Thursday, May 18, 2017

Eye Blister

    A quick update to get things started. As I expected, my eye was back to normal in the morning. All the swelling went down, and there was only a slight pressure of pain. I got out a new set of contacts and got them in with out any problems. I won't lie, I was a bit worried until I woke up yesterday morning. It's not a normal thing to see what amounts to a blister on the white of your eye.

     The photoshoot appears to be a go. We don't have access to the garage like we were hoping, so we are going to build a backdrop and use my friends backyard for the secondary location. I'm not quite sure how this is going to work out, but we will see. I'm going to pick him up Saturday morning and we are going to go get supplies to build this backdrop. That part should be pretty simple. We are going to build it out of PVC piping and sheets.

     Saki is ready for the shoot. I will give Saki a nice bath so that it looks it's best. Here is the way I see it. the model is only there as dressing, Saki is the real draw. This reasoning could be the reason that I'm single. That being said, as long as I can ride, I don't care about that. I think the outdoor stuff will come out looking really good, but I'm not sure about this whole backdrop idea. I have to get Saki into my friends backyard, and that begs the question of how solid his backyard is. I don't want Saki's kickstand sinking down into the ground and toppling Saki over. I will figure it out, I may have to put my foot down on what type of shots Saki will be allowed to do in that environment. I'm sure that m friend will want shots of the girls on Saki, but I don't think that is going to work there. I'll tell you all about it on Sunday.

     Oh, I almost forgot. I'm actually working tomorrow. I don't know how this happened, because our orders are low again this week. I can only assume that my boss was feeling generous, and is giving us this week and next week as full weeks, since we will be off for Memorial Day. Either way, I'm looking at it as extra money. I'd already planned for 4 day weeks the rest of this month, so these extra days will go towards the GoPro situation. Maybe I can get this all done in a little less than 3 months.

     I woke up this morning to see that we had lost one of the great voices in rock and roll. Swirling in the ether tonight with all those who passed before him, is Chris Cornell. He was born Christopher John Boyle in 1964 in Seattle Washington. Years later he would become one of the founding fathers of the Grunge movement. In 1991 Soundgarden released the album BADMOTORFINGER. This was the first time I had heard of Chris Cornell. It was the song Rusty Cage. The guitars were fast and insane sounding, with vocals that screamed out asking for attention. Chris Cornell had a a4 octave voice, which is rare in rock. He was a rock singer that could really sing. Most people caught on to Soundgarden and Chris Cornell with the release of Superunkown in 1994. That had the mega hits Blackhole Sun, and Spoonman. They crossed over every genre and people noticed them for the first time. The seemingly exploded on the scene with their polished sounds and slick abstract lyrics. They were as big as you could get. Chris would go on to front Ausioslave with much fanfare, and even do a few solo projects from time to time. He got back together with Soundgarden and were currently working on a new album at the time of his death. They were enjoying success touring the country in the meantime.

     I wanted to share with you tonight, my favorite song that Chris Cornell did. He was a talented song writer, but this is a cover of a Led Zeppelin song. He always did it with just him and an acoustic guitar. For me, that is when he was at his best. There was nothing to get in the way of his voice. This is Chris Cornell with Led Zeppelin's "Thank You".

     Thank you Chris Cornell, for all the music you gave to us. I know there is one hell of a concert going on in the ether tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

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