Thursday, March 23, 2017

What Do You Do When A Psycho Is On Your Phone.

     You may have noticed, that there is a bit of a different look to the ol' Counterfeit Squirrel. I tweaked it bit, and I think this fits me a little more than the last one did. As much as I say, that I don't like change, the truth is, that I thrive in it, and find myself needing change quite often. The more surprising thing is, that I hadn't changed it before now. I change the lock and home screen on my phone quite often, because I get tired of looking at the same thing every day. I change my appearance for mainly the same reason. This is also why I will never be done with Saki. There will always be something that I can change in some way.

     Speaking of changing Saki's appearance. You probably noticed that I made no mention of the reflective rim tape the other day when I changed the levers. There is a very good reason for that.  I haven't put it on yet. Why haven't I put it on yet? That is the question of the day, and the answer is a simple one. I was waiting for something to arrive in the mail. Two small bolts. Those bolts are the solution to my problem with that ugly amber reflector on the forks. I found a video, and I wish that I could remember who the guy was that made it. Anyway, he was the person that made me aware of the two 6x30 bolts that I would need to clean up that front end and make it look not only good, but sharp. The reflector was easy to remove, but once I did, there was this long and ugly bolt there that served a double purpose. It not only held the reflector in place, but it also held the back of the front fender in place. I could have left it where it was, but it stuck out, and didn't look good. I don't have a picture of what it looked like, but I do have a before and after of the reflector, and you can see the difference in how good it looks.
     You can see in the top picture where the reflector is and how out of place it looks. The bottom is just a simple bolt, but that simple bolt cleans up that entire area. With that taken care of, I can now put the reflective rim tape on Saki. I'll be doing the tomorrow. Oh, did I mention that we are slow at work again, and I have tomorrow off? After I replaced the reflector with the bolts tonight, I cleaned up the rims good, so that I can get to work first thing in the morning on installing the rim tape. I do have one thing I have to decide though. If you look close in the picture, you can see the red lines that are already on the rims. That is a decal for looks. Here is what I have to decide. Do I take that off, or do I just put the new rim tape over top of it? The easy way out, is to just put it on top, but I think it will be better overall if I just remove the original tape and then put the new tape on. This is going to call for the help of my heat gun. I'm going to have to heat up the old tape in order to get it off cleanly. Then I'll have to go over it with alcohol to get any residue that is left behind from the tape. I was going to hit it with alcohol regardless, because that is the best way to make sure the area is truly clean. I'll figure it all out in the morning, and let you know on Sunday night.

     I have two more things to talk to you about before I call it a night. The first is just a reminder that I am going to a Pow Wow on Saturday, and that I'm going to try to have a running update on my Instagram story, so you can follow along here, but only if you have the app. The app is the only way to see the Instagram stories, and you have to follow me. Remember, I'm also going to try my best to save photos so that I can post them here. That way, if you don't have Instagram, you won't miss everything.

     Lastly, I have a slight situation. I haven't talked about this because it isn't my story to tell, but all of a sudden, I'm involved in it. A week or so ago, a family member of mine found themselves in a very sticky situation. A woman that he had been seeing, accused him of choking her, and had him arrested. This was all a lie, and he is now going through the process of getting it all taken care of. When he was taken away, she told the officers that she was living in his apartment, so he is currently not allowed in his own apartment. In the meantime, she completely trashed the place and did some pretty revolting things to it. He was fortunate enough to have some really good friends, that went over and cleaned the place and changed the locks for him. They were able to do this, because this woman bolted as soon as she was done. He has been pretty good about this, and blocked her number from his phone and is keeping her from contacting him. She did early on, and all of the things she texted him and all the messages are now with his lawyer. Now we get to the part about how I am involved. Since she can't contact him, she has managed to find out my home phone number, and has started calling my house, probably because she thinks he is here, because he can't go to his place. The called about a dozen times tonight from an unknown number and started leaving messages on my machine. Most of them were her acting like she was masturbating over the phone, and saying crude things, but one of them was her stating my address. Yep, she knowns where I live now.

     I blocked all anonymous calls from coming in on my phone, but that doesn't stop her from coming to my house and causing problems for me. My car is parked outside and vulnerable, and so is the outside of my house. Fortunately, she cannot get to Saki. I would be bummed about something happening to my car, but I have no idea what I would do, if something happened to Saki, because some nutcase decided that since she couldn't get at someone, she would go after me. I may have to look into getting a restraining order against her, My family member is already in the process of getting one to keep her away from him. From what I'm told, she has no form of transportation, unless she cons someone into driving her someplace, so I'm reasonably sure that my stuff is safe, but there is still a slim chance. If you have any advice for me, I am wide open to hear it. I'm going to play it by ear for now. With her no longer able to get through on my home phone, she might start acting desperate. We will see. If anything, this could lead to a good story for you. I'm looking at that as best of the worst case scenarios. Worst of course is, that she wigs out completely and guns me down. If that's the case, I won't be able to update you on that. I don't think it will come to that. Once again, she is a bit of a misfit and has no real way to get to my house.

     Oh, there was one other thing to tell you. The lake that I went looking for, to get a sunset shot of Saki at, is the one that I found on Sunday. I went and talked to my artist this evening and verified if that was the one that I found. It is, and I'm hoping to get a sunrise shot tomorrow evening, which will also highlight Saki's new reflective rim tape. On a side note, I showed him is handy work with the Carrie Fischer tattoo, and it loos incredible. It is still a little flaky, but is pretty much completely healed. There will be no touch ups needed. It looks fantastic. I'll see if I can get a good clean shot of that for you on Sunday as well. In the meantime, peace in and goodnight.

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