Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Snog Under A Wall.

     My new 7/8 inch tapers arrived yesterday, and I managed to get them in. They were pretty painful last night. Enough so, that I had a hard time sleeping. I'm not real sure when I finally fell asleep, I only remember hearing the alarm going off in the morning. I was able to get the left ear out, and have a tunnel put in, but the right ear is being stubborn. This called for flipping the taper around, so that it would get a different angle. When you wear tapers, they tend to be weighted toward then long end, and if you can't get them balanced, they will pull your lobe in weird ways. That was the case at work today. The long end was hanging down and that causes the healing process to be a little off. I have it reversed now, and it is balanced, so that it is going straight now. I'm hoping that I will be able to get the other tunnel in in the morning, but I'm betting it will be more like tomorrow afternoon. This right ear is rather sore, and was quite a bit raw looking when I pulled the taper out. I may end up going a couple of days with the taper in. The good news in all of this is, that my left ear didn't blow out into the second hole. In all actuality, it doesn't look like it even bothered that small sliver of skin between the two holes.

     I watched a new show tonight. It's been on for a while now, but I never gave it a chance, because it was on a channel an a night that I didn't bother with. It's a new CW show called Riverdale. It's based on the old Archie comics. It has all the characters, but the departure from the comics is, that it is rather dark. Tonight after The Flash, they aired the premier episode, so I gave it a shot. From what I gather, Jughead is a writer that is narrating the entire show, and it is centered around the suspicious death of one of their classmates over the summer. I have to say, that I enjoyed that first episode, but there is a problem. I'm not sure how many episodes in they are, and they promoted a new episode for Thursday night. I don't want to watch the first episode and then jump in on episode 5 or whatever it is. I need to find out how many there are, and where to watch them. Ok, just looked it up on cctv.com and there are currently 5 episodes available, and the ability to watch then second episode on the site expires in two days. I guess I'm going to have to try to watch it tomorrow, and catch up with things before Thursday night. I do have another option though. I watch the second episode tomorrow as planned, record Thursday nights episode, and then catch up with the rest over the weekend. I like that plan better. I have no plans for he weekend anyway, and since I haven't been drinking, there really isn't much for men to go out for. Riverdale it is then.

     I've spoken about The Perks of Being a Wallflower probably more than you can stand, but I'm going to bring it up briefly again tonight, and that is because it relates to Favorite Song of the Week. I haven't had a Perks weekend in some time now, and I think I might be due, but in the meantime, the signature song that ends the movie, in what I believe to be a truly epic scene is Favorite Song of the Week. It is none other than David Bowie's classic song "Heroes". I was watching a documentary this weekend about Bowie, and Tony Visconti told a rather fun story about this particular song. Tony Visconti was producing for Bowie in Berlin. Bowie was growing frustrated and needed some alone time to write. He just so happened to be working on this song. The studio was near the old Berlin Wall, and Tony left the studio, and met up with a woman that he was quite enamored with. They snuck away to the base of the wall out of the sight of the guards that lined the top of it, and had a song with this lady friend. Bowie saw that, and made it the second verse of the song. Listen out for it, ti's there, and you will hear it clear as day. That verse was thanks to Tony Visconti's indiscretion.

Did you hear it? Pretty wild right? Bowie was amazing and him witnessing a private moment and turning it into a song lyric shows that.

     I'm heading off to bed now. Since I have one ear without a giant taken going through it, I believe that I will get a little more sleep tonight. Oh, before I leave, I have one request of you tonight. It's a simple one, and one that you will easily be able to fulfill. Here it is, go out and do one nice thing for a complete stranger this week. It can be anything. Hold a door open for someone. Give someone your seat if you are in a crowded waiting room. Pay for someone's order behind you in a drive thru. Hand a flower to a complete stranger. And any number of other things that you could do. If you fulfill this request, I promise you, that you will have an incredible feeling when the deed is done. Peace in and goodnight.

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