Sunday, November 19, 2017

Something Unusual, Something Lost, Something Punishing, And Something Cool.

     Alright, let's get into this, cause there is a lot to get to. I got to start with the unusual. Yeah, I wrote the title first this time, and that's because I know exactly what I'm talking about tonight.

     On Thursday, when I was coming home from work, I ran into a beautiful young lady. When I said I ran into, I mean I literally nearly ran into her. I was pulling into my driveway, while a rather attractive young woman was walking down the sidewalk. She wasn't paying attention and was about to walk right in front of me. Fortunately I saw her, and was waiting for her to walk by. She waved me ahead, so I pulled in. She waited by the sidewalk until I got out of the car, and apologized for not paying attention to where she was going. I told her that it was no problem and that I saw her and wasn't going to hit her. We struck up a brief conversation, that was pleasant and then we went our separate ways and I didn't think any more about it.

     Friday came, and I went out on a ride to get footage for a new video, more on that video later. When I was riding back up to my house, I saw that same young woman again, walking up the street on the other side of the street. Time to do something sly but in all reality, stupid. I put Saki in the lounge, and then stayed there with garage door open, while tooling around with mail hoping that she would see me and maybe say hi. To my complete surprise, it worked. I kept my head down looking at mail, and I heard a "Hey!". It was her from across the street. I said something really cool like, "I see you're back at it again today.". She was going door to door for a phone company. "Yep, I'm just trying to get to some of the houses I didn't get to yesterday." She said all of this as she was walking across the street towards my house. I began walking towards her, and another fantastic conversation ensued.

     We talked about bikes, riding, tattoos, TV viewing habits, a mention that she has an ex, and a few other things. We finally decided to end the conversation after reaffirming each others name, and she said she would stop by later before she left the area to say goodbye. I said that would be nice. I immediately went in the garage and used this new app called Marco Polo and contacted the friend that told me about to tell her about this interaction. I needed a clear head to tell me if I was reading too much into what just happened. She didn't think I was reading too much into it. I thought I was losing my mind and that there was no way that this beautiful young woman had any interest in me. We both decided that I should just play it by ear and see what happens.

     What happened? Well, to be completely honest, nothing. She never showed back up, and I even hedged by bet by going out into the garage in the evening and doing some quick maintenance on Saki, to make sure everything was tightened down. I actually needed to do this, since last weekend I put those frame sliders on, and needed to see how everything was holding up after some good hard riding. I was hoping, but my true vision and not my perception held true. If I'm wrong, she knows where I live and can stop by any time she wants.

     Because I have no other place to put this, and it kind of falls into the unusual category. I picked this up today at Target. I had heard about this and really wanted to try it even though it should probably not have been made in the first place. It is Pepsi Salted Caramel. Yeah, I put up this up as an Instagram post and said that it fell in the category of, just because you can doesn't mean you should, but since you did, I'm going to try it. Try it I did. I only took a nice big swig of it, and it is weird. It doesn't taste like a Pepsi at all. What it does taste like is a salted caramel soda. It's rich and has a hint of sea salt followed by a thick gooey caramel flavor. I have no idea what I would drink that with. I don't think I'll be able to drink it by itself. It's going to be too much for my taste buds. I was thinking caramel corn or maybe some kind of chocolate bar. I do have Reese's Crunchers (my new favorite frozen candy, yeah I said frozen don't judge me). I'll try it with some of those later, but I may go into sugar overload. I really have no idea what else to drink it with. It's both salty and savory, so trying to counter it, is near impossible. Maybe a steak, I don't know. Give me ideas, because if something sounds good, I'll try to find another one of them and give it a try.

     Now, it's time for something lost. I've lost my tattoo artist. Not in a he is spiraling in the ether sort of war, at least I hope not. I can't find him. He hasn't been at the shop in weeks. I reached out to him, and got no reply from him. I hope it's just that he moved somewhere else, and just hasn't had the time to respond. Anyway, that was the focus of the video I made. I was on the search for him and a piercing place. It is getting harder and harder to find a quality piercer any more. Here is the video. I added some elements from the last video on, with my usually talking type motovlog. I really like doing the cinematic type stuff, so expect more of that in the future. I don't have to talk and I can give you a fun video. Plus there is the fact that Epidemic Sound has made me want to make more videos. I hear different songs on there and instantly get ideas for things I'd like to do. So here is the new video, please give it a watch. It's jut over 10 minutes, so not too much time out of your busy day.

