Thursday, March 30, 2017

Gaius and Lucinda.

     My life ended the moment I laid eyes on her, and I was reborn like a phoenix from the ashes of what was my life. Her very essence gave me life. Her features were light and airy. Flaxen hair and porcelain skin. Her cheeks pink, like the pedals of an azalea. The eyes, the eyes were the daggers that struck me down. Ice blue that penetrated my very soul.

     She giggled and flipped her hair back over her shoulder. It was about this time that I realized that I hadn't taken a breath since she walked in the room. I took a deep breath and collected myself. I walked over and introduced myself. "Hello, my name is Gaius. How are you?". I somehow managed to do it without stammering. 

     She spoke with a southern twang in her voice. "Why hello yourself Gaius. I'm doing right well. It looked like you were catching flies over there with your mouth propped open."

     I went with honesty. "I'd never seen anyone as beautiful as you."

     "You sure now how to make a girl blush, dont'cha.". Sure enough, her cheeks began to brighten. 'You're a charmer aren't you Gaius?" 

     "I I'm sorry. I dddddidn't mean to embarrass you." And the stammering began. My life was ending again, but this time it would be for good.

     "Don't you worry none. My momma always said, that if a compliment don't put a little fire in your cheeks, then it wasn't a compliment." She smiled the brightest smile that I'd ever seen. I got lost in her, and knew that I was in love. "Looks like your cheeks are gettin' a bit rosy yourself there." They were, I could feel my face flush, hot with blood. I started getting a little woozy, and leaned against a table.

     "Can I help you with anything?" I had to collect myself again, and getting to my job seemed like the best way possible. 

     "I bet you can. I'm looking for a book on Greek and Roman Gods."

      "The Greek Gods are a favorite of mine. I have a few books over here. Are you looking for any particular God, Miss? The only answer I was really hoping for, was her name.

     "Oh, I'm sorry dear, I didn't tell you my name earlier. I'm Lucinda, and I'm looking for anything you might have on Selene." Her name was as beautiful as she was, and the way it sounded coming from her lips would have made Apollo himself envy the musical quality her voice held.

     "Selene is the Titan God of the moon. That is a rather unusual choice. I think I have one book that might have Selene in it, but I'm sure it will only be a brief mention. What do you need it for?"

     "I'm writing a book about vampires, and I'd read a few things that say that she may have been the God of Vampires."

     "Well, she wasn't the God of Vampires, she was considered the Mother of Vampires. I know a little about it, but that is all."

     "Oh, can you tell me what you know? I'd love to hear it. It might help me out." I couldn't resist her, and on top of that, I didn't want her to leave.

     "Ok, this is everything I know. This story doesn't have her as a Titan, she is a normal mortal woman, whose sister was believed to be the Oracle of Temple of Apollo in Delphi. She would assist her sister and take care of her needs. She was a worshipper of Apollo until the Sun God cursed her true love Ambrogio."

     "This is good, I've never heard any of this." Keep going, I'm sorry for buttin' in on ya."

     "Selene and Ambrogio were given sanctuary by the Moon Goddess Artemis at Ephesus, but there was one stipulation, they could never touch. The curse on Ambrogio made him immortal, and Selene aged where he didn't. As she grew older, she eventually came to her death, but before she died, Artemis granted Ambrogio permission to drink Selene's blood. The combined blood of the two lovers could create their children. Any human that drank of the blood from Ambrogio would make them vampires. When Selene died, Artemis made her an immortal Goddess of the moon, and she became Selene the Moonlight Goddess. She was the personification of moonlight as it found it's way to the Earth and touched Ambrogio and all their children of the night."

     "That is both fantastic and beautiful. I really think I can use that, as a matter of fact, I think I just found a way to change the whole story around, and lead it off of that little story there. Thank you so much, you have no idea how much you helped me." She turned to walk out the door. I needed to act fast.

     "Wait, I can look for other books that might have more. If you like, I could give you a call when they come it?" Smooth Gaius. Get the number, but what are you going to do after that? You know that there aren't any books out there on Selene, she is a minor Goddess at best

     "That would be great. Do you have a pen and paper?"

     I quickly went back to my desk and got a notepad and pen. I needed to find another excuse to call her. I couldn't just call out of the blue with nothing for her. She took the pad and wrote her number down. She tore the paper out and handed it to me with the pen clipped to it.

     "By the way, you can call me any time you want for any reason. It don't just have to be about a book. I have to run off now, You have a wonderful day Gaius." She turned and walked out the door. I watched as she passed by the front window, she looked in and gave a little wave. I think I waved back, but I wasn't sure that I was moving, or even able to move. I stood there for a few moments, replaying what had just happened in my head. When I could finally move I lifted my hand with the paper and pen in it. I unclipped the pen and unfolded the paper. There it was 'Lucinda 213-145-7878. It was plain as day. That woozy feeling came over me again, and this time I needed to sit down.


     These are the types of things that run through my head from time to time at work. I decided to share this one with you. I hope you enjoyed it. Peace in and goodnight.


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