Thursday, April 27, 2017

Saki Can Fly.

     Ok, so this is one of those rare times when I write the title first. That title would lead you to believe that Saki has taken wing, but there is a little exaggeration going on there. Saki is in fact, floating in the air tonight, with the assistance of the rear wheel stand, and the brand new Pitbull front wheel stand. I finally broke down and bought it. I will eventually get a matching Pitbull rear wheel stand, but the one my ukulele teacher gave me, will do just fine for now. More on my ukulele teacher later. I took a couple of pictures of Saki up in the air, so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.

The first one is of course the front view, so you can see the new stand in all of it's glory. The second is so you can see that both tires are off the ground. This is going to help me out with a lot of things when I work on Saki, and even when I air up the tires. Before this, I would have to roll Saki back and forth to get the front tire valve in the right spot so that I could get to it, and it's still not that easy. I have a giant front disk brake on there, and it isn't all that easy to get around.

     It actually took me a little longer than it should have to figure out how to get Saki up on the new stand. It turns out, that there was a small rubber bushing or stopper, that I had to pull out o the triple tree in order to put the adapter for the stand in. From now on though, it will be a much simpler process.

     I mentioned earlier this week, that my ukulele teacher wanted me to start working on the guitar. This week was the first time I was going to be getting in a little full scale six string action. Since I didn't have to carry the ukuleles with me, I was able to ride Saki to my lesson. My teacher wanted to see everything I had done to the bike in person. He has a slightly older model, but hasn't really done much to it, so I think he was looking for some ideas. When he was finished with the lesson that is right before mine, he came out, and asked if the bike was outside. I said yes, and he ran out the door to go look at it. I think he fell in love. He showed me a picture of his bike, and it is very similar to Saki, so he could do pretty much everything I have done, and make it look very much the same. His paint scheme is slightly different, but it's still the red and black. I think it is even the same candy persimmon that Saki is, so all the levers and things that I've gotten would work with his as well. Talking about this just reminded me, that I was supposed to email him a link to my levers. I think I'll do that right now while it is on my mind.

     Ok, I got that out of the way. After he looked over the bike, we went in, and started grinding on the ax. That's super cool guitarist lingo to say that we played guitars. He asked me if I wanted to keep the lingo an terminology real, or to translate as it relates to ukulele. I wanted to keep it real, and besides, it would all translate once I dropped below the fifth fret. That is where I tenor ukulele scale starts. If I was to capo the fifth fret of a guitar it would be nearly the same as playing a ukulele, as long as I kept to the top 4 strings. If you have never played guitar, this is going to sound very strange to you. As you are looking at a guitar in someone's hands, the top four strings are the bottom four strings. Sounds strange right? I still haven't really figured out why it is that way, nor have I asked, but if I had to take a wild guess at it, I would say it is that way, because when the player looks down at their own strings, it is all reversed. The top is the bottom, and the bottom is the top. Even as I typed that, it didn't make any sense to me, so I'm sure that you are more confused as ever. Here is something easy though. That same capoed guitar, is exactly the same as my guilele. Except for the fact that it is much longer and heavier. What does all of this lead to? Well I'll tell you. It leads to me starting to do research on buying an electric guitar. Don't worry, I'm going to tie all of this into the Ultimate Motorcycle Garage. Remember that media area I was talking about? That is where the guitar and amp could be. I could serenade Saki.

     Yes, even I know that it's starting to get a bit weird at this point. Enough about all that though. As I predicted, I'm off tomorrow. I have no plans for this weekend, so I think I'm going to start that whole reading of books thing. I'll start by finishing that one book, and starting the second one, so that when the third one comes along, I will be kind of ready for it. Let the reading begin.

     I have made a final decision on the next adventure, which by the way, I have decided to all the Adventure Time Series. Well, it will start with that, and then there will be another part which says where I went. I'm coming up with this stuff, so that when I finally start doing a motovlog, I can spin this into that very easy. I'll just use the same title for both, and save myself the brain melt of trying to come up with multiple titles. I still have to work out all the details of the ride and what not, but on May 28th you will see the next installment of the Adventure Time Series, or whenever you get around to reading it. Technically it will be ready around 10-11 PM on that Sunday night. You may have noticed, that I haven't said where I'm going on this next adventure. That is because I'm not going to say. I'm going to let the suspense build and you will find out the location when you read it, or if you watch the Instagram Story that I post on May 27. That's cheating though and you would never do that.

     Well, I need to get up and do some reading tomorrow, so I better get to sleep. Peace in and goodnight.

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