Tuesday, April 4, 2017

I Need Your Help.

     We have a few things to talk about tonight. One of which, I need your help with, but we will get to that a bit later. The first thing, is a bit of a gripe. I just need to get this off my chest, so here goes. Yesterday, the weather report called for rain most of the day. there was a 50% chance of it, and the rain was to begin during the midday. Guess what happened? Wild guess? Yeah, it never rained, and Saki had to sit in the garage all day. I was bummed. Today was a new day, and the weather report called for a 20% chance of rain, and if the rain came, it would be in the early evening. Guess what happened? It started raining at 2:30 in the afternoon. Saki was no pleased. I rode in to work today thinking there was no chance that I would get rained on, well, I rode home in the rain. That meant Saki had to get wiped down, to avoid spots. The meteorologist around here, are the worst, and there is no sign that they will get any better. I need those old fashioned maps, with the cones and the domes. I could judge the weather myself with those. All the new meteorologist all use computer models, and those seem to not work as well as a good old weather map. That is my gripe for tonight.

     Now that that is over with, we can get on to some good stuff. I got a new horn for Saki. This is along the lines of everything I can do to make Saki safer on the road. It is quite a bit louder than the toy horn that comes stock on the bike, and will make a huge difference in cars being able to hear me, even if they don't see me. Although, they should have already heard me, because of the Yoshimura exhaust, but you can never be too safe. I should be installing it some time this week, and when I do, I will get a video of the before and after sound of it, so you can hear the difference. The bonus of all this, is that I will see just how easy it is to install a new horn on a bike. I'm going to install a new horn on a friend bike soon, and this will be good practice.

     I still haven't decided if I'm going to take that ride to the Navy SEALs museum this weekend or next. When I do though, I'm going to post an Instagram story of it. I'll also take pictures to post on here the Sunday after, but you can see it the day of on my Instagram. It should be fun and we will all learn a thing or two about these highly trained warriors.

     Here is the situation. I need your help in interpreting something, or maybe just to let me know that I'm an idiot. Either way, I will learn something from this. Lately at my bank, there is this one particular teller, that I always seem to go to. It is all random, who you go to once you are through the queue, but for the last, maybe two months, I have always ended up at her window. To say that she is attractive would be a massive understatement. She is down right gorgeous, and is very much my "type". Well, the last few times I have been in there, she has mentioned her plans for the weekend. This could just be small talk, but this last time, she got real specific about what she was doing. I got the sense, that she was wanting me to show up there. I unfortunately couldn't, because I had plans, but that leads me to my question. As you know, I have this Panic! at the Disco concert coming up. I've been toying with the idea, of just asking her if she wanted to go. Is this a good idea, or am I out of my mind, and reading way too much into her banter? The concert is in less than two weeks, so my only chance to ask her would be this Friday when I go in to deposit my check. What do you think I should do? Any advice or ideas that you have would be greatly appreciated. Oh, I should mention that she knows me by name. Now I don't think that is too unusual, because they want to be friendly towards the customers, but I don't see her calling anyone else out by name. I'm just saying. Please let me know what you think.

     It's that time again. You know which time I'm talking about. Favorite Song of the Week. let's get it on. This one goes back just a little, not a lot, just a tiny little bit. about 2 years ago to be exact. It's from one of my favorite bands, and they always make me happy when I listen to them, and this song in particular. I have a thing for hoodies, and this song just speaks to me. Lately this band has been posting fun videos on their Youtube channel, that are just them doing stuff. In the past week, that has changed a bit. One of the members of the band was hurt on stage in Mexico, and it has hit her hard. She damaged her knee jumping off the drum riser to start the show. She hung in for 5 songs, but had to call it, because the pain was just too much for her. At the end of each of these vides they were doing, she would dance to music while the credits rolled, It's one of the must fun parts of the videos, and she can't do that now, and it really has her bummed out. After the FSOTW, I will post a link to their actual Youtube channel so that you can check them out, and maybe post a get well message to Kim. That's right, ti's Matt and Kim. I got to see them live a couple of years ago, and Kim even called me out in the crowd. It was one of the best shows I'd ever gone to. I'm pretty sure that Matt plans all the videos and edits them. I know he does the Matt and Kim Show You Stuff videos by himself, and  couple of their most recent videos have all been him. Anyway, here is FSOTW, Matt and Kim with "Hoodie On".

That song really makes me happy, and if you sit down and watch their videos, they might just make you happy as well. This is the link to their channel Matt and Kim, take a look at it, and put a smile on your face. I know that when I see that they have a new video posted, that it puts a smile on my face immediately. Like I said above, if you feel so inclined, leave a little love for Kim in the comments, she could use a little pick me up. Truth be told, as Matt has mention, that it will more than likely make her cry, but they are tears of joy. Peace in and goodnight.

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