Sunday, November 26, 2017

You Need That Like You Need A Hole In Your Head.

     Thanksgiving was relaxing. I did most of the cooking which was fine by me. I made a few online purchases in pre-black Friday sales, and probably spent too much money. I had a decision to make for Black Friday. Either I could get the motorcycle lift that I've been wanting, It was on sale for a pretty good price, or I could get a Playstation 4. I can justify both, but only one at a time. The PS4 was cheaper than the lift, so I went ahead and ordered that. I knew I was going to need to upgrade at some point, and with a really good deal on a 1 terabyte slim version got me needing that like I needed another hole in my head.

      Speaking of holes in my head. I needed two actually. Well, one new one, and reopening of an old one. That was all part of my Black Friday plan. I mentioned that I found a piercer last week, so I woke up early to hit the one Black Friday sale that I was going to. Harbor Freight had LED rope lights that I've been waiting to go on sale, and they had them for an even cheaper price than I'd seen them before. After hitting that, I had a few hours to kill until I as going to the piercer. I'd planned a noon time visit, but since I was up at 5, hit Harbor Freight at a little after 7, I got bored of sitting around very quickly. I checked online to see if maybe they were open early since they are located in a mall. Now before you judge them for being located in a mall. They are an actual tattoo and piercing studio. It's just weird that it's in a mall, but they had a lot of costumers in there, so maybe it's the right way to do it.

     They were apparently open at 6 AM, like the rest of the mall. I could have made one trip and got it all done at one time when I went out for that sale at Harbor Freight. It all worked out though. I got over there a little after 10 AM and sure enough they were open and bustling. There were two people there for tattoos, and about 6 people there for piercings. I was the first one there, so I was the first one in. I needed to reopen my right ear, so that I can stretch it back up, to match my left. That's going to take some time though, which I knew going into this. That is also the reason I waited so long to get it reopened. I wanted it to heal completely so there would be no extra added pain. I also wanted to get my right nostril done.

     The shop has a little waiting area right out front, with a couple of high top tables and a bench. I was at one of the high tops waiting for my turn, the piercer has to get things clean and ready for each new person, when I heard someone say,"Hi sweetie, are you ready?". It took me a second, because I was facing the other direction and when I turned I saw her looking at me. I gathered up my things and headed to the very back where her room was. It was a good sized room with a couch, countertop and a SnapOn tool box. That housed her needles, jewelry, clamps, gloves, etc. etc.. It was impressive to be in a professional piercing studio. I had been in one before years ago, but it was more or less, the same room that all the tattooing was done it, so nothing special, and he pulled the jewelry right out of the glass case in the front. She was very good at what she did. Very pleasant to talk to, and I'm sure she has a great demeanor with clients that are probably a little on edge about getting a giant needle shoved through their what ever.

     She was shocked that my ear was actually closed up. She told me that most of the time, people tell her that something has closed up, and there is actually a hole still there. I had checked myself thoroughly so I knew it was completely closed up. She asked me which side of my face was to get stabbed, and how big I wanted to go in my ear. Right nostril was getting the treatment and I wanted to go as big as she could go on the ear. The largest needle she could do was a 6 gauge needle. If you don't know about piercing terms, they go in measurements of gauge. The lower the number, the larger the whole. For example, the needle used for my nostril was a 20 gauge needle. That is the standard size of a normal earring. If you have pierced ears, you know how big that is. A 6 gauge needles is 4mm or 5/32nds of an inch. Seems small, until you actually look at it and realize that it's going into a part of your body. She asked me which one I wanted to do first, so I went with the nostril since I'd never had that done before. New experience, new type of pain. For me, those are all good things.

     She let's me know that she is getting ready to push the needle in after she clamps my nose, by telling me to breath in. It was the most inopportune time for me, since I was already breathing in naturally, and began breathing out as she stuck it through. Not the way it's planned, but it worked out. That's when the tears started flowing. No, not because I was crying from the pain. If you've ever pulled a nose hair out, or bumped your nose with any kind of force, you know that you naturally tear up. I mentioned that the tears were running, and she poked a little fun about the whole crying thing. It was all in good fun and part of that great demeanor that she has with her clients. The jewelry going in was the actual worst part of it. It was a captured bead ring, so she had to bend the ring back into shape to hold the bead which closes off the whole thing so that it won't fall out. After that was closed up, she spun the ring so that the bead was inside of my nose. The nose was all done. I took a look with the mirror, and loved it.

     It was time for the ear. We decided on going in a slightly different spot that would be better for stretching up when it eventually heals. I have a 3 to 6 month wait on that, but like I said before, I'm ok with that. She seemed to have a little trouble pushing through the back side of the ear, but it didn't bother me at all. Once she was through, she had the curved barbell on and capped off with the threaded bead in no time. When she said I was all done, I thought she still had to put the jewelry in. It was all done, she sent me to the front to pay, and I handed her a tip and thanked her. The price shocked me. I had an idea what I was going to pay from when I went there the week earlier and asked about pricing. I knew it was going to be pricey, but when I got the tab, it was only half of what we discussed, so I was shocked in a good way. I'm guessing they were having a Black Friday special themselves, either way I wasn't complaining.

