Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Vampires, Noodles, And Halos.

     I think this post is going to be full of videos for you to watch. I hope you have some time. The first one I'm going to share with you is from Matt & Kim. I mentioned before how they started a series of videos called Matt & Kim Show Ya Stuff. It's a fun series and they post new videos every Monday & Thursday. I watched the newest one this morning, and it is hilarious as always. It takes place before Kim had surgery on her knee, which just happened last week, so she is hobbling around at an awkward pace, which in itself is kind of funny. They are talking about Kim's weird childhood, which let's face it, we were all pretty much weird as kids in one way or another. Kim however, found a way to take it to that next level.

     There is a part in here that I can relate to, up to a point. She mentions how after watching Lost Boys, she wanted to be a vampire. That I could relate too. Lost Boys was an alluring movie for young teenagers at the time. It showed a new type of vampire. One that was edgy and cool. They dressed wild, and rode motorcycles. What is not to like about that? I could relate up to that point, but then Kim took it that one step further, which is both funny and disturbing. If you have a Youtube account, you really should subscribe to their channel. It is a lot of fun, and will always put a smile on your face. Now for the video.

Also, if you have Instagram, you should really follow them there as well. They put up some of the best Instagram stories. They are so funny. There is one in particular where Matt was looking at a plate of desserts and it read "stressed spelled backwards is desserts". He then turned the camera on his shocked face and said, "How the fuck did I never know that.". Hilarious.

     The next video for today, is from a new favorite of mine. A couple of weeks ago, I found Rosie Gabrielle. She rides motorcycles all over the place, and ht current series of videos is in Oman. She is riding alone on a big KLR adventure bike. I'm going to try to start the video at the part that I really want you to see, because it is just so fun. She is done with her riding for the day, and makes camp. After making camp she makes her nightly meal, and that is when the fun begins.

I really hope that worked as far as starting it from right before she makes camp. If not, go to the 6:28 mark. Although the entire video is worth watching, and if you have the time, definitely do that. She is a supreme badass. She also has an Instagram account where she posts pictures from her adventures. She is a very good photographer. You get to see some of the shots in the video, but there are more on her Instagram. I'd post a link for you, but I'm far too lazy tonight.

     Before we get to the next video, I have a story for you tonight. This happened in my very own home state of Florida. Not far from me to be exact. A little 9 year old girl was at Moss Lake with her family in Orlando. She was swimming in the shallow water, when a 9 foot alligator chomped down on her leg. Now in most situations like this, you would at the very least lose a leg. This little girl, starring danger in the face and with a cool head. stuck her fingers up the gators nose. I know what you are thinking. That seems like the dumbest thing ever. I'm here to tell you that it isn't. This little girl paid attention when she went on a class field trip to Gatorland. One of the handlers was wrestling a gator, and she noticed that he would stick his fingers in the nostrils of the gator. This caused the gator to lose it's breathing ability, which in turn made the gator open it's mouth. So when that little girl stuck her fingers up that gators nose, she was able to pry open it's mouth, and extract her leg from this teeth. This really brings new meaning to "fight like a girl" don't you think. Julianna Ossa survived an alligator attack, what did you do this weekend? Sadly the alligator was put down, because it had attacked a human. I don't necessarily agree with that course of action. We do it a lot as humans. When an animal acts like an animal, and yes I know that gators are reptiles, i'm generalizing here, we tend to kill it.That is just my 2 cents worth. The real moral is, no matter what you did this weekend, you still didn't fight an alligator and win.

     Final think, I promise. I was listening to an interview on the Howard Stern show today of an artist that hit the scene pretty hard last year. He had been a song writer for 5 years before that, and wrote hit after hit after hit, for other artists. Someone finally convinced him to sing some of his own songs, and history was made. He has been a top selling artist every since, and some are calling him the savior of "real" country music. I heard this gentleman for the first time when he performed on Saturday Night Live. He was good, and although I understood why he was considered country, he really isn't. He falls between the cracks as an artist that really defies a genre label. If he made his start about 30 years ago, he would have been mainstream rock, and tend to put him more in that category than country, but maybe that is just me justifying my liking of him. I'm not a big country fan, and really don't listen to much of it outside of Jimmy Buffett and the Zac Brown Band. two artist that I also put in that, not really country category. During the interview he played a new song. It was just him and his guitar. Now I can't find that version for you, but I do have the album cut. There is a little more productions and his voice is a little more country than it was in the studio this morning, but none of that matters. What does matter, is that it is a really good song. So good in fact, that it is Favorite Song of the Week. This is Chris Stapleton with "Broken Halos".

That is just good stuff right there. I hope you got to take the time and watch all of these. They are all meant to put a smile on your face, and a dance in your step. This life is too short, so why not enjoy it while you can. Peace in and goodnight.

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