Thursday, February 16, 2017

New Exhaust On The Way?

     I received the shipping notification for the new exhaust system today. That would normally mean that I won't get it before next week some time. Here is the good news. The email notification came a day late. I just checked the tracking on it, and it is currently in Jacksonville Florida. It is scheduled to be here tomorrow, most likely in the evening. Saki will be getting new vocal chords on Saturday morning. I will be shooting a little before video of how Saki sounds tomorrow. Why not Saturday morning right before you take it off? Because that would heat up the exhaust system and I would have to wait for it to cool down in order to remove it. This way, I can just wake up, and start wrenching. Once i'm done, I'll get the footage of the after. Then I edit it all together for a short video presentation for you to see on Sunday. I've also been thinking about doing and Instagram story on Saturday so that you could follow along live as it happens, or as close as you can get. If you want to watch it, you will have to follow me on Instagram. You can do that by going here Instagram. If you don't know much about Instagram, you have to have the app in order to see the "stories". They won't show up on the website version. If you don't have Instagram and don't want to get it, don't worry. Practically everything that I post there, will be available here on Sunday night.

     If you remember, I ordered that White Icon leather jacket as well, when I ordered the exhaust system. That hasn't been shipped yet, or at least I haven't gotten notification that it has yet. I was a little surprised by that, I figured if anything would be delayed, it would be the exhaust. The exhaust is coming from their main offices in Philly. I'm guessing the jacket will come from one of their Cycle Gear locations. It could take a couple more days if that is the case. It has to come through communications between the two locations. I'm hoping to get an email tomorrow though.

     Speaking of communicating. My plant manager is still in what ever angry mode he is in. I've been letting go of things, and I think that is getting to him. I've remained calm, and today I even cut up a bit with one of the employees in front of him, having a little fun, and I could see that it bothered him that I was still in good spirits and not broken. He may be giving up this anger he seems to have towards me. I've taken everything he has thrown at me, and either deflected it, or just let it roll over me. It feels a little like victory to me, but there is still one more day of work this week, and all could change at a moments notice. I'll let you know how it all goes.

     I got a little sad news today, when I saw a post on twitter about Ohio Players, and P-Funk keyboardist Walter "Junie" Morrison had passed away. You know by now, my love of Funk music, and there is really no one better than the Ohio Players in my mind. Junie was a founding member of the band and his keyboards were integral to their signature sound. In honor of Junie taking his place in the ether, I'm going to share the song that he wrote and arranged for the Ohio Players in 1974. If you are a fan of Hip Hop and Rap you may recognize parts of the song. Portions have been used in numerous songs in recent history. Please enjoy the soul sensations of "Funky Worm".

     The thing I said I might talk about today on Tuesday, had to do with a possibility of going to see a concert. Jimmy Buffett is coming to town, and a good friend of mine and I are Parrotheads. We went to show in Texas when she lived there, and we were looking to relive that great experience here in Orlando. There is only one problem, tickets are really expensive, so we are not going to make it to a show this time but, I cam up with an alternate plan. From time to time, Jimmy posts his shows up on Youtube, and there is always a chance that this could be one of those shows. Regardless of that though, he always simulcasts his shows on Radio Margaritaville on Sirius XM. Here is the plan. On the night of the concert in Orlando, we are going to get together and have our own little concert. Just a small get together to celebrate Jimmy. We can either watch it on Youtube, if it is available, or we can listen to it on Radio Margaritaville, or, if those two fail, we can always play tons of his songs and just have a great time. What ever happens, I'm sure we will have a great time dancing and singing like a bunch of Fruitcakes, which just so happens to be one of my favorite Jimmy songs. It will be a night of cutting lose and having fun, with good friends and good music.

     Until Sunday, have a wonderful safe weekend. Peace in and goodnight.