Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Rant And A Rave.

     I want to start this a little different tonight. It's going to be a bit of a rant about a company I ordered something from. On March 12 I ordered a couple pair of shoes from Stellar Kicks. I went against my better judgment on this one, and ordered despite the fact that it was a company selling knock-off Chucks. They had a neat design and that was the only place you could get them, and they had them marked way down. When I finished the order process, they posted a small note that said it would take 28 days for delivery. I thought this was a small joke until I saw the shipping notification 8 days later. The origin of the order was in China. That's right they shipped out of China on March 20th. This is clearly one of those companies that opens up shop and then runs to a different name a little later after they've sold their product. I can't tell you if the product is any good or not, because I still haven't gotten it. Today is May 2nd which makes it well over 28 days that they said it would take. When I checked the tracking today, which I had stopped doing for a couple of weeks now, it said that it was "On Route". No change from what was on their the first day that it was available. Here is my recommendation, if you see Stellar Kicks come up on something you are looking at, and you get the idea to order something from them, don't. Shut the page down and move on. They may just have a great product, but it will take you forever and a day to get it. In truth, I am more upset with myself for ordering from them, than the order not being here yet. I knew it was a bad idea, and I did it any way. Live and learn.

     Now that that is over with, let's move on to bigger and better things. I have that preliminary photo shoot this weekend for Saki. The forecast is calling for clear skies, which is much better than it has been thus far this week. It has rained both days, and that means Saki has been stuck in the garage. Tomorrow looks promising though. We'll will see though. Oh, while on the subject of weather, it looks like I may have to cancel my Friday plans. Not because I'm working, I'm still pretty sure that I will be off, but because the forecast is calling for storms on Friday. The park isn't that fun when there is inclement weather about.

     I had another small shock when I weighed in today. Today is of course my late in the day weigh in, which is after I've been eating and drinking all day. I came in just a pound over Saturday's weigh in. That means that I've probably lost a bit more weight, and next Saturday should tell the tale on that. I usually weigh in any where from 3-5 pounds heavier on Tuesday's, so if that holds up, I've lost another 3 pounds, which would put me at my lowest weight since 2007 I believe. Everything is going in the right direction, and when I up my workouts, It will be a tremendous boost to the weight loss. If I keep up this pace, I should hit my goal weight by next month. As of Saturday, I needed to lose another 13 pounds. Doesn't seem like a whole lot, but in order to do it right, you should average about 1 1/2 pounds a week. If you lose too fast, you run the risk of malnutrition, sagging skin, and even more severe health problems. The goal weight is just a goal and I cold even surpass it. This isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle change. I've overhauled my eating habits, which even includes my stop to alcohol. My food choices are more about energy as opposed to satisfaction, and the strange thing about that is, that I feel more satisfied now, then I did before. I feel good, my disposition has even gotten better, not that I had a bad one to begin with, but I don't get mad at things any more. Take today for instance. The plant manager had one of his episodes where he threw things around. One of the things was a chair, that I needed to run a machine when I could get to it. Instead of getting mad about that, and storming over to get the chair, I left it where he tossed it. I just let it slide off my back and found a stool to use instead.

     I can't say that what I am doing would work for you, but I can tell you one thing. You have to make a commitment to a complete change. It can't just be something that you are going to do temporarily in order to get a quick fix. A quick fix is just that. It won't last. If you start down a path, you have to stick to it or face the same scenery that you have always faced. Change your point of view.

     It's that time again. Favorite Song of the Week. This is another new one from a band that has been around for a little while. The released this song last week and it was a small precursor to the sale of tickets for a new tour starting this fall. I of course managed to get a pre-sale code, but alas they are only coming to Tampa on their one Florida date, and it is on a Sunday night. Not that I would have found anyone to go anyway. The good news though, is that I got to see this band in Colorado the first time I went out there. It was a good show. The new album is titled MAN I A, and yes it's spelled just like that. I pre-order it, and that is how I got the pre-sale code for  the shows. When you watch the video, make sure that you really watch it. They added the lyrics at the bottom, so you can know the story they are telling, but the video tells an even more distinct one. The ending might just open your eyes to a few things. Here is Fall Out Boy, with their newest song "Yound and Menace".

     One last thing before I call it a night. I mentioned a motovlogger in my last post by the name of Rosie Gabrielle. Late Monday evening, she posted a new video on her channel, and it is just as remarkable as her other ones. I hope that you took the time to watch a few of them. If not, take a look at the Channel Trailer of hers that I posted in the last entry, then go to her channel and take a look at her latest video at the very least. It's good stuff. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Good job on the food change and work outs Bob. I've been at a plateau for awhile now, going to mix it up soon and see what happens!

    As for FOB, you can always crash here if you take Monday off.

    1. Thanks. Definitely mix things up. I mentioned in another post, that you can simply just change the time of day that you do your workout too. You'll be shocked at how something so small can have such a big impact.
