Sunday, April 2, 2017

Let's Call This A Photo Blog.

     The season finale of The Walking Dead was on tonight, so this is getting started a bit later than usual. I think I might do something a bit different tonight, since time is running short on me. I have a lot of pictures to share with you about this weekend. Starting with Friday, when I cleaned and detailed Saki. By the way, Saki now has a full name, which is Saki the Kawasexy Ninja 650. It will still be Saki for short, but now Saki has a title to go with just the simple name. Anyway, I took a couple of pictures of the set up I do for washing Saki, and then what Saki looked like after. In that picture I recreated the Melvin & Saki picture I took some time ago. This gets us to Saturday when I went to the Dali Museum with a very good friend of mine, that had never been. I didn't take any pictures of the artwork, but I got a few of the building itself, the garden, and the boat docks that are across the street from it. I also got a couple of shots of a beautiful Bentley that was sitting in front of the Dali. After that, we made are way to the Chihuly Collection, and I did get a couple of shots of the artwork there. We also got to partake in a glassblowing demo that takes place on the weekends the is connected to the Chihuly Collection. It was quite fantastic. I do have something to say after the pictures, but the rest of this, for the most part, is going to be a photo blog. Enjoy.
Saki ready to wash. Rear tire stand in place, with the windshield
removed to get to those hard to reach places.
Saki after cleaning, detailing, and drying. You can
see the towels and cardboard on the floor
to collet the lube from lubing up the chain.

Melvin & Saki ver.2.0

The Dali Museum.
The Harbor.

The Fountain.

Me being artsy in front of the Glass at the
Mahaffey Theater

The Dali from the Mahaffey Theater.

That beautiful Bentley from the side.

That beautiful Bentley from the front.
One of the beautiful glassblown sculptures by
Dale Chihuly.

 I couldn't get the whole thing in from this angle,
but this is my favorite piece by Chihuly.
This is the angle I think you should look at
this piece from.

     The last thing I wanted to talk about was the concert I have coming up. Quite some time ago, I bought tickets to go see Panic! At The Disco at the Amway Center on the 14th of this month. I would normally have started asking people a couple of months ago to see if anyone wanted to go, but this time I forgot. I asked around today, and had absolutely non luck, so I'm putting this out there. If you live in the Orlando, Florida area and would like to go see P!ATD, get in touch with me. I have an extra ticket, and it will go to the first person who wants it. I'm asking for no payment, just someone to go see a fun show with. If you don't have any contact information for me, there is an email address at the top of this blog that you can get in touch with me with. Peace in and goodnight.

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