Thursday, May 11, 2017

Personalities, Who Needs Them?

     It's Thursday, so of course that means my sinuses are acting up. I don't understand this at all. It seems like every Thursday, I get hit hard by my allergies. I'm starting to wonder if it is some kind of psychosomatic thing, but I don't know what it is that I would be trying to avoid. I don't mind work, and I love going to my ukulele class. If it is that, then I should just be able to turn it off in my head. I just have to figure out what it is that is causing it.

     Enough about that. I got stuff to talk about. First thing is enneagrams. This is something I learned about a couple of days ago. It's a personality test along the lines of the Briggs Myers. Instead of a bunch of letters you get a number value. I don't put much value in these tests, but I take them from time to time, and for the most part, they line up with who I think I am. Well, I took this test, and I have to say, it was an exact match. So much so, that it was a little disturbing to be reading about myself in that way. This site Enneagram Institute will tell you all about the different types. You will have to search out a test for yourself. There are several sites dedicated to it, so it won't be hard to find.

     I'm questioning on whether or not to tell you what type I came up as. I think I will hold it off. If you go to the site, read through the types, and take a guess at what type you think I am. As I said, I know it, and it is definitive. Even down to my depression and anxiety. It even goes into things that you can do to help yourself out, and oddly enough, I've been doing those very things on my own. Trust me, the alternative is not pretty at all. If you take the test, let me know what type you came up as. I'll announce in Sundays post, what type I am. Happy testing.

     I thought for sure that I would be working 5 days this week, but I was wrong. Yesterday we got a machine running that had been down for repair. I figured with it coming up, we would have to run it the rest of the week. Well, in a way we did. We ran it today, and got everything we needed out of it. that means that I am off on a Friday again. I know I said I was going to take advantage of my Universal pass, but I think I'm going to go see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 instead. I've heard that it is better than the first one, and that is a very rare occurrence. I'll let you know what I think of it.

     Ever since I upgraded to a new phone, I've been struggling with the headphones I use at work. Since the new phone is bigger, it fits in my pocket different, which creates a problem with the cable for the headphones. I constantly bump it and dislodge it slightly which cuts off the playback of whatever I'm listening to. 5 weeks ago, I decide to finally get a pair of bluetooth headphones, and not just any bluetooth headphones. I went with the new Apple AirPods. There was a 6 week wait on shipping due to demand. I was supposed to get them next Friday, but they showed up today, a week early. Before you even start, I know that they look goofy, but looks is nothing I care about. I knew that they would pair with my iPhone easily. In fact they paired easier than I thought they would. All I had to do, was open the case next to my phone and they paired within a second. A screen popped up on my phone showing me just how much battery life the case and the headphones had.

     I tested out their sound out immediately. they sound great. My biggest concern with them was that when I am at work, I usually only keep one in, and tuck the other one in my shirt. I need to hear what is going on around then plant. I was worried that these would only work if they were both in my ears, but I quickly put that worry to rest. I can keep one in the case, and the other works just fine on it's own. I can leave the case with the other one in my pocket. I did find out something that I found very cool. As soon as I take them out of my ears, they turn off. They know when they aren't in your ears. It's pretty amazing. They have no buttons on them, so I was wondering how I would answer a call or use Siri. All I have to do is tap on the AirPod itself. I just give it two taps above the stem, and it activates.

     Since they are only contained to the buds themselves and have no unit to connect to, their battery life is limited to 5 hours of play, but a quick trip to their case for 15 minutes, and you have an extra 3 hours of listening time. This should be perfect for me. I do have a few more tests I need to conduct. I need to see if they can work when I'm wearing my helmet. I know that I can put on and take off my helmet with them in, but I have no idea if I can use any of the voice features when they are inside the helmet. It is supposed to have some feature that knows when you are talking at drowns out al other ambient noise, but I don't know how that will work when they are surrounded by padding in a helmet. I'll test all that out tomorrow when Saki and I go for a ride. Oh, I am using them right now. I connected them with the MacBook so that I could listen to the new lp from LP. It's good by the way.

     I worked more on Round About again tonight. I was having trouble with some of what I worked on last week, so we hammered that down. While we did, my teacher showed me that what I was playing in that song, is in a whole lot of other songs. The chord structure we are using is the same in that song, as in Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, Blackbird by The Beatles, and Dust in the Wind by Kansas. Same chords all with a slightly different flavor. I was blown away. Every time I learn something like that, I'm more and more glad that I decided to pick an instrument up again. Music really is amazing.

     Sinuses are attacking and my eyes are watering like crazy, so it is getting harder to see. I'm going to call it a night in hopes that with a night of sleep, these allergies will be gone. Oh wait, before I go, I got the best email today. It was from Netflix saying that a new season of Unbreakable Jimmy Schmidt was coming out next week. I'm pretty excited about that. I really enjoy that show, and have been craving new episodes. If that show doesn't appeal to you, and I can't understand why, the new season of Sense 8 is out now. I haven't had the chance to sit down and watch any of it yet, but I will be soon. That is a very weird show. I call it an adult Stranger Things. Well kind of. Anyway, I need to go before I can no longer see at all. Peace in and goodnight.

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