Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Where Red When You Are At The Green Light.

     A few things to talk about tonight. The first is the "A Day Without a Woman" event which happens tomorrow. This a demonstration that takes place on March 8th which is International Women's Day. The idea is to show the world what it would be like without women. Here are the things you can do as suggested by https://www.womensmarch.com/womensday/ . If you are a woman, take the day off from paid and unpaid labor. That means take the entire day off from everything. No job, No housework, no nothing. Avoid all shopping with the exception of small, women and minority owned businesses. Lastly, for any allies out there as well as women, where red to show your support and solidarity. A lot of people lately have been coming down hard on women lately, this will show them exactly what a woman does. I think a lot of eyes will be open tomorrow, and all for the better.

     I know that this post is going to seem a bit preachy tonight, don't worry, we will get to the fun stuff a little later, but the Women's March and this next thing are things that need to be talked about. I'm not sure if you remember or even know who Khizr Khan is, but Khizr and Ghazala are the Gold Star parents of fallen soldier Captain Humayun Khan. They spoke at the Democratic National Convention and were then ridiculed by the now POTUS (I prefer to call him the Tangerine Tyrant). Yesterday it was reported that Khizr had to cancel a trip to Canada where he was supposed to speak. He was warned that his travel privileges were under review. Khan has been citizen of the United States for 30 years now. There is some speculation that this story is not true, but if it is, it is a frightening turn of events. I will keep following this story and let you know if I hear anything different from here on.

     Now that that is one with, on to the fun stuff. Well, maybe not all that fun, I guess it is all in how you look at it. My ear is healing nicely. The infection is gone, but my lymph node is stills slightly swollen and probably will be for a couple more days. I did forget to get a picture of the taper, so I will try to remember again for Thursday night's post. There is no longer any real pain in it even though it still is seeping blood at a very small amount. It is usually noticeable when I clean everything out and the scabs are loosened up. I'm putting an antibiotic ointment on it, to help it out, and it is doing fine. I still haven't decided what to do with it yet. You know, whether I regroup and retry or just leave it. Tha reminds me, very quick. When you leave a comment, don't forget to check the box just below that notifies you if someone replies to your comment. I don't know how this works for anyone that is commenting anonymously, but if you have an account that  you are commenting from, it will send  you and email notification of the comment below your own.

     Let's get to Saki now. I haven't ridden yet this week, and that is mostly because of the ear needing just a little more time without the helmet, but also the weather today was rainy for most of the morning. I got a new little item for Saki today. It's a tank pad. the name eludes to something that it really isn't. You would assume that it is some kind of pad to lean on, which in a way it is, but, it is more of a protective layer over the tank so that it doesn't get scratched up by zippers and buttons and such. I ordered it from Amazon Smile, with little hopes of it really looking good. Every review fro most tank pads in general, are that they are small and not really worth the money that is spent on them. This one is cheap, so that is another reason why the expectations were low. When I opened the box, I was surprised. The size is nice, and the faux carbon fiber, looked really nice as well. The real surprise came when I say the Kawasaki logo on it. I had no idea that that was even on there. That would have been a big selling point for me if I had known. I was looking for something with the Ninja logo or Kawasaki, I ended up with his one, because it had more positive reviews than the other ones out there. I haven't put it on yet, because it alls for a hard dryer to warm up and soften the material in order to apply it. Guess what I don't have? If you guessed hair dryer, you would be correct. That led me back to Amazon Smile for a new order. No, not a hair dryer, but something I was going to get eventually anyway. It is a heat gun. Very similar to a hair dryer, but it gets a little bit hotter, so that you can use it to do wiring stuff, or basically melting the soft rubber covers over wires to keep them waterproof. It should be here in a couple of days, and I will put the tank pad on then. I'll make sure to get some pictures of it when it is in place to show you.

     There were two songs for me to choose from this week for Favorite Song of the Week, and oddly enough, the artist of one song, led me to my choice. The two artist in question were Danielle Ate The Sandwich, and Lorde. Both of them released songs this week, but only one of them danced on Instagram to the others song. The dancing culprit would be none other than DATS. she posted a short video on Instagram of her dancing to Lorde's new song. Ok, I'm going to try this out, and if it works, you will see that short little video right below this. Here it goes.

Ok, from what I can see on here, it may have worked. If not I'm sure you can click on whatever is there and it will take you to it. Anyway Danielle's fantastic dancing swayed me to Lorde's new song. So without further delay, here is "Green Light" by Lorde.

That was a little frustrating. Youtube has changed their format around a bit, and right now, I don't like it. It made getting the embedded HTML a little difficult. it worked, but it took me some time. There are some other things I'm not liking about it right now, but that isn't important. What is important is that the song is there for your enjoyment, which I hope that you did.

     That leaves me with one final thing to do. No, it's not posting the snippet from the new story I'm writing. I'm still debating on whether or not to share that with you just yet. I'll let you know soon. The final thing I have to do, is to simply say peace in and goodnight.

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