     I really like the edit at the end. I managed to get that just right with the fade to white. I may use that as my ending for each video from now on out. Let me know what you think. Is it good enough for an every time outro?

     Friday night, I started a series on Netflix that I have been waiting patiently for. No, not the second season of Jessica Jones, I am not waiting patently for that, I want that a year ago. No, this was The Punisher. The Punisher was one of my all time favorite comic book characters. I have a #1 Punisher War Journal and it is locked away safely in a protective mylar sleeve. I was into The Punisher before everyone else was wearing the shirts and what not. I have a few shirts, but I don't wear them anymore, I keep those tucked away as well, for no other reason than nostalgia. I NOwon't go into any details, because I don't spoil things, but this series is great. It is the Punisher that I've been waiting for. I've suffered through mediocre at best movies, until now. Jon Bernthal although not exactly what you picture when you think of the Punisher, is now The Punisher. He even has the bump from a broken nose like Frank Castle. They may have used a prosthetic to get it a little bigger, but it works. I watcher 4 episodes on Friday night, and then sat down on Saturday night and watched the final 9. I was really tired when Morty woke me up at 7 after going to bed at 3 in the morning. At least Morty let me sleep an extra hour more than he usually allows me. If you find yourself wanting something to watch some night, and you have Netflix account, go ahead and watch it. It does fall in the Marvel Universe Order on Netflix, but it can be watched as a stand alone series. You don't need the other shows like; Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Daredevil season 2, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, or The Defenders to watch it. Just so you know, I put those in the order that you should watch them if you so choose to watch them all. A little warning though. It is very violent and has that over the top comic book violence in it, so it's not for kids of an impressionable age. Just saying.

     Now for the something cool. I've been putting off buying this little item for a while now, but I finally pulled the trigger on it. It wan't expensive or anything like that, it was just a little unnecessary. It is a true luxury for under $50. It's a new shower head. It has a dual head, with one of them being a handheld shower head that I can use to wash Morty. Yeah, he is going to hate it, He does not like bath time. The dual head sounds pretty cool right? That's not the cool part. Here, I'm just going to show you the cool part.

     It lights up. It has 7 different colors that it cycles through. Total disco shower. I can either have it on the main shower head, the hand held, or both like it is in the picture. It doesn't use any power because it is hydro-electric. It uses the flowing water to power the lights. Interesting little fact about me. I shower in the dark in the morning. I just don't like waking up and then turning on bright lights until I'm fully awake. I think this is going to be the perfect build up to bright house lights. That, and its super cool to have a light up shower head that cycles through different colors. That reminds me. I watched the footage of the HUE Go, and didn't like it, so I'll refilm that soon and post that for you so that you can see how it works with ALEXA, and just how it looks. I've used it quite a few times for pictures for Instagram, and I really love it.

     One last thing, that isn't a part of the title, so look at this as bonus time. I mentioned in the video that I was looking for a piercer, well, I finally found one. The shop is really clean and very nice, and I'll be going this Friday to get holes put in my head. If I didn't mention it, or I did and you missed it, here is the plan. I'm getting my right ear reopened, so that I can stretch it back up to where my left ear is. I thought I could deal with being so drastically asymmetrical, but I can't, so I need to get that done. The second hole I'm getting put in my head, is going to go in my right nostril. Should be that good kind of pain. I'm thinking about filming it for a video, but I haven't decided yet, plus, I don't know if they will let me film in the studio. If I decide to do it, it won't hurt to ask them. If they don't, I'll get stuff outside the shop looking in, and then the aftermath. It could make for a fun video. Let me know what you think about that idea. 

     I need to finish washing my clothes an find something to eat with that Pepsi Salted Caramel. I'm early tonight, so it's only 5 PM here. Peace in and goodnight.


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