     The studio is DaVinci Tattoo & Piercing Studio in the Merritt Square Mall in Merritt Island, Florida. My piercer was named Red, and she was fantastic. If I ever need another piercing, I won't hesitate to go back to her. Here is her Instagram pace if you want to check her and her work out Piercings by Red. This is the tattoo studio's page, DaVinci Tattoo. I'm still on the search for my tattoo artist, but if I don't find him and have to look for another one, I'll give this place a fair shot. I don't think you can find a cleaner shop, it was immaculate. My only concern is the artist and how well I get along with them. That was the great thing about my artist, we got along great. We collaborated on everything that he put on me, and we ended up being friends. Not hangout and stuff kind of friends, but friends non the less. I have to vibe with an artist both on a personal level and with their artwork. It's my skin so I can be picky and get what I want. The search is on.

     I spent the rest of the evening over in the Orlando area visiting Elie. I guess it's time for a new Elie update. She is doing fantastic. She has almost full use of both of her hands now, and is walking around like her pelvis was never smashed into a half dozen pieces. I of course took Morty over so that he could hang with Gandi, and in typical Morty fashion, Gandi tried to play, and Morty just stared at him like there was something wrong with him. I just don't get it. Morty always wants to play. We watched Atomic Blonde with Charlize Theron, and it was better than I thought it would be. It's set in 1989, so the soundtrack was off the charts good, full of the best 80's alternative hits. After the movie, Morty and I went home and went to sleep. I was tired from getting up early, and I wanted to get up early on Saturday so that I could go see an early showing of Justice League.

     Justice League was pretty good. It wasn't great, but worth seeing. the overall cast is rather small. It centers on the heroes, and pretty much the heroes alone. Not much room for extras or other supporting cast. There were two main reasons I wanted to see this movie. The first being Ezra Miller. I've been a fan of his ever since seeing him in Perks of Being a Wallflower. He did not disappoint me. He stole the entire movie, and was the best part of it. He pulls off a great Flash and that is saying much, because I like Grant Gustin as Flash in the TV series. If you need a reason to see this movie, he is it. The second reason I wanted to see it was, no, actual not Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, it was Jason Momoa as one of my all time favorite super heroes, Aquaman. Yes, I have always loved Aquaman and I blame it on being born and living near the ocean my entire life. I was upset when Robot Chicken turned Aquaman not a chump that could only talk to fish, it bothered me. Jason Momoa's Aquaman is a rockstar, in every sense of the term. He's brash, impulsive and over the top as a whiskey swilling almost antihero. Think Bodhi from Point Break with an even darker edge to him.

     The movie does have it's problems, and like Superman vs. Batman, I think its Superman and Lois Lane. I liked Henry Cavill and Amy Adams in the Superman movie, but they just seem to phone in the whole thing in this movie and SvsB. The movie could probably have been done without them. Gal Gardot is simply perfection as Wonder Woman, by the way, still thing Wonder Woman could be the best superhero movie made, it's my opinion and I stand by it. Ray Fisher, the kid that plays Cyborg was a pleasant surprise. He is really good in the role, and they even gave him Cyborg's signature line from Teen Titans, which is Booyah! I loved it. I don't know if there is a scened after all of the credits, I had to go to the bathroom, but there is a bump scene after the closing. I won't spoil anything, but if you know the lore of Flash and Superman, you can probably guess what happens. Even in that scene, Ezra Miller steals it. I'm telling you, he is great in this movie, and I'm really looking forward to The Flash movie that is due out either next year or the year following. He is just fantastic.

     That was pretty much my weekend. I sat around an relaxed after that. I have wash to do yet today, and I'm going to start that as soon as I post this. Then it's just waiting around for The Walking Dead. It's getting really good with this whole showdown with the Saviors. I'm going to try to get a video up and posted next weekend. I don't have any ideas yet, and I know I could have tried to record the whole piercing, but I just didn't think it was the right thing to do. I might just pick a subject and try to talk about it, or maybe just make one of those ride heavy feature videos. If you have a preference, let me know, you could decide which way I go on this. Oh, I guess I should share a picture of the piercings. I loathe taking selfies, because I don't like looking at myself, but this does have purpose, so here it is.

     You can see the difference in size from the curved barbell in my ear, to the hoop in my nose. If you are looking on your phone, you may have to blow that up to see, I'd rather you not, but if you have to. 

     One last thing before I leave you for the night. The nostril takes a learning curve. I have a habit of wiping my nose, by either rubbing my finger across the bottom, or pinching the sides and pulling down, both of which are no bueno. I have had several moments when I immediately regretted doing it. The nostril is still a tender and is probably more so than normal, because I'm an idiot and keep doing it. I've been pretty good about it today, so I might be getting around that curve. I'll let you know how it all goes. Peace in and goodnight.

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