Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Don't Change Horses In The Middle Of A Stream

     I forgot to mention the party on Saturday night. Mostly because there was nothing eventful bout it. I was able to meet up for the dinner, which was very nice. We all had a good time chatting with each other, and then we were off to the bar, which was a few store fronts down from the restaurant. I rode Saki, so there was no chance that I would drink anything, and it all worked out well. I played darts for the first legitimate time. My buddy is a pretty good dart player, and he brought his sets in. He loaned me a set to play with, and I somehow out of nowhere, beat him both games that we played. I will never be able to do that again, and I told him as much. Nobody really showed up at the bar, mostly because my buddies phone had died a few days earlier, and he didn't have his contact information on his new phone, and couldn't remind people of the party. Really though, that is no excuse, people should have planned accordingly. Things like that though, teach you lessons on who you need to keep around you, and who you shouldn't.

     Speaking of people to keep around you, I visited some old friends tonight. I hadn't seen them in some time, and probably wouldn't have seen them tonight, if I hadn't texted them to see if they wanted to show up at the party Saturday. I knew there was a very good chance that they wouldn't be able to make it, because they just had a baby. Babies tend to make it so that you can't go to parties. They of course couldn't make it out, but they invited me to visit with them tonight, and it was a blast. They hadn't seen me without then beard yet, and I hadn't seen them since before they knew they were pregnant. I got to see them and their new baby boy, and he is just perfect. We got to catch up with each other, and left knowing that we wouldn't wait that long to get back together again. They are people that I need to keep in my life, and will work harder from now on to do so.

     If you remember I mentioned that I had a couple of things coming for Saki on Monday. It all showed up on time, and I took it out to the garage to show Saki. Saki seems very excited about the new clutch & brake levers that I got, and also the reflective rim tape. I haven't put it all on yet, I"m going to wait until the weekend when I have more time during daylight hours to get it on, and then take it out for a test ride.
I put the brake lever next to the tank on Saki, and the colors match perfectly. I think they are going to look great when I get them on. The benefit of these levers is that they are shorter than my stock levers. That means that I can keep a grip on the bars while I pull the levers. I never have to let go of the bars from now on. I can do two finger clutching and braking. The rim tape looks like it is going to match up really well to. I just have to figure out how to get it on straight. It looks from the packaging that it is in sections which should make it pretty easy, but I won't know until I take it out of the package and really get a good look at it. I'll post before and after pictures on Sunday for you to see.

     Do you know what time it is? It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. Tower of Power is a funk original that roared in Oakland California in 1968. There most well known hit is arguably "What Is Hip" Drew Carey even used it an episode of his old sitcom. If I remember right, it was in place of his opening credits. It's a great song, but it isn't FSOTW this week. that honor goes to a little diddy by the name of "Don't Change Horses". It's funky with a big horn section, and is one of those good old 70's songs that tells a moral lesson, and you can dance to it. Please enjoy some Tower of Power.

     Now that was some good stuff right there. It's looking like the weather isn't going to cooperate with me and Saki too much. It really hasn't all week. I did get to ride tonight, and it's the first time I have gotten a chance to ride since I adjusted the preload on Saki. I put it on a slightly stiffer setting to see how it was different. I didn't really notice a big difference, but I might notice it when I get some faster speeds on the tires. It was only around town type of riding today. I'm hoping to ride to work tomorrow, but it may be a little too cold for that. I'll know better in the morning. Speaking of the morning. It comes around pretty quick, so I'm off to bed. Peace in and goodnight.

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