Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Great American Novel?

     I still have the taper in my right ear. This has created two problems. Small problems but problems non the less. The first one, is why I still have the taper in. When I took it out to clean it today, I noticed that I have some tearing on the back side of my ear. The tears are hanging off the back and won't allow me to put my tunnel in. I can't screw the back of the tunnel on, with those flaps of skin hating down. That means I have to keep the taper in with it's wider surface area. The good news is, that it is feeling much better tonight, and that means it is healing. The second problem is, that since I have this taper in, I can't wear a helmet. If I can't wear a helmet, that means I can't ride Saki. If I remember, I will take a picture of the tapers, so that I can post them on Sunday. You will see why I can't get a helmet on over them. I haven't ridden since Monday, and it's killing me. The weather has been perfect for it, and Saki has just been sitting in the garage. I'm hoping to get some ride time this weekend, and maybe tomorrow afternoon if I can get this freaking taper out of my ear.

     I was listenting to the Greg Proops vodkast today and he was talking about the Chelsea Hotel at one point. That gave me an idea for a story. If you don't know about the Chelsea Hotel. It is a famous hotel in New York. It recently shut its doors, but before it did, it housed some rather distinguished guests. Mark Twain, William S. Burroughs, Truman Capote, Thomas Wolfe, Fore Vidal, my favorite Jack Kerouac, who wrote "On The Road" there. Those were just some of the literary giants. Bob Dylan wrote songs there, Jimi Hendrix, Alice Cooper, Dee Dee Ramone, Iggy Pop, Better Midler, Chick Corea, Janis Joplin, Rufus Wainwright. Artists such as Yves Klein, Arman, Husband to Frida Kahlo: Diego Rivera, William de Kooning, and many of the Warhol Superstars like, Ultra Violet, and Holly Woodlawn. That is just a sample of the remarkable people that spent time there, and crafted masterworks in that environment.

Here is the idea. I got to thinking, what if I wrote a story about a hotel similar to that. I could set it here in Florida, and create a cast of characters that would influence the life of the main character. That main character would be a young writer that hears about this place, and goes there to live while writing his first novel. I already have a title in my head, and the idea that it would be something like a memoire. It would be his life in that environment while he is there. You would see the world through his eyes, or words if you may.

     There are some things that I'm going to need to do for this, and one of them has me in a quandary. I need to research the Chelsea a little more. I want the life in the story to mimic it, but not be exactly like it. That was New York and much different than anything that could be found here. I've never been to New York, so writing about it as if I've been there is a very bad idea, and people would see through it immediately. The thing that is putting me in a quandary, is that I have this sense that I want to write the majority of this in bars. I don't know why I feel that that is necessary, but for some reason I do. It may be, because I have this sense that some of the characters will come from the people I meet while writing it. It could lead to something interesting. As you know, I stopped drinking over 7 weeks ago. I say stopped, because I haven't quit. Quit seems a more permanent than stopped. I haven't missed drinking, but I do miss the people that I meet. I could be looking at this as an excuse to drink again, but I'm not sure. I'm going to start this at home and see how it plays out. It could take off, and then again, it could just lead to a lot of frustration. I have the title, I can see the main character and several other characters that I want to blend into this world. What I don't have are any names to go with those characters. Most importantly, I don't have the name of the main character, and that is something that should just jump out at me right away. It may come when I begin the research, and I might just pay homage to heroes of mine to create a name. As soon as I thought about that last part, a name did come to me, but it doesn't quite feel right yet. I'll give it some time.

     I'm pretty excited about the prospect of writing a full length story again. I have no idea how long it will be, short story or novel length. I'm hoping novel, but that will come as the words flow. I have the final sentence in my head, which is something I do with every story I write. I always have the ending first, and kind of work backwards. Not completely mind you. It's just that I always have that last line first, and have to find out how to get there.  I do have first sentence in my head already as well, and that is kind of unusual. I normally have to debate for a few days to get that first line out of the way. Not this time though. If it's still in my head tomorrow, that will make it a definite keeper, and I will begin writing.

     Before I leave tonight, I just wanted to ask you how progress was going on my request from Tuesday night. Have you gone out and done something kind for someone yet? How did it make you feel if you have done it? If you haven't done it yet, there is plenty of time to do it this week. It's only Thursday night right now. That leaves Friday, Saturday and Sunday to get something in before the week is up. Yes I know that Sunday is supposed to be the beginning of the new week, but I'm playing by my own rules on this one. You have until Sunday to get a kind act in. I wish you luck on your adventure. Peace in and goodnight.

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