Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hard Times

     I've given up on anyone giving me a preference for what they want to see next in the adventure series. I'll announce on Thursday which one will be, or maybe I won't, Maybe I'll just wait until May 28th to write about it, and you will find out then. Either way, you will know on Thursday which way it is going to be.

      I forgot to tell you, that I have a preliminary photoshoot for Saki coming up on May 6th. The photographer wants to get some shots to get an idea of what he can do with his model when she shows up on the 20th. He wants to hit the area around the same time we will be shooting a few weeks after, so that the light will be similar. That is of course assuming that the weather will be exactly the same. I'll of course let you know how it all goes, and I'll even get some shots myself so that I can share them on here. I'm still not sure if he is going to share any of his photos with me or not. We will have to talk about that when we meet up on the 6th.

    I already get the feeling that I will be off again this Friday. I've already planned for this, in the way of my finances and all that good stuff. What I haven't planned is what to do. I know that I said that I was going to take advantage of my Universal pass, but I just can't go every week, that would be rather cost ineffective. I don't have to spend money when I go, unless I want something to eat. I can always hit the water fountains for water, but the fuel cost in going over every week isn't something I want to spend. So, I'll sit out this week, but in the meantime, what to do. I of course will ride Saki, but other than that, I can't think of much. I have been thinking about getting back to reading more, and I have several books lined up that I just haven't made the time for. Maybe this Friday will be a good time to start making that time. I just found out yesterday that I will have a new book in a series that I am reading coming, I believe next week, so I need to get reading, because I am one book behind on that.
I need to immerse myself in those worlds of fantasy again. I know that I do that with the Audible books when I am at work, but it really isn't the same as holding a book in your hand, and just falling into it. Go pick up a good book and give it a try, you'll understand what I'm taking about.

     If you couldn't tell, I really didn't have any set plan for what to write tonight. I honestly hadn't given it much thought during the day, with the exception of one thing. That would be Favorite Song of the Week. I picked it out early this morning. I heard this song only a few days ago, and it falls in line with a good FSOTW. It's from a band that has been around for a little while, and has gone though some big changes over the years, but the core is still there, and I think they are writing better songs now, than they did early on. A stunning red-head with an amazing voice leads the helm, and is the real driving force behind the band, if it wasn't for Haylee Williams, I don't know if the band would still be around. That's only conjecture on my part, but I do believe it. They have a new album coming out, which you can pre-order if you so desire, with a new single that they released about a week ago or so. That is the video I'm going to play for you today. Now before you try to correct me on Haylee's hair color, because of the video, I just want you to know, that you are wrong. Let's just leave it at that.  Here is Paramore with "Hard Times".

     That was fun. Well, I'm off to bed, so that I can start my "fast" day off right. By not eating in the morning and then regretting this whole idea by 8 in the morning when I am stating to think about taking my lunch break and realizing that I have nothing to eat. Well, I have some dice pineapple for my lunch, but that really isn't enough at all. As a matter of fact, it is only 70 calories in all, and that is all I will have until I eat dinner around 4 or so. I will have a steak and broccoli at that point, which will add another, I think 350 calories. Probably less. That will be it for the day. I will survive, I've done it for a few weeks now. I did weigh in today, and it would seem like a setback, because I weighed in at the same weight as last week, but that is not how I look at it. Water weight fluctuates all over the place, and that is what I am probably looking at today. I could be setting up for another big loss here soon. I will have to start doing a few more things soon, to start shocking my system. I won't add another "fast" day though, that would just be too much. Two days is plenty. I will just have to freak out my circadian clock, by doing things a little different for a while. It's an easy trick to pull off, just do things opposite of when you would normally do them. If you were to say, walk in the evening, you would just simply change it to walking first thing in the morning when you wake up. Little things like that can make a huge difference to your body. Anyway, back to that whole going to sleep thing. Peace in and goodnight.

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