Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Memories. They Aren't All Bad.

     So, here's something interesting. I got home from work today, and while I was eating, my contact started bothering me. I moved it around a bit, and it felt like it was either torn or folded, so I took it out. There were no tears in it, so I tried to put it back in, but it just wouldn't go, so I took them both out, and threw them away. I still have quite a few more of them. My eye was still irritating me. It felt like a piece of my contact was still in my eye. I tried rubbing it out a bit, but that didn't work. I finally went in to look in the mirror, and it was the strangest thing I've ever seen. The outer portion of my eye was swollen. Not the lid or anything around, but my actual eyeball. I took a hot shower, and have left it alone since, and most of the swelling has gone down. Don't ever do a search for swollen eye lens. You get the wrong thing to be looking at. If I would have stuck with that, I would have believed that I had diabetes. With a little more information thrown in, I found that it is normal to have some swelling from contact lens irritation. I have had these contacts in for some time now, and was due to change them out, so it is very likely that that is all it is. I'm sure the swelling will be completely gone by the morning.

     Saki and I have that photoshoot on Saturday, and we may have a new location for it. My photographer friend texted me this afternoon of a new somewhat vacant road. I rode by on my way home to check it out. It is a little more exposed than the one we were going to use, but it does have potential. It is a road about a quarter of a mile long, with a slight twist in it, and has an access road to some business of some sort, but after that it goes for a few hundred yards and dead ends. It runs off with some dirt paths into the wooded area, but there is a pull off for what, I can't imagine. I pulled in there and got a couple of shots to see how the background would look. The road is developed with wild plants like the other one, and looks a bit more maintained, but here is the best shot that I took.
This was taken at about the same time we have planned for the actual shoot, so the lightning will be very similar, depending on the weather of course. My friend also mentioned to me that it was going to be a two location shoot. The other location is possibly a garage, for a little more privacy. My only hope is that this doesn't turn into an all day ordeal. I'm eager to help out my friend, but I need some ride time too, and the weekend is the best time for that. I'm sure I will get out in the morning though.

      Speaking about ride time, the following weekend will be the Adventure Time Series ride, and no, I'm still not telling you which location I chose. If you follow my Instagram, you will find out there around 11 0'clock in the morning on the 27th. That is when I should be at the location, and I will Instagram Story it. The brings me to Instagram, and what my plans are for my account there. As you know, I post a picture there everyday, with the intent to make someone smile. I enjoy doing it, but that will be ending soon. I have pictures lined up, and it should last another month, but after that, the picture of the day will go away. I've already chosen the final picture of the day, and it's a good one. Now, for the future of the Counterfeit Squirrel on Instagram. That is pretty simple, it is going to be more centered around what I am doing here. It will involve the things I talk about in this, as well as what I post on Youtube, when I finally get that up and running. Instead of finding pictures to post, I will be taking all of the pictures myself. The main goal will still be the same, and I'm going to be looking for those particular shots that will hopefully make someone smile, the biggest difference will be that I won't be posting daily any more. There may be a couple days between posts, but I will try to get quite a few pictures from my rides and adventures to get some on there on a semi regular basis. The end goal, is to have that, the Youtube channel, and this to integrate together. They will all feed off of each other, with this being the focal point for it all. Everything will lead to what is going on here, even the motovlog. You will find out where I will be going, and what I will be doing on here, before you see it there. Not to mention, that I will be posting the video here after I get it uploaded on Youtube. It may be a day or so after I post, but it will eventually be here. You may notice that I haven't posted a link to my channel on Youtube yet. There is a very good reason for that. There is absolutely no content on there right now, so there is no reason to go and look at it, or even subscribe to it. I will let you know when things will start happening there, but it will still be quite some time before that happens. I'm thinking it will be most likely to happen in a few months, once I get everything together and after I've tested the camera a few times, for sound and picture. Once all that is together, I will make a channel trailer, and that is when I will post a link. Keep an eye out, but you don't have to look hard until a few months from now.

     This weeks Favorite Song of the Week is going to be a little different. It's not necessarily my favorite song this week, but it is one that I need to take back. I'm going to explain. This particular song is by a band that I have a slight connection to. When I say slight, I mean very slight, and it is more after the fact than during. The band that did this song, is no longer the same band. The lead singer is off doing his own thing now, and that is my connection. About 10 years ago or so, that lead singer was one of my students. I won't get into what he was a student of, but I knew him pretty well back then, and I would say that we were friendly acquaintances. He had just left the band, to do a solo album and wasn't sure at that point, if they were going to get back together. Jump to the future, and the band now has a new singer, and that is what brought this song to my attention today. When I was looking fro something to listen to, I came across their new album. It isn't bad, but the new singer is just "meh". I also am not sure who is writing the songs now, because the old lead singer used to do that as well. Let's just get down to it. The band is Dishwalla and the lead singer is non other than J.R. Richards. Not too long after he moved from this area back to Santa Barbara  I believe, My girlfriend at the time broke up with me. it was devastating to me, so much so, that it took me a very long time to get over her. As a matter of fact, last year when I was still doing the 365 of Facebook, I did a post specifically about finally letting her go. Now, this song today, was one of the songs from the album Opaline, and I would listen to that album quite a lot during that time. The song I'm going to feature tonight was one that resonated deeply with how I felt. It is called "Today, Tonight", and it is about waiting for a big event to happen. To me, it was about me waiting for her to tell me that she wanted me back, and that I would wait for that moment till it happened or I died. After listening to that new album I started listening to Opaline, and it reminded me of that time. A lot of memories came flooding back to me, about how I felt then. It didn't bring me down, Instead, it made me realize how much I liked that album, and how I wanted that song back. Not to be a sad memory of a love lost, but a beautiful song that I could enjoy, and that is why it is the Favorite Song of the Week.

     It's funny how music can take you back to a certain time. I will never be able to her Justify My love by Madonna, and not think of Stephen King's It. I've always had a long standing habit of needing to be distracted while I'm focusing, and I would always listen to music while I was reading. I need that chaos in order to keep the actual distraction of nothing from grabbing my attention. That is what hearing Opaline did to me today. It took me back, and although I want to remember that time, because it is definitely a part of what made me who I am,  I don't want it to spoil some great music for me. I think that I'll listen to it again tomorrow, if I get the chance. Peace in and goodnight.

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