Thursday, May 25, 2017

I Need To Come Up With A Logo.

Georgina Callander

Saffie Rose Roussos

John Atkinson

Megan Hurley

Olivia Campbell

Alison Howe

Lisa Lees

Angelika Kils

Marcin Kils

Martyn Hett

Kelly Brewster

Jane Tweedle-Taylor

Nell Jones

Michelle Kiss

Sorrell Leczkowski

Liam Curry

Chloe Rutherford

Elaine McIver

Wendy Fawell

Eilidh MacLeod

Courtney Boyle

Philip Tron

     Those are the names of the remembered. They all have stories worth hearing. This is the source that I got all these names from Manchester Evening News. They have information on each person. I hope that you take a short bit of your time to click on that link and read what there is there about them.

     Due to the attack on Monday I failed to mention that passing of a great in the Moto GP world. The Kentucky Kid is roaring through the ether on a superbike. Nicky Hayden was born in Owensboro Kentucky and had a dream of one day bing the Moto GP 500 Champion. He saw that dream come true in 2006 when he became Moto GP Champion. He was known as the friendliest guy in the paddocks, and there are several stories of how he would go out of his way to say hi to each and every person at the track, from the trackside assistants to the sponsors. He was the youngest AMA Superbike Champion at the ripe old age of 20. He began racing those superbikes when he was only 17 and still in high school. He was a fierce competitor but not to the point that he would take someone out for a win. In fact, he did exactly the opposite in a  race. He was trying to cut underneath another rider braking very late into the turn, when he saw that he wasn't going to make it, and plow into another rider, he wrecked his bike to avoid taking out that other rider. He could reach speeds of 200 MPH on those race bikes, but he was on a racing bicycle when he was sent into the ether. He was riding with friends in Italy when he was struck by a car. Nicky lived his life to the fullest and achieved his ultimate dream, and he did it with a giant smile on his face.

     I know that this looks like it is only going to be about death tonight, but I promise you it isn't. I needed to get those things up there right away for obvious reasons. I have good news. Despite the fact that it has been raining here the last few days, the rain is clearing out, and Saturday should be clear for the Adventure Time Series. I should be heading out on Saki at around 10 o'clock in the morning, and that is also when I will begin the Instagram Story to go along with that. As you know, that will be the first time you get a peek into where it is I'm going for this little adventure. Keep an eye out for that, so you can see the location and a few images that will go up there. I will have more for the Sunday night post of this though, and I will of course write about it. This will be the first post under the Adventure Time Series banner. Let's see how this goes.

     I havne't stopped by the tattoo shop in months. There is a really good reason for that. Remember when I told you about Stellar Kicks and how I ordered a couple pair of shoes from them, and still hadn't received them? Well, I still haven't received them, but here is the more important part, the second pair of shoes is for my tattoo artist. A little gift for all the great work he has done on me. I was waiting for them to come in, so that I could take them to him the next time I went there. I had waited long enough, and putting off stopping by was unacceptable to me. It was a good thing I stopped in too, turns out that my artist had a little gift for me. He was with a client but stopped for a brief moment to get something out of his bag. It was a patch that he had made out of one of his art pieces. I was honored to get it. It's a cool little skull. Now I just have to find the right place to put it. He had it made locally which got me to thinking. I'm going to eventually create a logo for this and the Youtube channel. If I ever get enough interest for something like this, I know where to go to have them made. I was brain storming with him a little bit about a logo. I threw out an idea of a squirrel in a motorcycle helmet. He liked that idea but have it look like he is storming down the road at breakneck speeds. I kind of like that idea. I'll try to draw something up myself, but I may just commission my artist to draw something up. I clearly like his artistic ability with all the ink I've gotten from him, so it's not the craziest of ideas to get him to create a logo for me. I figure that I have until the first video goes up on the Youtube channel to come up with something. You will see the logo design here first of course. I will post it here and then a day or so later I will post it on Instagram. It's going to be interesting to see what the final image is and who comes up with it, not to mention how you like it. Hmm, maybe if I come up with a couple of ideas, you can vote on it. The one with the most votes would be the winner. I like that, let's have some real fun with it. I will do my best to come up with three images, and put it up for a vote. That way you can take part in what best represents this. I'm pretty excited about this now.

     I'm going to call it a night. Be prepared for a big write up Sunday night about my adventure. There is a good chance that it will involve a cheeseburger. It would be the first one i've had in a couple of months, and my mouth is already watering. Oh real quick, I have hit the plateau in my weight loss that I was expecting, and I will soon ramp up my workouts to compensate. I'll keep you up to date on how that works out in the coming weeks. Until then, peace in and goodnight.

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