Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Save The Puppies.

     I've been thinking about taking a week off from this. I'm not sure if it would do any good though. I doubt that it would refresh me in any way. If anything, it would probably hinder me doing this at all. That is why it has only been a thought.

     I read an article today that was shocking. It had to do with the Department of Agriculture and a part of their website being dismantled under our new political regime. This is another one of those cases where I can't keep the politics out of this little blog. The area of the website in question, is one that lists documents detailing animal abuse. This information was used by adoption centers and the like to keep animals out of the hands of abusive people and puppy mills. The regime is claiming that it is under review to see that it doesn't violate the Privacy Act. What this means is that a reputable pet store will not have the information at hand to make sure that their animals come form a pet supplier that isn't in violation or has a record of abuse. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way it's animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind." That quote is exceptionally poignant with this news. There is a chance that this is temporary, but I have a feeling that it isn't. The persons that has been placed in charge of the USDA transition team is an anti-animal rights activist.

     Let's get to Favorite Song of the Week. I thought of an old favorite band of mine today, and put them on the old iPod feature on my phone. It was good to hear them again. I found out, when I did a search of them tonight, that they have reunited, and are currently making new music. I'm a little excite about that. I'm listening to a remix album of covers that they did just last year right now as I write this. Right now I'm listening to their cover of Huffalumps and Woozles. That's right, the Disney classic featuring Winnie the Pooh. this band was odd by all standards when they hit in the 80's, and they are apparently no different today. Their songs were always fun with a little dark humor inserted in to the lyrics. They were known for out of the normal samples and synthesizers. I chose the song that introduced them to the world. I give you Information Society with 'What's On Your Mind (Pure Energy)".

     It's funky, fun, and weird, and I love it. I have something else to talk about, but I'm going to save that for Thusdar, just in case nothing happens between now and then. I bid you a fondest of farewells. Peace in and goodnight.