Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Hindsight is 20/20, But It Would Have Saved Me Some Hassle If I Could See Into the Future.

     I had a small issue with the new horn on Saki. Well, maybe it wasn't so small. When I finally settled on how to mount it, I didn't take into consideration the fork travel. When I came home from work on Monday and pulled into my driveway, I heard a loud clunk. When I parked the bike, I looked all around but I didn't see anything out of place. Today when I was leaving for work, I heard it again as I pulled out. That is when I realized what was going on. When the forks compressed, the fender would travel up and into the new horn. I checked the front fender, and sure enough, there was a good size ding in it. Looks like that wasn't the best place for it. After dinner, I went out to the garage, pulled out the rolling stool, and got to work. I pulled out the stock horn, and noticed that there was a smaller bracket attached to it. I got it off, and bolted it back where it originally was. There was a rubber bushing in the hole that the horn attached to, and that was getting in the way of bolting the new horn on to it. Here is where I new problem arose. With that bushing out, there was a large kind of keyhole that the new bolt just wouldn't handle. Fortunately, there was a small washer with the old assembly. I pulled that washer, and that solved the problem. I checked clearance, and there was a little rubbing on the front fairing. I noticed that the horn was not centered on the bracket, so I had some room to play around with it. I loosened it back up pulled it down a bit, and it locked in place. Everything has clearance now, and the fender will no longer be rising up into the horn.

     With that taken care of, I needed to address the ding in the fender. I got out my trusty paint pens, and laid down the base coat. After it dried I went in with the red pen. I'm going to need another coat to get it all take care of, but it looks better than it did. The good news is, that it is in a spot that you just aren't going to see. I had to put a small LED light in between the forks to even notice the paint was chipped away. From the front you can't tell it's there at all.

     I think I'm giving up on going to see Panic! at the Disco. I've put a lot of thought into selling the tickets today. I haven't done it yet, but I think I will probably put them up for sale tomorrow. I had one last hope of getting someone to go today, and that person has plans already. I can go alone, but I'm just so tired of doing that. I'll let you know what my final decision is on that.

     As you know, I'm doing that ride to Ft. Pierce on Saturday. I have an idea, to make it a little fun for you. Instagram has this feature where you can shoot a live video of what you are doing. It's very much like Facebook live. I did a test run yesterday, just videoing me riding home, and it worked a little. I will need to adjust my phone mount a little to give you a better shot, but I think this might work. One of the problems I had was with talking into the camera. It just didn't hear me when I was on the bike riding, so I'm going to try something out. I'll do another test tomorrow on my way home from work, but this time I will wear my headphones, to see if the mic will record my voice while I'm riding.  This isn't a great solution, because I will be tethered to my handlebars. It is however, the only solution I have available to me. If it works, I will do a test run on Instagram on the way home from work on Thursday, to see if everything works there. If you follow me on Instagram, keep an eye out a little after 3 PM New York time.

     If that works, and I will need your help to know if it does. I will shoot a little of the ride to Ft. Pierce. Here is what I need from you. If you watch it on Thursday, I need you to tell me how the audio was. I don't think I will be able to watch the Instagram Live back, so I'm relying on you heavily in order to pull this off. If I get good feedback on Thursday, I will definitely do it on Saturday. I will let you know a round about time to check into Instagram on Thursday nights post.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and this one goes bak a bit. It's from one of my favorite artist, and I absolutely adore her. This version is sung by her on the Howard Stern show, and she does something a little different on it. She sings in the way it was originally written. She made adjustments in the final recording, and never sung it this way. There is a bit of a build up and she explains it in the clip. About a third of the way through the song she stops the whole thing, because she sang it the way she recorded it as opposed to the way it was written, so you can really hear what that difference is. This version of it sounds really good, and I think it is because it is fully stripped done acoustically. Here is the incredible Cyndi Lauper ( it rhymes with bopper) with "All Through The Night".

     Really great version right? Even with the little goof it is just fantastic. There are so many reasons to love Cyndi and her voice is only one of them. She is immensely talented, she also plays instruments, she is funny, and quite beautiful. Her beauty isn't just relegated to her outward appearance either. A few years ago (probably longer than a few) she created the Give A Damn campaign. It is a charitable cause better known as the True Colors Fund which is aimed at helping a very little thought of group. It helps homeless LGBTQ teens. The ones that are kicked out of their homes because of parents that don't understand them or hate them because of how they love. If you get a chance, click to the link above, and see what it is all about. If you feel that they are worthy, maybe leave a small donation as well. This could be your RAK of the week or month or whatever.

     That's all I have for you tonight. If you have Instagram, you will see me before I get back to you, so until Thursday night, peace in and goodnight.

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