after that it was good for the rest of the day. I faced my fear and I overcame. I feel like a hero. Ok that's going a little too far.

     This is normally where I would put Favorite Song of the Week, but this week I'm going to do something a little different. I was listening to Kevin Nealon on The Howard Stern Show today. They asked him to list his favorite songs, and then they poked fun at him for liking crappy music. I disagreed for the most part, but music is subjective. What you like may not be what someone else likes. I think he did a list of 10 or so songs, but I'm going to list my 5 favorite songs. If you want. leave a list of your top 5 in the comment section below. It would be fun to see what you like.

     Here goes. The first song on my list will never change. The other four can move up and down this list, but number 1 will always be number 1 for me. That song is non other than "Purple Rain", by Prince and the Revolution. Notice I didn't just say Prince. That is the way it was released so that is the way I write it, even though Prince wrote the lyrics and music, and played every instrument except for the horn section on the album. He did it all, and that is why he is my all time favorite, and why I have the Love symbol tattooed on my ribs.

     The second song is an old school hip hop classic, "It Takes Two", by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock. It doesn't matter how many times I hear that song, it's like the first time I heard it. It just brings me to life and takes me back to my teens. Those were fun times.

     Number three belongs to non other than David Bowie. How can you have a list of favorite songs, and not include one of his? This song has always resonated with me and I don't really know why. There are other songs by him that are better, and even more catchy, but "Golden Years" has been a favorite since the first time I heard it.

     Four, we are nearing the end, and no list by me would be complete without Lady Holiday. Billie Holiday just puts me in a place where relaxation isn't even a thought, it just happens, and no song by her doesn't that to me faster than, "Just One More Chance". Her voice just oozes soul and silky smoothness.

     Last song on the list, and I debated in my mind whether or not this song was top 5 for me, and I just couldn't come up with a song that could outshine it. This one goes to my love of Funk and there is one band that stands above all Funk bands to me, and that is Kool & the Gang. They are simply the cats meow, and the song that stands out as the very best that they ever did was, "Hollywood Swinging". Listen, they even say that they went to a Kool & the Gang show in the song, that is pure unadulterated funk right there.

     Give it some thought on your own, and make your own list. There will be no judgement from me on this. Music is music and is meant to be heard. Just because I don't like an artist or a song, doesn't meant that it has merit. I can talk about all kinds of music that I don't vibe with, that doesn't meant that it isn't good, it's just that it's not my bag. Revel in your weirdness and let your freak flag fly, and dance to the beat of your own drum, but leave a comment of your top 5 songs. It will be fun, and you might direct me to a good song that I've never heard before. I can guarantee you this, if you list a song that I don't know, I will look it up and give it a listen.

     That's all I got for you tonight. My headache has somewhat abated for the time being while writing this, so maybe I can get down to a peaceful night of sleep. I'll let you know on Sunday if I did, for Thursday Knight is all about The Patchwork Knight. I do hope you are enjoying it so far, and stick with me, there will be some action coming soon. Probably not this Thursday, but soon. Peace in and goodnight.

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