Thursday, March 16, 2017

What Are We Doing?

     I've felt miserable all day. My allergies have kicked in with a vengeance. Stuffed up runny nose that has been driving me crazy. I even had to cancel going to ukulele class tonight. Hopefully this will be gone tomorrow, so that I can get back to a normal breathing pattern.

     Enough about my respiratory problems. Let's get into some good stuff. My tattoo artist posted the little video he made of the stencil process on his Instagram and here it is.

Pretty interesting stuff right. If you want to take a look at more of his stuff, just click on the link here @jasonblanchart .

      Speaking of Instagram. I was posting my Picture of the Day, which just happened to be a submission by a very good friend of mine, and an idea formed. It might be a perfect addition to the new Star Wars leg. It kind of goes along with the Leia/Bowie mashup. I have to think about it for a while though. For starters, it is going to be a very difficult tattoo to pull off, and if it isn't done just right, it could ruin the whole themed idea. I'll show you the picture and then I will go into way it is really tough to do as a tattoo.
It's a disco ball Deathstar. See all those little lines in there, that is the most difficult part. I would want it as a companion piece and not a main focal point. That means that it would be small in size. Making it small in size makes it untattooable. You can do the outline of the destroyed Deathstar, and the large laser array, but all those little lines couldn't be there, and those little lines are what make it what it is. At some point I will go talk to my artist about it and see what he things, but that is really going to be hard to pull off. Not to mention the whole mirror effect will be fery difficult. You can get most of it through shading and highlights, but the chrome is going to be really hard. It's something to think about.

     Now something a little disheartening. I saw today that a new budget for the country has been introduced, and in this budget there are massive cuts to programs that are there to feed people. I find this to be unacceptable. The first program is the school breakfast and lunch programs that help underprivileged children get a meal in them, Sometimes these school meals are the only meals these kids eat all day. This is not a good thing. Saving money at the cost of our kids lives is just bad on many different levels. How can you let a child starve when you have the means to feed them?

    The other program that involves food, si the Meals on Wheels program. They are defunding that one as well. Here is one of the numbers that I saw many times. I don't know how true this number is, but like I said, I saw it several times. Of the many people that receive meals from Meals on Wheels 500,000 of them are veterans. Not saying that veterans are more important than anyone else, but it always seems that veterans get the shaft. They offer up their lives and go and do things that most people would never want to do and their reward in a best case scenario is usually that they can't find a job or a place to live. As a society we have to help those who need a little lift up, and these programs provide that lift for a great many people. I'm going to quote a ver specific document here, that may seem somewhat familiar. What I am talking about above is part of this quote.
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
See that part where it talks about domestic tranquility and promote for the general welfare, yeah, that is about helping people in need. It's in the constitution, and if you are a religious person, it is in every theological text that I know of. Things like this are why it is very important to vote in your local elections. It starts at the grassroots and works it's way up. You need a foundation to build a house, and the foundation of politics is at the local level.

     I'm sorry to leave you on such a downer tonight, but I thought it was important enough to mention. Have a great weekend, and do a random act of kindness for someone or multiple people if you can. Peace in and goodnight.

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