Thursday, April 20, 2017

Don't Let That Stop You.

     My allergies have been killing me today. I still managed to get everything done that I needed to get done though. I'm off again tomorrow, and I have a plan. I got my Universal Annual Pass a year or so ago, and it's going to expire soon. All those people that said they were going to go to the park with me, have never shown up to go. That leaves me with an underutilized pass, so I'm going to start using it while I still can. Tomorrow is going to be Universal day. I'm just going to go and hangout there for much of the day. Ride a few rides, walk around and see the sights that there are to see. They have one new ride, I despise the commercial for it, but I'll give it a go to see what it's all about. It's the Jimmy Fallon ride. Here is the commercial just so you can suffer along with me.

I have no idea what that has to do with the ride, but if that is in the ride, I'm going to jump out of the car and hopefully kill myself. My luck though, is that it is one of those rides that stands still but makes you feel like you are moving. So I will only land flat on my face, and still have to sit through that horrible thing.

     They have the Simpson's ride there as well, and I've never ridden that, so that will be on my short list for the day as well. This will actually be a pretty good test for me. One of my favorite things to do when I went there in the past, was to go to Margaritaville around lunch time and have lunch with a couple of boat drinks. I still haven't had a drink in I think 15 weeks now, or maybe it's going to be 15 weeks on Saturday. I'm not really sure at this point, and I don't really want to take the time right now, to figure it out, so we will just call it 15 until further notice. Also on my short list, is to finally buy a pair of Hufflepuff socks. I was sorted into Gryffindor on the Pottermore website, but I chose Hufflepuff when I picked out my pass holder lanyard. Everyone wants to be in Gryffindor because of the movies, and I get that. It's nerdly cool that I got selected into that house on the site, but secretly, or maybe not so secretly, I want to be Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are caring and generous, and I like to think of myself that way, so even though I'm Gryffindor, in my heart, I'm Hufflepuff. That being said, I'm getting a pair of knee high Hufflepuff socks tomorrow, and that is final. I think I will spend a lot of time in Diagon Alley. It's just really fun. I'll get pictures and share them with you on Sunday.

     I'm thinking about one other thing to do while I'll I"m there. I have an idea to go around and see if I can get a picture with all of the characters that wander the park. That just seems to me like a  very weird, fun, and funny idea. I'll be by myself, so I'm going to have to get strangers to take the pictures for me. Hey, at worst, I get to meet a bunch of new people. If I do that, I'll share those pictures as well. Keep in mind, that I hate having my picture taken.

     I'm putting more and more thought into this motovlogging thing, and it is seeming to be a better and better idea. I watch quite a few motovloggers, and they post several times a week. I don't think I will ever do that, but once a month or so, would be about the frequency that I would do it, and I think I can make that happen once I get and figure out all the equipment. As I said before, it would be the adventures that I go on once a month to random places. I think it could be a lot of fun, and would really add to what I write up about it here. This could be a tandem thing. I can post the video up, and then embed it here with the write up about it. What do you think? Great idea or no? Which reminds me, you still haven't told me where you want me to go on the next adventure. KSC or McLarty Treasure Museum?

     In ukulele class tonight, we worked on Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time. We were getting the melody and all that good stuff in. My teacher wants me to jump up to guitar. It's a little intimidating to me. Even though I've basically been playing guitar on a smaller scale with the guilele. The thing that would work to my benefit is, that I wouldn't have to take anything into class with me. He has several electric guitars there that he would let me use. I could ride Saki to class, and that is very appealing to me. I think I will give it a go next week, so we will see. It will either destroy any confidence I have, or give me more. There is an added bonus to this as well. It would be one more instrument that I could play, and I am a strong believer in learning new things.

     I've always said to people, learn something new each day, and I've tried to do that. This would be one more thing that I've learned. This is really just a bad segway into talking about a little phrase that I heard someone say yesterday in a podcast. It was a former MMA fighter turned stuntman, turned actor, turned podcast host, turned comedian. He heard the phrase form and aloud stuntman at an awards show, and I really liked what it was. He said, "Never let your memories get bigger than your dreams.". See, I told you it was a bad segway, but it worked. It basically means to not live on your past accomplishments, always strive to do something new, and that goes right back to my, learn something new each day. It all comes around, and you didn't thing it was going to happen. This is also something that I talk about from time to time here. Don't give up on your dreams. Frank Baum didn't write the Wizard of Oz books until he was in his 40's. You are never out of time to do something new and exciting in your live. All you need to do, is find the thing that is holding you back, and break through that. That in itself, is learning something new. It all works hand in hand, so never let your memories get bigger than your dreams. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Sounds like a fun trip to me. Have fun. Guitar is cool too My very talented little brother. Love you 😘

  2. My vote is switching to a Disney pass!

    1. I've actually been putting some thought into that.

    2. Let me know if you do, We'll plan a trip. I know their passes inside and out, happy to help if I can.

    3. I'll get in touch with you soon, so I can get those ins and outs.
