Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Nothing Compares 2 U.

     I'm exhausted tonight, so I'm going to make this as short as I can. I'll start off with  plea for your help. I really want your help in deciding the next adventure. Neither ride will be that far, but I can make them a little adventurous by taking alternate routes to these locations. The first choice is the Kennedy Space Center. This is the closest of the choices, and I haven't been there in years. This is a good reason for me to go. I can relive a little of my childhood, and maybe learn something new, while taking you along for the adventure. The second choice is just south of Sebastian Inlet. The McLarty Treasure Museum is something that I haven't been to. It a historic landmark of a Spanish Plate Fleet made a survivors and salvaging camp. I will definitely learn something new there and maybe if I'm slick enough to pull it off, I can get a picture from the bridge overlooking the ocean. If you click on either one of those links, you will learn a little about each one, so that you can make an informed decision. Let me know which one I should go to.

     I was just watching the RAYS game. I was starting to fall asleep, so I had to turn it off early, but there RAYS were up 5-1, going into the 8th inning. They are playing the Detroit Tigers. The Tigers players were wearing a patch on their right sleeves with Mr. I on it. This is in reference to their owner who died recently. I'm brining this up because I wanted you to know, just how good a guy Mike Ilitch was. He was the founder of Little Ceaser's Pizza. Not the best pizza that you can buy, but it's cheap when you are hungry, and the give you two pizzas for the price of one, Hence the "pizza pizza" slogan. Anyway, in 1994 Mr. Ilitch had heard that Rosa Parks was being evicted from her apartment because she couldn't afford the rent. He moved Mrs. Parks into a better area and paid her rent until she died in 2005. He didn't do this because he had to, he did it because he wanted to. Rosa Parks was a national hero in my eyes, and Mr. Ilitch helping her in her time of need, makes him one as well. We should all strive to be this type of altruistic. There is more that he has done, but I wanted to tell that story, since I was reminded of it tonight.

     Today was my weigh in. I weigh in on Tuesday and Saturday. Tuesday is my late in the day weight, while Saturday is my first thing in the morning true weight. I was a little shocked when I got on the scale tonight. I weighed in at only a half pound higher than Saturday. The normal difference from Tuesday to Saturday's weight is around 5 pounds. That means I will probably be in the 180's when I weigh in on Saturday. Outside of my Dairy Queen Blizzard night, and I really overdid it tonight for dinner, I have been sticking to my new dietary plan, and it is paying off. Now, I don't use the scale as the end all be all. It is only so that I can put a number to it. I want to get down around 175, but that means nothing, if I don't look the way I want to. I can see things taking shape the way I want them to as well, and that is the truth of how the weight loss is going. Tomorrow is my next "fast" day, so I will only take in about 750 calories or maybe a little less. On the other days (tonight being the exception) I eat rather clean, and have been getting cleaner with each passing week. Working out is important, but it will never be as important as nutrition. If you don't get your nutrition right, it won't matter what you do. If you plan on doing this, please take the time to learn about nutrition and do this right. Having your "fast" days, doesn't mean that you can eat anything you want the rest of the time. You have to have proper nutrition, and eat the right foods. There is also the chance that this won't work for you. I heard about this idea from someone else, and decided to try it out, once I started eating healthier, and it is working for me. In the end, you have to find what works best for you, but I guarantee that in the end, it will all come down to nutrition.

     I know you know what time it is. Favorite Song of the Week. This week takes us back to 1990. I know that most of you will think that it was the 80's but it just missed it. This song was written by my favorite artist of all time, and if you have been paying attention, you will know who that is. That artist make this song a hit, another one did, and that is the version we are playing tonight. Prince wrote the original version of this song with started out : "It's been 7 hours and 13 days", but Sinead O'Connor changed that line to: "It's been 7 hours and 15 days". To this day, I don't know the reason for this change, and I don't think I ever want to know. To me, it doesn't change the song, but it gives her version her own little flare. Once you hear this version by Sinead O'Connor, I hope that you will look up the version by Prince to compare the 2. Yeah I know I wrote the number 2 instead of to. It's a Prince thing, and we are sticking to that theme right now. You will see that both versions are rather similar in tone and emotion. Sinead captured the sentiment of the song perfectly, and Prince loved to write songs for women. He did it numerous times with great success. Alright, I'll get to the song all ready. Here is Sinead O'Connor with "Nothing Compares 2 U".

     I have a little more to talk about, but I'll save that for Thursday, I think it will be a little more fitting for that night. You will understand when we get there. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Well personally I vote for your next trip to either be Malta Ohio or Rutledge Tennessee. Glad your weight loss is working. I need to lose but can't seem to get anywhere. I was thinking about trying to find someone to help me with a cleanse routine. Love you 😘

    1. Just do your research, you will find what works best for you. Love you too.
