Thursday, April 6, 2017

What Do Sober People Talk About?

     This week has been going on for far too long. I actually tried to shut things down early at work today, because my brain was telling me that it was later than the clock was. It has been an aggravating week. This is mostly because people have been throwing tantrums all over the place, and when one person starts, it starts a domino affect the hits everyone, one by one by one. Today wasn't too bad, but you can still feel tension in the air. Things could explode at a moments notice. I just want to get out and ride.

     Speaking of  riding, yeah I know you saw that coming. I'm going to try to install the new horn tomorrow evening. This will give me a chance to check out the garage lighting as I work on Saki. I will get a comparison video and have it for you on Sunday, assuming that I can get this new horn on. I think I saw a problem when I was looking at the replacement bracket, and it doesn't look like it's going to work, so I may have to improvise. I'll let you know all about it. Oh yeah, I do have picture of the horn in it's packaging for you, and here it is.

     That reminds me. I've been meaning to ask, do you like the pictures better centered or off to the side of the text? I really want to know. I think that centered looks a little boring, but it's the easiest option, not that it is all that difficult to put them off to the side. Let me know.

     Sunday, I ran into a couple of friends of mine. They are in the process of moving to South Florida. It was really good catching up with them, but we happened to get in a conversation about not drinking. The husband in the couple had quit drinking 2 years ago, and has been alcohol free for a little over a year now. He seemed to have this contempt for drinking now, and that really isn't how I feel. I chose to do this, because I wanted to, and not because I needed to, and I think he feels quite the opposite. He even seems to have an anger towards people drinking to excess. Although I feel differently about this whole not drinking thing than he does, the one thing we seemed to agree on, is that all those drinking friends we knew from the bar, don't want anything to do with us anymore. He mentioned how everyone just stopped calling him, and that he hadn't seen any of them for quite some time, and although I am newly into this, I have noticed a similar trend. People don't contact me as much, and some not at all, but here is the way I look at that. I have had people come in and out of my life for all of my life. I have a few very close friends, and I know where they are. We may not be as close as we once were, but we always keep in touch. Those people that just drift in and out of my life are just that, drifters. I hold no ill will towards them, I just came to the conclusion along time ago, that there will be people that I know for a very short time. We will have a good time while we are around each other, but eventually those people will move on. I've even learned to notice those people early on in the friendship. I know who is going to stay, and who is going to leave. I just enjoy the moment while it happens.

     I still haven't decided whether to ask the bank teller to the concert yet. I think I will make that decision when I'm standing in front of her, and that only happens if I end up at her window. Knowing my luck, this will be the one week that I end up with another teller. Either way, I will let you know what goes down, if anything does.

     I've been thinking more and more about this motovlogging thing, and am leaning more towards doing it. I still would have to get all the equipment, but I have done some cleaning of my Youtube channel so that it will be ready whenever I start doing it. I was leaning towards not putting it there and only posting on here, but then I thought, why not post it there. I could post it there, and then embed it on here. You could go to either place to see it. I'm looking at the 15th for the first trip. I was thinking this Saturday, but I'm waiting to hear back from someone, to see if they want to tag along. I'm going next week regardless of them going or not. There will not be any video per se this time, or in the near future, but I will post an Instagram story on it. You can go here. for that. You need to have the app on a mobile device, and you will have to follow me to see it. If you don't, don't worry though. I will get plenty of pictures that I can share on here of the Navy SEALS museum. Yes, I will also have a few of Saki thrown in for good measure. I'm pretty sure I can park Saki right on the other side of the fence from a big boat that is on the property. It should make for a fun shot.

     Until Sunday, peace in and goodnight.


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